Source code for logger

#    Back In Time
#    Copyright (C) 2008-2022 Oprea Dan, Bart de Koning, Richard Bailey, Germar Reitze
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

import syslog
import os
import sys
import atexit

import bcolors

DEBUG = False            # Set to "True" when passing "--debug" as cmd arg
SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER = 'backintime'

# Labels for the syslog levels
_level_names = {
    syslog.LOG_INFO: 'INFO',
    syslog.LOG_ERR: 'ERROR',
    syslog.LOG_WARNING: 'WARNING',
    syslog.LOG_DEBUG: 'DEBUG'

[docs] def openlog(): """ Initialize the BiT logger system (which uses syslog) Esp. sets the app name as identifier for the log entries in the syslog. Attention: Call it in each sub process that uses logging. """ syslog.openlog(SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER) atexit.register(closelog)
[docs] def changeProfile(profile_id, profile_name): global SYSLOG_MESSAGE_PREFIX SYSLOG_MESSAGE_PREFIX = f'{profile_name}({profile_id}) :: '
[docs] def closelog(): syslog.closelog()
def _do_syslog(message: str, level: int) -> str: for line in wrapLine(message): syslog.syslog(level, '{}{}: {}'.format( SYSLOG_MESSAGE_PREFIX, _level_names[level], line))
[docs] def error(msg, parent=None, traceDepth=0): if DEBUG: msg = '%s %s' % (_debugHeader(parent, traceDepth), msg) print('%sERROR%s: %s' % (bcolors.FAIL, bcolors.ENDC, msg), file=sys.stderr) _do_syslog(msg, syslog.LOG_ERR)
[docs] def warning(msg, parent=None, traceDepth=0): if DEBUG: msg = '%s %s' % (_debugHeader(parent, traceDepth), msg) print('%sWARNING%s: %s' % (bcolors.WARNING, bcolors.ENDC, msg), file=sys.stderr) _do_syslog(msg, syslog.LOG_WARNING)
[docs] def info(msg, parent=None, traceDepth=0): if DEBUG: msg = '%s %s' % (_debugHeader(parent, traceDepth), msg) print('%sINFO%s: %s' % (bcolors.OKGREEN, bcolors.ENDC, msg), file=sys.stderr) _do_syslog(msg, syslog.LOG_INFO)
[docs] def debug(msg, parent=None, traceDepth=0): if DEBUG: msg = '%s %s' % (_debugHeader(parent, traceDepth), msg) # Why does this code differ from eg. "error()" # (where the following lines are NOT part of the "if")? print('%sDEBUG%s: %s' % (bcolors.OKBLUE, bcolors.ENDC, msg), file=sys.stderr) _do_syslog(msg, syslog.LOG_DEBUG)
[docs] def deprecated(parent=None): """Dev note (buhtz 2023-07-23): To my knowledge this function is called only one time in BIT. I assume it could be replace with python's own deprecation warning system. """ frame = sys._getframe(1) fdir, fname = os.path.split(frame.f_code.co_filename) fmodule = os.path.basename(fdir) line = frame.f_lineno if parent: fclass = '%s.' %parent.__class__.__name__ else: fclass = '' func = frame.f_code.co_name frameCaller = sys._getframe(2) fdirCaller, fnameCaller = os.path.split(frameCaller.f_code.co_filename) fmoduleCaller = os.path.basename(fdirCaller) lineCaller = frameCaller.f_lineno msg = '%s/%s:%s %s%s called from ' %(fmodule, fname, line, fclass, func) msgCaller = '%s/%s:%s' %(fmoduleCaller, fnameCaller, lineCaller) print('%sDEPRECATED%s: %s%s%s%s' %(bcolors.WARNING, bcolors.ENDC, msg, bcolors.OKBLUE, msgCaller, bcolors.ENDC), file=sys.stderr) _do_syslog('DEPRECATED: %s%s' % (msg, msgCaller), syslog.LOG_WARNING)
def _debugHeader(parent, traceDepth): frame = sys._getframe(2 + traceDepth) fdir, fname = os.path.split(frame.f_code.co_filename) fmodule = os.path.basename(fdir) line = frame.f_lineno fclass = '%s.' % parent.__class__.__name__ if parent else '' func = frame.f_code.co_name return '[%s/%s:%s %s%s]' % (fmodule, fname, line, fclass, func) # This function was moved from to here to solve a circular # import dependency between "tools" and "logger".
[docs] def wrapLine(msg, size=950, delimiters='\t ', new_line_indicator = 'CONTINUE: '): """ Wrap line ``msg`` into multiple lines with each shorter than ``size``. Try to break the line on ``delimiters``. New lines will start with ``new_line_indicator``. Args: msg (str): string that should get wrapped size (int): maximum length of returned strings delimiters (str): try to break ``msg`` on these characters new_line_indicator (str): start new lines with this string Yields: str: lines with max ``size`` length """ # TODO Use "textwrap.wrap" instead ( # (which may change the output formatting and may affect unit tests then) # To avoid duplicated argument values in calls this function could # act as a wrapper- if len(new_line_indicator) >= size - 1: new_line_indicator = '' while msg: if len(msg) <= size: yield(msg) break else: line = '' for look in range(size-1, size//2, -1): if msg[look] in delimiters: line, msg = msg[:look+1], new_line_indicator + msg[look+1:] break if not line: line, msg = msg[:size], new_line_indicator + msg[size:] yield(line)