Source code for password

#    Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Germar Reitze
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

import sys
import os
import time
import atexit
import signal
import subprocess
import re
import errno

import config
import configfile
import tools
import password_ipc
import logger
from exceptions import Timeout

[docs] class Password_Cache(tools.Daemon): """ Password_Cache get started on User login. It provides passwords for BIT cronjobs because keyring is not available when the User is not logged in. Does not start if there is no password to cache (e.g. no profile allows to cache). """ PW_CACHE_VERSION = 3 def __init__(self, cfg = None, *args, **kwargs): self.config = cfg if self.config is None: self.config = config.Config() cachePath = self.config.passwordCacheFolder() if not tools.mkdir(cachePath, 0o700): msg = 'Failed to create secure Password_Cache folder' logger.error(msg, self) raise PermissionError(msg) pid = self.config.passwordCachePid() super(Password_Cache, self).__init__(pid, umask = 0o077, *args, **kwargs) self.dbKeyring = {} self.dbUsr = {} self.fifo = password_ipc.FIFO(self.config.passwordCacheFifo()) self.keyringSupported = tools.keyringSupported()
[docs] def run(self): """ wait for password request on FIFO and answer with password from self.db through FIFO. """ info = configfile.ConfigFile() info.setIntValue('version', self.PW_CACHE_VERSION) os.chmod(self.config.passwordCacheInfo(), 0o600) logger.debug('Keyring supported: %s' %self.keyringSupported, self) tools.envSave(self.config.cronEnvFile()) if not self.collectPasswords(): logger.debug('Nothing to cache. Quit.', self) sys.exit(0) self.fifo.create() atexit.register(self.fifo.delfifo) signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.reloadHandler) logger.debug('Start loop', self) while True: try: request = request = request.split('\n')[0] task, value = request.split(':', 1) if task == 'get_pw': key = value if key in list(self.dbKeyring.keys()): answer = 'pw:' + self.dbKeyring[key] elif key in list(self.dbUsr.keys()): answer = 'pw:' + self.dbUsr[key] else: answer = 'none:' self.fifo.write(answer, 5) elif task == 'set_pw': key, value = value.split(':', 1) self.dbUsr[key] = value except IOError as e: logger.error('Error in writing answer to FIFO: %s' % str(e), self) except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.debug('Quit.', self) break except Timeout: logger.error('FIFO timeout', self) except Exception as e: logger.error('ERROR: %s' % str(e), self)
[docs] def reloadHandler(self, signum, frame): """ reload passwords during runtime. """ time.sleep(2) cfgPath = self.config._LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH del(self.config) self.config = config.Config(cfgPath) del(self.dbKeyring) self.dbKeyring = {} self.collectPasswords()
[docs] def collectPasswords(self): """ search all profiles in config and collect passwords from keyring. """ run_daemon = False profiles = self.config.profiles() for profile_id in profiles: mode = self.config.snapshotsMode(profile_id) for pw_id in (1, 2): if self.config.modeNeedPassword(mode, pw_id): if self.config.passwordUseCache(profile_id): run_daemon = True if self.config.passwordSave(profile_id) and self.keyringSupported: service_name = self.config.keyringServiceName(profile_id, mode, pw_id) user_name = self.config.keyringUserName(profile_id) password = tools.password(service_name, user_name) if password is None: continue self.dbKeyring['%s/%s' %(service_name, user_name)] = password return run_daemon
[docs] def checkVersion(self): info = configfile.ConfigFile() info.load(self.config.passwordCacheInfo()) if info.intValue('version') < self.PW_CACHE_VERSION: return False return True
[docs] def cleanupHandler(self, signum, frame): self.fifo.delfifo() super(Password_Cache, self).cleanupHandler(signum, frame)
[docs] class Password(object): """ provide passwords for BIT either from keyring, Password_Cache or by asking User. """ def __init__(self, cfg = None): self.config = cfg if self.config is None: self.config = config.Config() self.cache = Password_Cache(self.config) self.fifo = password_ipc.FIFO(self.config.passwordCacheFifo()) self.db = {} self.keyringSupported = tools.keyringSupported()
[docs] def password(self, parent, profile_id, mode, pw_id = 1, only_from_keyring = False): """ based on profile settings return password from keyring, Password_Cache or by asking User. """ if not self.config.modeNeedPassword(mode, pw_id): return '' service_name = self.config.keyringServiceName(profile_id, mode, pw_id) user_name = self.config.keyringUserName(profile_id) try: return self.db['%s/%s' %(service_name, user_name)] except KeyError: pass password = '' if self.config.passwordUseCache(profile_id) and not only_from_keyring: #from cache password = self.passwordFromCache(service_name, user_name) if not password is None: self.setPasswordDb(service_name, user_name, password) return password if self.config.passwordSave(profile_id): #from keyring password = self.passwordFromKeyring(service_name, user_name) if not password is None: self.setPasswordDb(service_name, user_name, password) return password if not only_from_keyring: #ask user and write to cache password = self.passwordFromUser(parent, profile_id, mode, pw_id) if self.config.passwordUseCache(profile_id): self.setPasswordCache(service_name, user_name, password) self.setPasswordDb(service_name, user_name, password) return password return password
[docs] def passwordFromKeyring(self, service_name, user_name): """ get password from system keyring (seahorse). The keyring is only available if User is logged in. """ if self.keyringSupported: try: return tools.password(service_name, user_name) except Exception: logger.error('get password from Keyring failed', self) return None
[docs] def passwordFromCache(self, service_name, user_name): """ get password from Password_Cache """ if self.cache.status(): self.cache.checkVersion() self.fifo.write('get_pw:%s/%s' %(service_name, user_name), timeout = 5) answer = = 5) mode, pw = answer.split(':', 1) if mode == 'none': return None return pw else: return None
[docs] def passwordFromUser(self, parent, profile_id = None, mode = None, pw_id = 1, prompt = None): """ ask user for password. This does even work when run as cronjob and user is logged in. """ if prompt is None: """ Profile {name}: Enter password for {mode} """ prompt = _("Profile '{profile}': Enter password for {mode}: ") \ .format( profile=self.config.profileName(profile_id), mode=self.config.SNAPSHOT_MODES[mode][pw_id+1]) tools.registerBackintimePath('qt') x_server = tools.checkXServer() import_successful = False if x_server: try: import messagebox import_successful = True except ImportError: pass if not import_successful or not x_server: import getpass alarm = tools.Alarm() alarm.start(300) try: password = getpass.getpass(prompt) alarm.stop() except Timeout: password = '' return password password = messagebox.askPasswordDialog( parent=parent, title=self.config.APP_NAME, prompt=prompt, language_code=self.config.language(), timeout=300) return password
[docs] def setPasswordDb(self, service_name, user_name, password): """ internal Password cache. Prevent to ask password several times during runtime. """ self.db['%s/%s' %(service_name, user_name)] = password
[docs] def setPassword(self, password, profile_id, mode, pw_id): """ store password to keyring and Password_Cache """ if self.config.modeNeedPassword(mode, pw_id): service_name = self.config.keyringServiceName(profile_id, mode, pw_id) user_name = self.config.keyringUserName(profile_id) if self.config.passwordSave(profile_id): self.setPasswordKeyring(service_name, user_name, password) if self.config.passwordUseCache(profile_id): self.setPasswordCache(service_name, user_name, password) self.setPasswordDb(service_name, user_name, password)
[docs] def setPasswordKeyring(self, service_name, user_name, password): return tools.setPassword(service_name, user_name, password)
[docs] def setPasswordCache(self, service_name, user_name, password): if self.cache.status(): self.cache.checkVersion() self.fifo.write('set_pw:%s/%s:%s' %(service_name, user_name, password), timeout = 5)