Source code for pluginmanager

#    Back In Time
#    Copyright (C) 2008-2022 Oprea Dan, Bart de Koning, Richard Bailey, Germar Reitze
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

import os
import sys
import tools

tools.registerBackintimePath('common', 'plugins')
tools.registerBackintimePath('qt', 'plugins')

import logger
from exceptions import StopException

[docs] class Plugin: """ Interface methods to customize behavior for different backup steps Back In Time allows to inform plugins (implemented in Python files) about different steps ("events") in the backup process. Plugins may implement special behavior to predefined "events" that are declared in this interface class as methods. To implement a new plugin create a new class that inherits from this one and implement all methods. Plugins are loaded by calling :py:func:`PluginManager.load`. """ def __init__(self): return
[docs] def init(self, snapshots): return True
[docs] def isGui(self): """Indicates a GUI-related plugin The return value shall indicate if the plugin is related to the Back In Time GUI. Loaded GUI-related plugins are called before non-GUI-related plugins by the PluginManager. Returns: True if plugin is GUI-related, otherwise False """ return False
[docs] def processBegin(self): """Called before a backup process is started. A new snapshot is only taken if required (as configured). Returns: ``None`` (return value will be ignored anyhow) """ return
[docs] def processEnd(self): """Called after a backup process has ended Returns: ``None`` (return value will be ignored anyhow) """ return
[docs] def error(self, code, message): """Indicates errors during the backup process Called to send errors in the backup process (while taking a snapshot) to plugins. Args: code: A Back In Time error code Known error codes: 1: No or no valid configuration (check the configuration file) 2: A backup process is already running. Make sure that automatic and manual backups do not run at once. 3: Snapshots directory not found (eg. when a removable drive is not mounted) 4: The requested snapshot for "now" already exists. ``message`` contains the SID (snapshot ID) then. 5: Error while taking a snapshot. ``message`` contains more information (as string). 6: New snapshot taken but with errors. ``message`` contains the SID (snapshot ID) then. message: The error message for the code (mostly an empty string by default) Returns: ``None`` (return value will be ignored anyhow) """ return
[docs] def newSnapshot(self, snapshot_id, snapshot_path): """ Called when the backup process has taken a new snapshot. A new snapshot is only taken by the backup process if required (as configured). Args: snapshot_id: The id of the new snapshot snapshot_path: The path to the new snapshot Returns: ``None`` (return value will be ignored anyhow) """ return
[docs] def message(self, profile_id, profile_name, level, message, timeout): """ Called to send snapshot-related messages to plugins Args: profile_id: Profile ID from configuration profile_name: Profile name from the configuration level: 0 = INFO, 1 = ERROR message: Message text timeout: Requested timeout in seconds to process the message. Not used at the moment. (default -1 means "no timeout") Returns: ``None`` (return value will be ignored anyhow) """ return
[docs] def appStart(self): """ Called when the GUI of Back In Time was started. Not called when only the CLI command was started without the GUI. Returns: ``None`` (return value will be ignored anyhow) """ return
[docs] def appExit(self): """ Called when the GUI of Back In Time is closed Returns: ``None`` (return value will be ignored anyhow) """ return
[docs] def mount(self, profileID = None): """ Called when mounting a filesystem for the profile may be necessary. Args: profileID: Profile ID from the configuration Returns: ``None`` (return value will be ignored anyhow) """ return
[docs] def unmount(self, profileID = None): """ Called when unmounting a filesystem for a profile may be necessary Args: profileID: Profile ID from the configuration Returns ``None`` (return value will be ignored anyhow) """ return
[docs] class PluginManager: """ Central interface for loading plugins and calling their API Back In Time allows to inform plugins (implemented in Python files) about different steps ("events") in the backup process. Use this class to load installed plugin classes and call their methods (see the interface declared by :py:class:`Plugin`). Plugins are loaded by calling :py:func:`PluginManager.load`. When you call a plugin function of the PluginManager it will call this plugin function for all loaded plugins. """ # TODO 09/28/2022: Should inherit from + implement class "Plugin" def __init__(self): self.plugins = [] self.hasGuiPlugins = False self.loaded = False
[docs] def load(self, snapshots = None, cfg = None, force = False): """ Loads plugins Loads all plugins from python source code files that are stored in one of these plugin sub folders in the installation root folder: 'plugins', 'common/plugins', 'qt/plugins' Plugins must inherit from :py:class:`Plugin` otherwise they are silently ignored. Args: snapshots (snapshots.Snapshots): Snapshot info cfg (config.Config): Current configuration force (bool): ``True`` to enforce reloading all plugins (``False`` does only load if not already done) Returns: ``None`` """ if self.loaded and not force: return if snapshots is None: import snapshots as snapshots_ snapshots = snapshots_.Snapshots(cfg) self.loaded = True self.plugins = [] self.hasGuiPlugins = False loadedPlugins = [] # TODO 09/28/2022: Move hard coded plugin folders to configuration for path in ('plugins', 'common/plugins', 'qt/plugins'): fullPath = tools.backintimePath(path) if os.path.isdir(fullPath): logger.debug('Register plugin path %s' %fullPath, self) tools.registerBackintimePath(path) for f in os.listdir(fullPath): if f not in loadedPlugins and f.endswith('.py') and not f.startswith('__'): logger.debug('Probing plugin %s' % f, self) try: module = __import__(f[: -3]) module_dict = module.__dict__ for key, value in list(module_dict.items()): if key.startswith('__'): continue if type(value) is type: # A plugin must implement this class via inheritance if issubclass(value, Plugin): plugin = value() if plugin.init(snapshots): logger.debug('Add plugin %s' %f, self) if plugin.isGui(): self.hasGuiPlugins = True self.plugins.insert(0, plugin) else: self.plugins.append(plugin) loadedPlugins.append(f) except BaseException as e: logger.error('Failed to load plugin %s: %s' %(f, str(e)), self)
[docs] def processBegin(self): ret_val = True for plugin in self.plugins: try: plugin.processBegin() except StopException: ret_val = False except BaseException as e: self.logError(plugin, e) return ret_val
[docs] def processEnd(self): for plugin in reversed(self.plugins): try: plugin.processEnd() except BaseException as e: self.logError(plugin, e)
[docs] def error(self, code, message = ''): for plugin in self.plugins: try: plugin.error(code, message) except BaseException as e: self.logError(plugin, e)
[docs] def newSnapshot(self, snapshot_id, snapshot_path): for plugin in self.plugins: try: plugin.newSnapshot(snapshot_id, snapshot_path) except BaseException as e: self.logError(plugin, e)
[docs] def message(self, profile_id, profile_name, level, message, timeout = -1): for plugin in self.plugins: try: plugin.message(profile_id, profile_name, level, message, timeout) except BaseException as e: self.logError(plugin, e)
[docs] def appStart(self): for plugin in reversed(self.plugins): try: plugin.appStart() except BaseException as e: self.logError(plugin, e)
[docs] def appExit(self): for plugin in reversed(self.plugins): try: plugin.appExit() except BaseException as e: self.logError(plugin, e)
[docs] def mount(self, profileID = None): for plugin in reversed(self.plugins): try: plugin.mount(profileID) except BaseException as e: self.logError(plugin, e)
[docs] def unmount(self, profileID = None): for plugin in reversed(self.plugins): try: plugin.unmount(profileID) except BaseException as e: self.logError(plugin, e)
[docs] def logError(self, plugin, e): logger.error('Plugin %s %s failed: %s' %(plugin.__module__, #plugin name sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name, #method name str(e)), #exception self, 1)