Source code for sshtools

#    Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Germar Reitze, Taylor Raack
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

import os
import subprocess
import string
import random
import tempfile
import socket
import re
import atexit
import signal
from time import sleep
import logger
import tools
import password_ipc
from mount import MountControl
from exceptions import MountException, NoPubKeyLogin, KnownHost
import bcolors
import version

[docs] class SSH(MountControl): """ This is a backend for the mount API :py:class:`mount.MountControl`. This will mount the remote path with ``sshfs``, prepare the remote path and check that everything is set up correctly for `Back In Time` to run snapshots through SSH. This class will only mount the remote path. The real takeSnapshot process will use rsync over ssh. Other commands run remote over ssh. Args: cfg (config.Config): current config (handled by inherited :py:class:`mount.MountControl`) user (str): User name on remote host host (str): Name or IP Address of remote host port (int): Port used by SSHd on remote host path (str): remote path where snapshots are stored. Can be either relative from remote users homedir or an absolute path cipher (str): Cipher used to encrypt the network transfer private_key_file (str): Private key which is able to log on with Public/Private Key-Method on remote host nice (bool): use ``nice -n 19`` to run commands with low CPU priority on remote host ionice (bool): use ``ionice -c2 -n7`` to run commands with low IO priority on remote host nocache (bool): use ``nocache`` to deactivate RAM caching of files on remote host password (str): password to unlock the private key profile_id (str): profile ID that should be used (handled by inherited :py:class:`mount.MountControl`) hash_id (str): crc32 hash used to identify identical mountpoints (handled by inherited :py:class:`mount.MountControl`) tmp_mount (bool): if ``True`` mount to a temporary destination (handled by inherited :py:class:`mount.MountControl`) parent (QWidget): parent widget for QDialogs or ``None`` if there is no parent (handled by inherited :py:class:`mount.MountControl`) symlink (bool): if ``True`` set symlink to mountpoint (handled by inherited :py:class:`mount.MountControl`) mode (str): one of ``local``, ``local_encfs``, ``ssh`` or ``ssh_encfs`` (handled by inherited :py:class:`mount.MountControl`) hash_collision (int): global value used to prevent hash collisions on mountpoints (handled by inherited :py:class:`mount.MountControl`) Note: All Arguments are optional. Default values will be fetched from :py:class:`config.Config`. But after changing Settings we need to test the new values **before** storing them into :py:class:`config.Config`. This is why all values will be added as arguments. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # init MountControl super(SSH, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Workaround for linters self.user = None = None self.port = None self.cipher = None self.nice = None self.ionice = None self.nocache = None self.private_key_file = None self.password = None self.setattrKwargs( 'user', self.config.sshUser(self.profile_id), **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs( 'host', self.config.sshHost(self.profile_id), **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs( 'port', self.config.sshPort(self.profile_id), **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs( 'path', self.config.sshSnapshotsPath(self.profile_id), **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs( 'cipher', self.config.sshCipher(self.profile_id), **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs( 'private_key_file', self.config.sshPrivateKeyFile(self.profile_id), **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs( 'nice', self.config.niceOnRemote(self.profile_id), store=False, **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs( 'ionice', self.config.ioniceOnRemote(self.profile_id), store=False, **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs( 'nocache', self.config.nocacheOnRemote(self.profile_id), store=False, **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs('password', None, store=False, **kwargs) if not self.path: self.path = './' self.setDefaultArgs() # config strings used in ssh-calls self.user_host_path \ = '%s@%s:%s' % (self.user, tools.escapeIPv6Address(, self.path) self.user_host = '%s@%s' % (self.user, self.mountproc = 'sshfs' self.symlink_subfolder = None self.log_command = '%s: %s' % (self.mode, self.user_host_path) self.private_key_fingerprint = sshKeyFingerprint(self.private_key_file) if not self.private_key_fingerprint: logger.warning('Couldn\'t get fingerprint for private ' 'key %(path)s. ' 'Most likely because the public key %(path) ' 'wasn\'t found. Using fallback to private keys ' 'path instead. But this can make troubles with ' 'passphrase-less keys.' % {'path': self.private_key_file}, self) self.private_key_fingerprint = self.private_key_file self.unlockSshAgent()
[docs] def _mount(self): """ Backend mount method. This will call ``sshfs`` to mount the remote path. Raises: exceptions.MountException: if mount wasn't successful """ sshfs = [self.mountproc] sshfs += self.config.sshDefaultArgs(self.profile_id) sshfs += ['-p', str(self.port)] if not self.cipher == 'default': sshfs.extend(['-o', 'Ciphers=%s' % self.cipher]) sshfs.extend(['-o', 'idmap=user', '-o', 'cache_dir_timeout=2', '-o', 'cache_stat_timeout=2']) sshfs.extend([self.user_host_path, self.currentMountpoint]) # bugfix: sshfs doesn't mount if locale in LC_ALL is not available on # remote host # LANG or other environment variable are no problem. env = os.environ.copy() if 'LC_ALL' in list(env.keys()): env['LC_ALL'] = 'C' logger.debug('Call mount command: %s' % ' '.join(sshfs), self) proc = subprocess.Popen(sshfs, env=env, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) err = proc.communicate()[1] if proc.returncode == 0: return raise MountException("{}\n\n{}".format( _("Can't mount {sshfs}").format(sshfs=" ".join(sshfs)), err))
[docs] def preMountCheck(self, first_run=False): """ Check that everything is prepared and ready for successfully mount the remote path. Default is to run a light version of checks which will only make sure the remote host is online, ``sshfs`` is installed and the remote folder is available. After changing settings this should be run with ``first_run = True`` to run a full check with all tests. Args: first_run (bool): run a full test with all checks Raises: exceptions.MountException: if one test failed an we can not mount the remote path """ self.checkPingHost() self.checkFuse() if first_run: self.unlockSshAgent(force=True) self.checkKnownHosts() self.checkLogin() if first_run: self.checkCipher() self.checkRemoteFolder() if first_run: self.checkRemoteCommands() return True
[docs] def startSshAgent(self): """ Start a new ``ssh-agent`` if it is not already running. Raises: exceptions.MountException: if starting ``ssh-agent`` failed """ SOCK = 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK' PID = 'SSH_AGENT_PID' if os.getenv(SOCK, '') and os.getenv(PID, ''): logger.debug( 'ssh-agent already running. Skip starting a new one.', self) return sshAgent = tools.which('ssh-agent') if not sshAgent: raise MountException( _('ssh-agent not found. Please make sure it is installed.')) if isinstance(sshAgent, str): sshAgent = [sshAgent, ] sa = subprocess.Popen(sshAgent, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) out, err = sa.communicate() if sa.returncode: raise MountException( 'Failed to start ssh-agent: [{}] {}' .format(sa.returncode, err)) m = re.match(r'.*{}(?:=|\s)([^;]+);.*{}(?:=|\s)(\d+);' .format(SOCK, PID), out, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) if m: logger.debug('ssh-agent started successful: {}={} | {}={}' .format(SOCK,, PID,, self) os.environ[SOCK] = os.environ[PID] = atexit.register(os.kill, int(, signal.SIGKILL) else: raise MountException( 'No matching output from ssh-agent: {} | {}'.format(out, err))
[docs] def unlockSshAgent(self, force=False): """ Unlock the private key in ``ssh-agent`` which will provide it for all other commands. The password to unlock the key will be provided by ``backintime-askpass``. Args: force (bool): force to unlock the key by removing it first and add it again to make sure, the given values are correct Raises: exceptions.MountException: if unlock failed """ self.startSshAgent() env = os.environ.copy() env['SSH_ASKPASS'] = 'backintime-askpass' env['ASKPASS_PROFILE_ID'] = self.profile_id env['ASKPASS_MODE'] = self.mode if force: # remove private key first so we can check if the given # password is valid logger.debug( 'Remove private key %s from ssh agent' % self.private_key_file, self) proc = subprocess.Popen(['ssh-add', '-d', self.private_key_file], stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, universal_newlines=True) proc.communicate() proc = subprocess.Popen(['ssh-add', '-l'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = proc.communicate()[0] if force or not output.find(self.private_key_fingerprint) >= 0: logger.debug( 'Add private key %s to ssh agent' % self.private_key_file, self) password_available = any([ self.config.passwordSave(self.profile_id), self.config.passwordUseCache(self.profile_id), not self.password is None ]) logger.debug('Password available: %s' % password_available, self) if not password_available and not tools.checkXServer(): # we need to unlink stdin from ssh-add in order to make it # use our own backintime-askpass. # But because of this we can NOT use getpass inside # backintime-askpass if password is not saved and there is no # x-server. # So, let's just keep ssh-add asking for the password in # that case. alarm = tools.Alarm() alarm.start(10) try: proc =['ssh-add', self.private_key_file]) alarm.stop() except tools.Timeout: pass else: if self.password: logger.debug('Provide password through temp FIFO', self) thread = password_ipc.TempPasswordThread(self.password) env['ASKPASS_TEMP'] = thread.temp_file thread.start() proc = subprocess.Popen(['ssh-add', self.private_key_file], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env, preexec_fn=os.setsid, universal_newlines=True) output, error = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode: logger.error('Failed to unlock SSH private key %s: %s' % (self.private_key_file, error), self) if self.password: thread.stop() proc = subprocess.Popen(['ssh-add', '-l'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = proc.communicate()[0] if not output.find(self.private_key_fingerprint) >= 0: logger.debug( 'Was not able to unlock private key %s' % self.private_key_file, self) raise MountException( _('Could not unlock ssh private key. Wrong password ' 'or password not available for cron.')) else: logger.debug('Private key %s is already unlocked in ssh agent' % self.private_key_file, self)
[docs] def checkLogin(self): """ Try to login to remote host with public/private-key-method (passwordless). Raises: exceptions.NoPubKeyLogin: if login failed """ logger.debug('Check login', self) ssh = self.config.sshCommand(cmd=['exit'], custom_args=[ '-o', 'PreferredAuthentications=publickey', '-p', str(self.port), self.user_host ], port=False, user_host=False, nice=False, ionice=False, profile_id=self.profile_id) proc = subprocess.Popen(ssh, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) err = proc.communicate()[1] if proc.returncode: raise NoPubKeyLogin( 'Password-less authentication for %(user)s@%(host)s ' 'failed. Look at \'man backintime\' for further ' 'instructions.' % { 'user': self.user, 'host':} + '\n\n' + err)
[docs] def checkCipher(self): """ Try to login to remote host with the chosen cipher. This should make sure both `localhost` and the remote host support the chosen cipher. Raises: exceptions.MountException: if login with the cipher failed """ if not self.cipher == 'default': logger.debug('Check cipher', self) ssh = self.config.sshCommand(cmd=['exit'], custom_args=[ '-o', 'Ciphers=%s' % self.cipher, '-p', str(self.port), self.user_host ], port=False, cipher=False, user_host=False, nice=False, ionice=False, profile_id=self.profile_id) proc = subprocess.Popen(ssh, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) err = proc.communicate()[1] if proc.returncode: logger.debug( 'Ciper %s is not supported' % self.config.SSH_CIPHERS[self.cipher], self) msg = _('Cipher {cipher} failed for {host}.').format( cipher=self.config.SSH_CIPHERS[self.cipher], raise MountException(f'{msg}:\n{err}')
[docs] def benchmarkCipher(self, size=40): """ Rudimental benchmark to compare transfer speed of all available ciphers. Args: size (int): size of the testfile in MiB """ temp = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] print('create random data file')[ 'dd', 'if=/dev/urandom', 'of=%s' % temp, 'bs=1M', 'count=%s' % size ]) keys = list(self.config.SSH_CIPHERS.keys()) keys.sort() for cipher in keys: if cipher == 'default': continue print('%s%s:%s' % (bcolors.BOLD, cipher, bcolors.ENDC)) for i in range(2): # scp uses -P instead of -p for port[ 'scp', '-P', str(self.port), '-c', cipher, temp, self.user_host_path ]) ssh = self.config.sshCommand( cmd=['rm', os.path.join(self.path, os.path.basename(temp))], custom_args=['-p', str(self.port), self.user_host], port=False, cipher=False, user_host=False, nice=False, ionice=False, profile_id=self.profile_id) os.remove(temp)
[docs] def checkKnownHosts(self): """ Check if the remote host is in current users ``known_hosts`` file. Raises: exceptions.KnownHost: if the remote host wasn't found in ``known_hosts`` file """ logger.debug('Check known hosts file', self) for host in (, '[%s]:%s' % (, self.port)): proc = subprocess.Popen(['ssh-keygen', '-F', host], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) # subprocess.check_output doesn't exist # in Python 2.6 (Debian squeeze default) output = proc.communicate()[0] if output.find('Host %s found' % host) >= 0: logger.debug( 'Host %s was found in known hosts file' % host, self) return True logger.debug('Host %s is not in known hosts file' %, self) raise KnownHost('%s not found in ssh_known_hosts.' %
[docs] def checkRemoteFolder(self): """ Check the remote path. If the remote path doesn't exist this will create it. If it already exist this will check, that it is a folder and has correct permissions. Raises: exceptions.MountException: if remote path couldn't be created or doesn't have correct permissions. """ logger.debug('Check remote folder', self) cmd = 'd=0;' # path doesn't exist. set d=1 to indicate cmd += 'test -e "%s" || d=1;' % self.path # create path, get errorcode from mkdir cmd += 'test $d -eq 1 && mkdir "%s"; err=$?;' % self.path # return errorcode from mkdir cmd += 'test $d -eq 1 && exit $err;' # path is no directory cmd += 'test -d "%s" || exit 11;' % self.path # path is not writable cmd += 'test -w "%s" || exit 12;' % self.path # path is not executable cmd += 'test -x "%s" || exit 13;' % self.path # everything is fine cmd += 'exit 20' ssh = self.config.sshCommand( cmd=[cmd], custom_args=['-p', str(self.port), self.user_host], port=False, user_host=False, nice=False, ionice=False, profile_id=self.profile_id) logger.debug('Call command: %s' % ' '.join(ssh), self) proc = subprocess.Popen(ssh, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) proc.communicate() if proc.returncode: logger.debug('Command returncode: %s' % proc.returncode, self) if proc.returncode == 20: # clean exit pass elif proc.returncode == 11: raise MountException('{}:\n{}'.format( _('Remote path exists but is not a directory.'), self.path)) elif proc.returncode == 12: raise MountException('{}:\n{}'.format( _('Remote path is not writable.'), self.path)) elif proc.returncode == 13: raise MountException('{}:\n{}'.format( _('Remote path is not executable.'), self.path)) else: raise MountException('{}:\n{}'.format( _("Couldn't create remote path."), self.path)) else: # returncode is 0'Create remote folder %s' % self.path, self)
[docs] def checkPingHost(self): """ Check if the remote host is online. Other than methods name may let suppose this does not use Ping (``ICMP``) but try to open a connection to the configured port on the remote host. In this way it will even work on remote hosts which have ``ICMP`` disabled. If connection failed it will retry five times before failing. Raises: exceptions.MountException: if connection failed most probably because remote host is offline """ if not self.config.sshCheckPingHost(self.profile_id): return logger.debug('Check ping host', self) versionString = 'SSH-2.0-backintime_{}\r\n'.format( version.__version__).encode() count = 0 while count < 5: try: with socket.create_connection( (, self.port), 2.0) as s: result = s.connect_ex(s.getpeername()) s.sendall(versionString) except: result = -1 if result == 0: logger.debug('Host %s is available' %, self) return logger.debug('Could not ping host %s. Try again' %, self) count += 1 sleep(0.2) if result != 0: logger.debug('Failed pinging host %s' %, self) raise MountException( f'Ping {} failed. Host is down or wrong address.')
[docs] def checkRemoteCommands(self, retry=False): """ Try out all relevant commands used by `Back In Time` on the remote host to make sure snapshots will be successful with the remote host. This will also check that hard-links are supported on the remote host. This check can be disabled with :py:func:`config.Config.sshCheckCommands` Args: retry (bool): retry to run the commands if it failed because the command string was to long Raises: exceptions.MountException: if a command is not supported on remote host or if hard-links are not supported """ if not self.config.sshCheckCommands(): return logger.debug('Check remote commands', self) def maxArg(): if retry: raise MountException( "Checking commands on remote host didn't return any " "output. We already checked the maximum argument length " "but it seems like there is another problem") logger.warning( 'Looks like the command was to long for remote SSHd. ' 'We will test max arg length now and retry.', self) import sshMaxArg max_arg_size = sshMaxArg.probe_max_ssh_command_size(self.config) sshMaxArg.report_result(, max_arg_size) self.config.setSshMaxArgLength(max_arg_size, self.profile_id) return self.checkRemoteCommands(retry=True) remote_tmp_dir_1 = os.path.join(self.path, 'tmp_%s' % self.randomId()) remote_tmp_dir_2 = os.path.join(self.path, 'tmp_%s' % self.randomId()) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp, 'a') with open(tmp_file, 'wt') as f: f.write('foo') # check rsync rsync1 = tools.rsyncPrefix( self.config, no_perms=False, progress=False) rsync1.append(tmp_file) rsync1.append('%s@%s:%s/' % ( self.user, tools.escapeIPv6Address(, remote_tmp_dir_1)) # check remote rsync hard-link support rsync2 = tools.rsyncPrefix( self.config, no_perms=False, progress=False) rsync2.append( '--link-dest=../%s' % os.path.basename(remote_tmp_dir_1)) rsync2.append(tmp_file) rsync2.append('%s@%s:%s/' % ( self.user, tools.escapeIPv6Address(, remote_tmp_dir_2)) for cmd in (rsync1, rsync2): logger.debug('Check rsync command: %s' % cmd, self) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) out, err = proc.communicate() if err or proc.returncode: logger.debug(f'rsync command returned error: {err}', self) raise MountException( "Remote host {host} doesn't support '{command}:\n" "{err}\n" "Look at 'man backintime' for further instructions." .format(, command=cmd, err=err) ) # check cp chmod find and rm head = 'tmp1="%s"; tmp2="%s"; ' % (remote_tmp_dir_1, remote_tmp_dir_2) # first define a function to clean up and exit head += 'cleanup(){ ' head += 'test -e "$tmp1/a" && rm "$tmp1/a" >/dev/null 2>&1; ' head += 'test -e "$tmp2/a" && rm "$tmp2/a" >/dev/null 2>&1; ' head += 'test -e smr.lock && rm smr.lock >/dev/null 2>&1; ' head += 'test -e "$tmp1" && rmdir "$tmp1" >/dev/null 2>&1; ' head += 'test -e "$tmp2" && rmdir "$tmp2" >/dev/null 2>&1; ' head += 'test -n "$tmp3" && test -e "$tmp3" && rmdir "$tmp3" >/dev/null 2>&1; ' head += 'exit $1; }; ' tail = [] # list inodes cmd = 'ls -i "$tmp1/a"; ls -i "$tmp2/a"; ' tail.append(cmd) # try nice -n 19 if self.nice: cmd = 'echo \"nice -n 19\"; nice -n 19 true >/dev/null; err_nice=$?; ' cmd += 'test $err_nice -ne 0 && cleanup $err_nice; ' tail.append(cmd) # try ionice -c2 -n7 if self.ionice: cmd = 'echo \"ionice -c2 -n7\"; ionice -c2 -n7 true >/dev/null; err_nice=$?; ' cmd += 'test $err_nice -ne 0 && cleanup $err_nice; ' tail.append(cmd) # try nocache if self.nocache: cmd = 'echo \"nocache\"; nocache true >/dev/null; err_nocache=$?; ' cmd += 'test $err_nocache -ne 0 && cleanup $err_nocache; ' tail.append(cmd) # try screen, bash and flock used by smart-remove running in background if self.config.smartRemoveRunRemoteInBackground(self.profile_id): cmd = 'echo \"screen -d -m bash -c ...\"; screen -d -m bash -c \"true\" >/dev/null; err_screen=$?; ' cmd += 'test $err_screen -ne 0 && cleanup $err_screen; ' tail.append(cmd) cmd = 'echo \"(flock -x 9) 9>smr.lock\"; bash -c \"(flock -x 9) 9>smr.lock\" >/dev/null; err_flock=$?; ' cmd += 'test $err_flock -ne 0 && cleanup $err_flock; ' tail.append(cmd) cmd = 'echo \"rmdir \\$(mktemp -d)\"; tmp3=$(mktemp -d); test -z "$tmp3" && cleanup 1; rmdir $tmp3 >/dev/null; err_rmdir=$?; ' cmd += 'test $err_rmdir -ne 0 && cleanup $err_rmdir; ' tail.append(cmd) # if we end up here, everything should be fine cmd = 'echo \"done\"; cleanup 0' tail.append(cmd) maxLength = self.config.sshMaxArgLength(self.profile_id) additionalChars = len('echo ""') \ + len(self.config.sshPrefixCmd(self.profile_id, cmd_type=str)) output = '' err = '' returncode = 0 for cmd in tools.splitCommands(tail, head=head, maxLength=maxLength-additionalChars): if cmd.endswith('; '): cmd += 'echo ""' c = self.config.sshCommand( cmd=[cmd], custom_args=['-p', str(self.port), self.user_host], port=False, user_host=False, nice=False, ionice=False, profile_id=self.profile_id) try: logger.debug('Call command: %s' % ' '.join(c), self) proc = subprocess.Popen(c, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) ret = proc.communicate() except OSError as e: # Argument list too long if e.errno == 7: logger.debug( 'Argument list too long (Python exception)', self) return maxArg() else: raise logger.debug('Command stdout: %s' % ret[0], self) logger.debug('Command stderr: %s' % ret[1], self) logger.debug('Command returncode: %s' % proc.returncode, self) output += ret[0].strip('\n') + '\n' err += ret[1].strip('\n') + '\n' returncode += proc.returncode if proc.returncode: break output_split = output.strip('\n').split('\n') while True: if output_split and not output_split[-1]: output_split = output_split[:-1] else: break if not output_split: return maxArg() if returncode or not output_split[-1].startswith('done'): for command in ('rm', 'nice', 'ionice', 'nocache', 'screen', '(flock'): if output_split[-1].startswith(command): command = f"'{output_split[-1]}':\n{err}" msg = _("Remote host {host} doesn't support {command}") \ .format(, command=command) raise MountException('{}\n{}'.format( msg, _("Look at 'man backintime' for further instructions") ) ) msg = _('Check commands on host {host} returned unknown error') \ .format( raise MountException('{}:\n{}n{}'.format( msg, err, _("Look at 'man backintime' for further instructions"))) inodes = [] for tmp in (remote_tmp_dir_1, remote_tmp_dir_2): for line in output_split: m = re.match(r'^(\d+).*?%s' % tmp, line) if m: inodes.append( logger.debug('remote inodes: ' + ' | '.join(inodes), self) if len(inodes) == 2 and inodes[0] != inodes[1]: raise MountException( _("Remote host {host} doesn't support hardlinks") .format(
[docs] def randomId(self, size=6, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits): """ Create a random string. Args: size (int): length of the string chars (str): characters used as basis for the random string Returns: str: random string with length ``size`` """ return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for x in range(size))
[docs] def sshKeyGen(keyfile): """ Generate a new ssh-key pair (private and public key) in ``keyfile`` and ``keyfile``.pub Args: keyfile (str): path for private key file Returns: bool: True if successful; False if ``keyfile`` already exist or if there was an error """ if os.path.exists(keyfile): logger.warning( 'SSH keyfile "{}" already exist. Skip creating a new one' .format(keyfile)) return False cmd = ['ssh-keygen', '-t', 'rsa', '-N', '', '-f', keyfile] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) out, err = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode: logger.error('Failed to create a new ssh-key: {}'.format(err)) else:'Successfully created new ssh-key "{}"'.format(keyfile)) return not proc.returncode
[docs] def sshCopyId(pubkey, user, host, port='22', askPass='backintime-askpass', cipher=None): """ Copy SSH public key ``pubkey`` to remote ``host``. Args: pubkey (str): path to the public key file user (str): remote user host (str): remote host port (str): ssh port on remote host askPass (str): program used to pipe password into ssh cipher (str): cipher used for ssh Returns: bool: True if successful """ if not os.path.exists(pubkey): logger.warning( 'SSH public key "{}" does not exist. Skip copy to remote host' .format(pubkey)) return False env = os.environ.copy() env['SSH_ASKPASS'] = askPass env['ASKPASS_MODE'] = 'USER' env['ASKPASS_PROMPT'] = '{}\n{}:'.format( _('Copy public ssh-key "{pubkey}" to remote host "{host}"').format( pubkey=pubkey, host=host), _('Please enter password for "{user}"').format(user=user) ) cmd = ['ssh-copy-id', '-i', pubkey, '-p', port] if cipher and cipher != 'default': cmd.extend(['-o', 'Ciphers={}'.format(cipher)]) cmd.append('{}@{}'.format(user, host)) logger.debug('Call command "{}"'.format(' '.join(cmd))) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=env, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn=os.setsid, # cut of ssh from current # terminal to make it use # backintime-askpass universal_newlines=True) out, err = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode: logger.error('Failed to copy ssh-key "{}" to "{}@{}": [{}] {}' .format(pubkey, user, host, proc.returncode, err)) else:'Successfully copied ssh-key "{}" to "{}@{}"' .format(pubkey, user, host)) return not proc.returncode
[docs] def sshKeyFingerprint(path): """ Get the hex fingerprint from a given ssh key. Args: path (str): full path to key file Returns: str: hex fingerprint from key """ if not os.path.exists(path): return cmd = ['ssh-keygen', '-l', '-f', path] proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) output = proc.communicate()[0] m = re.match(r'\d+\s+(SHA256:\S+|[a-fA-F0-9:]+)\s.*', output.decode()) if m: return
[docs] def sshHostKey(host, port='22'): """ Get the remote host key from ``host``. Args: host (str): host name or IP address port (str): port number of remote ssh-server Returns: tuple: three item tuple with (fingerprint, hashed host key, key type) """ for t in ('ecdsa', 'rsa'): cmd = ['ssh-keyscan', '-t', t, '-p', port, host] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) hostKey = proc.communicate()[0].strip() if hostKey: break if hostKey: logger.debug('Found {} key for host "{}"'.format(t.upper(), host)) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: keyFile = os.path.join(tmp, 'key') with open(keyFile, 'wb') as f: f.write(hostKey + b'\n') hostKeyFingerprint = sshKeyFingerprint(keyFile) cmd = ['ssh-keygen', '-H', '-f', keyFile] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) proc.communicate() with open(keyFile, 'rt') as f: hostKeyHash = return (hostKeyFingerprint, hostKeyHash, t.upper()) return (None, None, None)
[docs] def writeKnownHostsFile(key): """ Write host key ``key`` into `~/.ssh/known_hosts`. Args: key (str): host key """ sshDir = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh') knownHostFile = os.path.join(sshDir, 'known_hosts') if not os.path.isdir(sshDir): tools.mkdir(sshDir, 0o700) with open(knownHostFile, 'at') as f:'Write host key to {}'.format(knownHostFile)) f.write(key + '\n')