Source code for config

#    Back In Time
#    Copyright (C) 2008-2022 Oprea Dan, Bart de Koning, Richard Bailey,
#    Germar Reitze
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

"""Configuration logic.

This module and its `Config` class contain the application logic handling the
configuration of Back In Time. The handling of the configuration file itself
is separated in the module :py:mod:`configfile`.

Development notes:
    Some of the methods have code comments starting with `#? ` instead of
    `# `. These special comments are used to generate the manpage
    `backintime-config`. The script ``
    parses this module for that.

import os
import sys
import datetime
import socket
import random
import shlex
    import pwd
except ImportError:
    import getpass
    pwd = None

# Workaround: Mostly relevant on TravisCI but not exclusively.
# While unittesting and without regular invocation of BIT the GNU gettext
# class-based API isn't setup yet.
# The bigger problem with is that it do use translatable strings.
# Strings like this do not belong into a config file or its context.
except NameError:
    _ = lambda val: val

import tools
import configfile
import logger
import sshtools
import encfstools
import password
import pluginmanager
from exceptions import PermissionDeniedByPolicy, \
                       InvalidChar, \
                       InvalidCmd, \
import version

[docs] class Config(configfile.ConfigFileWithProfiles): APP_NAME = 'Back In Time' COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright (C) 2008-2024 Oprea Dan, Bart de Koning, ' \ 'Richard Bailey, Germar Reitze, Christian Buhtz, Michael Büker, Jürgen Altfeld et al.' CONFIG_VERSION = 6 """Latest or highest possible version of Back in Time's config file.""" NONE = 0 AT_EVERY_BOOT = 1 _5_MIN = 2 _10_MIN = 4 _30_MIN = 7 HOUR = 10 _1_HOUR = 10 _2_HOURS = 12 _4_HOURS = 14 _6_HOURS = 16 _12_HOURS = 18 CUSTOM_HOUR = 19 DAY = 20 REPEATEDLY = 25 UDEV = 27 WEEK = 30 MONTH = 40 YEAR = 80 DISK_UNIT_MB = 10 DISK_UNIT_GB = 20 # Used when new snapshot profile is created. DEFAULT_EXCLUDE = [ '.gvfs', '.cache/*', '.thumbnails*', '.local/share/[Tt]rash*', '*.backup*', '*~', '.dropbox*', '/proc/*', '/sys/*', '/dev/*', '/run/*', '/etc/mtab', '/var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb', 'lost+found/*', '/tmp/*', '/var/tmp/*', '/var/backups/*', '.Private', '/swapfile', # Discord files # See also: 'SingletonLock', 'SingletonCookie', # Mozilla files # See also: 'lock' ] DEFAULT_RUN_NICE_FROM_CRON = True DEFAULT_RUN_NICE_ON_REMOTE = False DEFAULT_RUN_IONICE_FROM_CRON = True DEFAULT_RUN_IONICE_FROM_USER = False DEFAULT_RUN_IONICE_ON_REMOTE = False DEFAULT_RUN_NOCACHE_ON_LOCAL = False DEFAULT_RUN_NOCACHE_ON_REMOTE = False DEFAULT_SSH_PREFIX = 'PATH=/opt/bin:/opt/sbin:\\$PATH' DEFAULT_REDIRECT_STDOUT_IN_CRON = True DEFAULT_REDIRECT_STDERR_IN_CRON = False ENCODE = encfstools.Bounce() PLUGIN_MANAGER = pluginmanager.PluginManager() def __init__(self, config_path=None, data_path=None): """Back In Time configuration (and much more then this). Args: config_path (str): Full path to the config file (default: `~/.config/backintime/config`). data_path (str): It is $XDG_DATA_HOME (default: `~/.local/share`). """ # Note: The main profiles name here is translated using the systems # current locale because the language code in the config file wasn't # read yet. configfile.ConfigFileWithProfiles.__init__(self, _('Main profile')) self._GLOBAL_CONFIG_PATH = '/etc/backintime/config' HOME_FOLDER = os.path.expanduser('~') DATA_FOLDER = '.local/share' CONFIG_FOLDER = '.config' BIT_FOLDER = 'backintime' self._DEFAULT_LOCAL_DATA_FOLDER = os.path.join(HOME_FOLDER, DATA_FOLDER, BIT_FOLDER) self._LOCAL_CONFIG_FOLDER = os.path.join(HOME_FOLDER, CONFIG_FOLDER, BIT_FOLDER) self._MOUNT_ROOT = os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, BIT_FOLDER, 'mnt') if data_path: self.DATA_FOLDER_ROOT = data_path self._LOCAL_DATA_FOLDER = os.path.join(data_path, DATA_FOLDER, BIT_FOLDER) self._LOCAL_MOUNT_ROOT = os.path.join(data_path, self._MOUNT_ROOT) else: self.DATA_FOLDER_ROOT = HOME_FOLDER self._LOCAL_DATA_FOLDER = self._DEFAULT_LOCAL_DATA_FOLDER self._LOCAL_MOUNT_ROOT = os.path.join(HOME_FOLDER, self._MOUNT_ROOT) tools.makeDirs(self._LOCAL_CONFIG_FOLDER) tools.makeDirs(self._LOCAL_DATA_FOLDER) tools.makeDirs(self._LOCAL_MOUNT_ROOT) self._DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(self._LOCAL_CONFIG_FOLDER, 'config') if config_path is None: self._LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH = self._DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH else: self._LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.abspath(config_path) self._LOCAL_CONFIG_FOLDER = os.path.dirname(self._LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH) # (buhtz) Introduced in 2009 via commit 5b26575be4. # Ready to remove after 15 years. # old_path = os.path.join(self._LOCAL_CONFIG_FOLDER, 'config2') # if os.path.exists(old_path): # if os.path.exists(self._LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH): # os.remove(old_path) # else: # os.rename(old_path, self._LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH) # Load global config file self.load(self._GLOBAL_CONFIG_PATH) # Append local config file self.append(self._LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH) # Get the version of the config file # or assume the highest config version if it isn't set. currentConfigVersion \ = self.intValue('config.version', self.CONFIG_VERSION) if currentConfigVersion < self.CONFIG_VERSION: # config.version value wasn't stored since BiT version # until version 1.2.0 because of a bug. So we can't really tell # which version the config is. But most likely it is version > 4 if currentConfigVersion < 4: #update from BackInTime version < 1.0 is deprecated logger.error("config.version is < 4. This config was made with "\ "BackInTime version < 1.0. This version ({}) " \ "doesn't support upgrading config from version " \ "< 1.0 anymore. Please use BackInTime version " \ "<= 1.1.12 to upgrade the config to a more recent "\ "version.".format(version.__version__)) #TODO: add popup warning sys.exit(2) if currentConfigVersion < 5:"Update to config version 5: other snapshot locations", self) profiles = self.profiles() for profile_id in profiles: #change include old_values = self.includeV4(profile_id) values = [] for value in old_values: values.append((value, 0)) self.setInclude(values, profile_id) #change exclude old_values = self.excludeV4(profile_id) self.setExclude(old_values, profile_id) #remove keys self.removeProfileKey('snapshots.include_folders', profile_id) self.removeProfileKey('snapshots.exclude_patterns', profile_id) if currentConfigVersion < 6:'Update to config version 6', self) # remap some keys for profile in self.profiles(): # make a 'schedule' domain for everything relating schedules self.remapProfileKey('snapshots.automatic_backup_anacron_period', 'schedule.repeatedly.period', profile) self.remapProfileKey('snapshots.automatic_backup_anacron_unit', 'schedule.repeatedly.unit', profile) self.remapProfileKey('snapshots.automatic_backup_day', '', profile) self.remapProfileKey('snapshots.automatic_backup_mode', 'schedule.mode', profile) self.remapProfileKey('snapshots.automatic_backup_time', 'schedule.time', profile) self.remapProfileKey('snapshots.automatic_backup_weekday', 'schedule.weekday', profile) self.remapProfileKey('snapshots.custom_backup_time', 'schedule.custom_time', profile) # we don't have 'full rsync mode' anymore self.remapProfileKey('snapshots.full_rsync.take_snapshot_regardless_of_changes', 'snapshots.take_snapshot_regardless_of_changes', profile) # remap 'qt4' keys self.remapKeyRegex(r'qt4', 'qt') # remove old gnome and kde keys self.removeKeysStartsWith('gnome') self.removeKeysStartsWith('kde') self.current_hash_id = 'local' = None self.forceUseChecksum = False self.xWindowId = None self.inhibitCookie = None self.setupUdev = tools.SetupUdev() language_used = tools.initiate_translation(self.language()) # Development note (2023-08 by buhtz): # Not the best location for a variable like this. self.language_used = language_used """ISO-639 language code of the used language. See `tools._determine_current_used_language_code()` for details.""" # Workaround self.default_profile_name = _('Main profile') self.SNAPSHOT_MODES = { # mode: ( # <mounttools>, # 'ComboBox Text', # need_pw|lbl_pw_1, # need_2_pw|lbl_pw_2 # ), 'local': ( None, _('Local'), False, False), 'ssh': ( sshtools.SSH, 'SSH', _('SSH private key'), False), 'local_encfs': ( encfstools.EncFS_mount, '{} {}'.format(_('Local'), _('encrypted')), _('Encryption'), False ), 'ssh_encfs': ( encfstools.EncFS_SSH, _('SSH encrypted'), _('SSH private key'), _('Encryption') ) } self.SSH_CIPHERS = { 'default': _('Default'), 'aes128-ctr': 'AES128-CTR', 'aes192-ctr': 'AES192-CTR', 'aes256-ctr': 'AES256-CTR', 'arcfour256': 'ARCFOUR256', 'arcfour128': 'ARCFOUR128', 'aes128-cbc': 'AES128-CBC', '3des-cbc': '3DES-CBC', 'blowfish-cbc': 'Blowfish-CBC', 'cast128-cbc': 'Cast128-CBC', 'aes192-cbc': 'AES192-CBC', 'aes256-cbc': 'AES256-CBC', 'arcfour': 'ARCFOUR' }
[docs] def save(self): self.setIntValue('config.version', self.CONFIG_VERSION) return super(Config, self).save(self._LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH)
[docs] def checkConfig(self): profiles = self.profiles() for profile_id in profiles: profile_name = self.profileName(profile_id) snapshots_path = self.snapshotsPath(profile_id) logger.debug('Check profile %s' %profile_name, self) #check snapshots path if not snapshots_path: self.notifyError( '{}\n{}'.format( _('Profile: "{name}"').format(name=profile_name), _('Snapshots folder is not valid!') ) ) return False #check include include_list = self.include(profile_id) if not include_list: self.notifyError( '{}\n{}'.format( _('Profile: "{name}"').format(name=profile_name), _('You must select at least one folder to back up!') ) ) return False snapshots_path2 = snapshots_path + '/' for item in include_list: if item[1] != 0: continue path = item[0] if path == snapshots_path: self.notifyError( '{}\n{}'.format( _('Profile: "{name}"').format(name=profile_name), _("Backup folder cannot be included.") ) ) return False if len(path) >= len(snapshots_path2): if path[: len(snapshots_path2)] == snapshots_path2: self.notifyError( '{}\n{}'.format( _('Profile: "{name}"').format( name=profile_name), _("Backup sub-folder cannot be included.") ) ) return False return True
[docs] def user(self): """ portable way to get username cc by-sa 3.0 author: techtonik """ if pwd: return pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid()).pw_name else: return getpass.getuser()
[docs] def pid(self): return str(os.getpid())
[docs] def host(self): return socket.gethostname()
[docs] def snapshotsPath(self, profile_id = None, mode = None, tmp_mount = False): if mode is None: mode = self.snapshotsMode(profile_id) if self.SNAPSHOT_MODES[mode][0] == None: #no mount needed #?Where to save snapshots in mode 'local'. This path must contain a #?folderstructure like 'backintime/<HOST>/<USER>/<PROFILE_ID>';absolute path return self.profileStrValue('snapshots.path', '', profile_id) else: #mode need to be mounted; return mountpoint symlink = self.snapshotsSymlink(profile_id = profile_id, tmp_mount = tmp_mount) return os.path.join(self._LOCAL_MOUNT_ROOT, symlink)
[docs] def snapshotsFullPath(self, profile_id = None): """ Returns the full path for the snapshots: .../backintime/machine/user/profile_id/ """ host, user, profile = self.hostUserProfile(profile_id) return os.path.join(self.snapshotsPath(profile_id), 'backintime', host, user, profile)
[docs] def setSnapshotsPath(self, value, profile_id = None, mode = None): """ Sets the snapshot path to value, initializes, and checks it """ if not value: return False if profile_id == None: profile_id = self.currentProfile() if mode is None: mode = self.snapshotsMode(profile_id) if not os.path.isdir(value): self.notifyError(_('Invalid option. {path} is not a folder.').format(path=value)) return False # Initialize the snapshots folder logger.debug("Check snapshot folder: %s" % value, self) host, user, profile = self.hostUserProfile(profile_id) if not all((host, user, profile)): self.notifyError(_('Host/User/Profile-ID must not be empty.')) return False full_path = os.path.join(value, 'backintime', host, user, profile) if not os.path.isdir(full_path): logger.debug("Create folder: %s" % full_path, self) tools.makeDirs(full_path) if not os.path.isdir(full_path): self.notifyError(_( "Can't write to: {path}\nAre you sure you have " "write access?").format(path=value)) return False for p in (os.path.join(value, 'backintime'), os.path.join(value, 'backintime', host)): try: os.chmod(p, 0o777) except PermissionError as e: msg = "Failed to set permissions world-writable for '{}': {}" logger.warning(msg.format(p, str(e)), self) # Test filesystem fs = tools.filesystem(full_path) if fs == 'vfat': self.notifyError(_( "Destination filesystem for {path} is formatted with FAT " "which doesn't support hard-links. " "Please use a native Linux filesystem.") .format(path=value)) return False elif fs == 'cifs' and not self.copyLinks(): self.notifyError(_( 'Destination filesystem for {path} is an SMB-mounted share. ' 'Please make sure the remote SMB server supports symlinks or ' 'activate {copyLinks} in {expertOptions}.') .format(path=value, copyLinks=_('Copy links (dereference symbolic links)'), expertOptions=_('Expert Options'))) elif fs == 'fuse.sshfs' and mode not in ('ssh', 'ssh_encfs'): self.notifyError(_( "Destination filesystem for {path} is an sshfs-mounted share." " sshfs doesn't support hard-links. " "Please use mode 'SSH' instead.") .format(path=value)) return False #Test write access for the folder check_path = os.path.join(full_path, 'check') tools.makeDirs(check_path) if not os.path.isdir(check_path): self.notifyError(_( "Can't write to: {path}\nAre you sure you have " "write access?").format(path=full_path)) return False os.rmdir(check_path) if self.SNAPSHOT_MODES[mode][0] is None: self.setProfileStrValue('snapshots.path', value, profile_id) return True
[docs] def snapshotsMode(self, profile_id=None): #? Use mode (or backend) for this snapshot. Look at 'man backintime' #? section 'Modes'.;local|local_encfs|ssh|ssh_encfs return self.profileStrValue('snapshots.mode', 'local', profile_id)
[docs] def setSnapshotsMode(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileStrValue('snapshots.mode', value, profile_id)
[docs] def setCurrentHashId(self, hash_id): self.current_hash_id = hash_id
[docs] def hashCollision(self): #?Internal value used to prevent hash collisions on mountpoints. Do not change this. return self.intValue('global.hash_collision', 0)
[docs] def incrementHashCollision(self): value = self.hashCollision() + 1 self.setIntValue('global.hash_collision', value)
[docs] def language(self) -> str: #?Language code (ISO 639) used to translate the user interface. #?If empty the operating systems current local is used. If 'en' the #?translation is not active and the original English source strings #?are used. It is the same if the value is unknown. return self.strValue('global.language', '')
[docs] def setLanguage(self, language: str): self.setStrValue('global.language', language if language else '')
[docs] def manual_starts_countdown(self) -> int: """Countdown value about how often the users started the Back In Time GUI. It is an internal variable not meant to be used or manipulated be the users. At the end of the countown the :py:class:`ApproachTranslatorDialog` is presented to the user. """ return self.intValue('internal.manual_starts_countdown', 10)
[docs] def decrement_manual_starts_countdown(self): """Counts down to -1. See :py:func:`manual_starts_countdown()` for details. """ val = self.manual_starts_countdown() if val > -1: self.setIntValue('internal.manual_starts_countdown', val - 1)
[docs] def sshSnapshotsPath(self, profile_id = None): #?Snapshot path on remote host. If the path is relative (no leading '/') #?it will start from remote Users homedir. An empty path will be replaced #?with './'.;absolute or relative path return self.profileStrValue('snapshots.ssh.path', '', profile_id)
[docs] def sshSnapshotsFullPath(self, profile_id = None): """ Returns the full path for the snapshots: .../backintime/machine/user/profile_id/ """ path = self.sshSnapshotsPath(profile_id) if not path: path = './' host, user, profile = self.hostUserProfile(profile_id) return os.path.join(path, 'backintime', host, user, profile)
[docs] def setSshSnapshotsPath(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileStrValue('snapshots.ssh.path', value, profile_id) return True
[docs] def sshHost(self, profile_id = None): #?Remote host used for mode 'ssh' and 'ssh_encfs'.;IP or domain address return self.profileStrValue('', '', profile_id)
[docs] def setSshHost(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileStrValue('', value, profile_id)
[docs] def sshPort(self, profile_id = None): #?SSH Port on remote host.;0-65535 return self.profileIntValue('snapshots.ssh.port', '22', profile_id)
[docs] def setSshPort(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileIntValue('snapshots.ssh.port', value, profile_id)
[docs] def sshCipher(self, profile_id = None): #?Cipher that is used for encrypting the SSH tunnel. Depending on the #?environment (network bandwidth, cpu and hdd performance) a different #?cipher might be faster.;default | aes192-cbc | aes256-cbc | aes128-ctr | #? aes192-ctr | aes256-ctr | arcfour | arcfour256 | arcfour128 | aes128-cbc | #? 3des-cbc | blowfish-cbc | cast128-cbc return self.profileStrValue('snapshots.ssh.cipher', 'default', profile_id)
[docs] def setSshCipher(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileStrValue('snapshots.ssh.cipher', value, profile_id)
[docs] def sshUser(self, profile_id = None): #?Remote SSH user;;local users name return self.profileStrValue('snapshots.ssh.user', self.user(), profile_id)
[docs] def setSshUser(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileStrValue('snapshots.ssh.user', value, profile_id)
[docs] def sshHostUserPortPathCipher(self, profile_id = None): host = self.sshHost(profile_id) port = self.sshPort(profile_id) user = self.sshUser(profile_id) path = self.sshSnapshotsPath(profile_id) cipher = self.sshCipher(profile_id) if not path: path = './' return (host, port, user, path, cipher)
[docs] def sshPrivateKeyFile(self, profile_id = None): ssh = self.sshPrivateKeyFolder() default = '' for f in ['id_dsa', 'id_rsa', 'identity']: private_key = os.path.join(ssh, f) if os.path.isfile(private_key): default = private_key break #?Private key file used for password-less authentication on remote host. #?;absolute path to private key file;~/.ssh/id_dsa f = self.profileStrValue('snapshots.ssh.private_key_file', default, profile_id) if f: return f return default
[docs] def sshPrivateKeyFolder(self): return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.ssh')
[docs] def setSshPrivateKeyFile(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileStrValue('snapshots.ssh.private_key_file', value, profile_id)
[docs] def sshMaxArgLength(self, profile_id = None): #?Maximum command length of commands run on remote host. This can be tested #?for all ssh profiles in the configuration #?with 'python3 /usr/share/backintime/common/ [initial_ssh_cmd_length]'.\n #?0 = unlimited;0, >700 value = self.profileIntValue('snapshots.ssh.max_arg_length', 0, profile_id) if value and value < 700: raise ValueError('SSH max arg length %s is too low to run commands' % value) return value
[docs] def setSshMaxArgLength(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileIntValue('snapshots.ssh.max_arg_length', value, profile_id)
[docs] def sshCheckCommands(self, profile_id = None): #?Check if all commands (used during takeSnapshot) work like expected #?on the remote host. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.ssh.check_commands', True, profile_id)
[docs] def setSshCheckCommands(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.ssh.check_commands', value, profile_id)
[docs] def sshCheckPingHost(self, profile_id = None): #?Check if the remote host is available before trying to mount. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.ssh.check_ping', True, profile_id)
[docs] def setSshCheckPingHost(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.ssh.check_ping', value, profile_id)
[docs] def sshDefaultArgs(self, profile_id = None): """ Default arguments used for ``ssh`` and ``sshfs`` commands. Returns: list: arguments for ssh """ # keep connection alive args = ['-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=240'] # disable ssh banner args += ['-o', 'LogLevel=Error'] # specifying key file here allows to override for potentially # conflicting .ssh/config key entry args += ['-o', 'IdentityFile={}'.format(self.sshPrivateKeyFile(profile_id))] return args
[docs] def sshCommand(self, cmd = None, custom_args = None, port = True, cipher = True, user_host = True, ionice = True, nice = True, quote = False, prefix = True, profile_id = None): """ Return SSH command with all arguments. Args: cmd (list): command that should run on remote host custom_args (list): additional arguments paste to the command port (bool): use port from config cipher (bool): use cipher from config user_host (bool): use user@host from config ionice (bool): use ionice if configured nice (bool): use nice if configured quote (bool): quote remote command prefix (bool): use prefix from config before remote command profile_id (str): profile ID that should be used in config Returns: list: ssh command with chosen arguments """ assert cmd is None or isinstance(cmd, list), "cmd '{}' is not list instance".format(cmd) assert custom_args is None or isinstance(custom_args, list), "custom_args '{}' is not list instance".format(custom_args) ssh = ['ssh'] ssh += self.sshDefaultArgs(profile_id) # remote port if port: ssh += ['-p', str(self.sshPort(profile_id))] # cipher used to transfer data c = self.sshCipher(profile_id) if cipher and c != 'default': ssh += ['-o', 'Ciphers={}'.format(c)] # custom arguments if custom_args: ssh += custom_args # user@host if user_host: ssh.append('{}@{}'.format(self.sshUser(profile_id), self.sshHost(profile_id))) # quote the command running on remote host if quote and cmd: ssh.append("'") # run 'ionice' on remote host if ionice and self.ioniceOnRemote(profile_id) and cmd: ssh += ['ionice', '-c2', '-n7'] # run 'nice' on remote host if nice and self.niceOnRemote(profile_id) and cmd: ssh += ['nice', '-n19'] # run prefix on remote host if prefix and cmd and self.sshPrefixEnabled(profile_id): ssh += self.sshPrefixCmd(profile_id, cmd_type = list) # add the command if cmd: ssh += cmd # close quote if quote and cmd: ssh.append("'") return ssh
[docs] def localEncfsPath(self, profile_id = None): #?Where to save snapshots in mode 'local_encfs'.;absolute path return self.profileStrValue('snapshots.local_encfs.path', '', profile_id)
[docs] def setLocalEncfsPath(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileStrValue('snapshots.local_encfs.path', value, profile_id)
[docs] def passwordSave(self, profile_id = None, mode = None): if mode is None: mode = self.snapshotsMode(profile_id) #?Save password to system keyring (gnome-keyring or kwallet). #?<MODE> must be the same as \fIprofile<N>.snapshots.mode\fR return self.profileBoolValue('' % mode, False, profile_id)
[docs] def setPasswordSave(self, value, profile_id = None, mode = None): if mode is None: mode = self.snapshotsMode(profile_id) self.setProfileBoolValue('' % mode, value, profile_id)
[docs] def passwordUseCache(self, profile_id = None, mode = None): if mode is None: mode = self.snapshotsMode(profile_id) default = not tools.checkHomeEncrypt() #?Cache password in RAM so it can be read by cronjobs. #?Security issue: root might be able to read that password, too. #?<MODE> must be the same as \fIprofile<N>.snapshots.mode\fR;;true if home is not encrypted return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.%s.password.use_cache' % mode, default, profile_id)
[docs] def setPasswordUseCache(self, value, profile_id = None, mode = None): if mode is None: mode = self.snapshotsMode(profile_id) self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.%s.password.use_cache' % mode, value, profile_id)
[docs] def password(self, parent = None, profile_id = None, mode = None, pw_id = 1, only_from_keyring = False): if is None: = password.Password(self) if profile_id is None: profile_id = self.currentProfile() if mode is None: mode = self.snapshotsMode(profile_id) return, profile_id, mode, pw_id, only_from_keyring)
[docs] def setPassword(self, password, profile_id = None, mode = None, pw_id = 1): if is None: = password.Password(self) if profile_id is None: profile_id = self.currentProfile() if mode is None: mode = self.snapshotsMode(profile_id), profile_id, mode, pw_id)
[docs] def modeNeedPassword(self, mode, pw_id = 1): need_pw = self.SNAPSHOT_MODES[mode][pw_id + 1] if need_pw is False: return False return True
[docs] def keyringServiceName(self, profile_id = None, mode = None, pw_id = 1): if mode is None: mode = self.snapshotsMode(profile_id) if pw_id > 1: return 'backintime/%s_%s' % (mode, pw_id) return 'backintime/%s' % mode
[docs] def keyringUserName(self, profile_id = None): if profile_id is None: profile_id = self.currentProfile() return 'profile_id_%s' % profile_id
[docs] def hostUserProfileDefault(self, profile_id = None): host = socket.gethostname() user = self.user() profile = profile_id if profile is None: profile = self.currentProfile() return (host, user, profile)
[docs] def hostUserProfile(self, profile_id = None): default_host, default_user, default_profile = self.hostUserProfileDefault(profile_id) #?Set Host for snapshot path;;local hostname host = self.profileStrValue('', default_host, profile_id) #?Set User for snapshot path;;local username user = self.profileStrValue('snapshots.path.user', default_user, profile_id) #?Set Profile-ID for snapshot path;1-99999;current Profile-ID profile = self.profileStrValue('snapshots.path.profile', default_profile, profile_id) return (host, user, profile)
[docs] def setHostUserProfile(self, host, user, profile, profile_id = None): self.setProfileStrValue('', host, profile_id) self.setProfileStrValue('snapshots.path.user', user, profile_id) self.setProfileStrValue('snapshots.path.profile', profile, profile_id)
[docs] def includeV4(self, profile_id = None): #?!ignore this in manpage value = self.profileStrValue('snapshots.include_folders', '', profile_id) if not value: return [] paths = [] for item in value.split(':'): fields = item.split('|') path = os.path.expanduser(fields[0]) path = os.path.abspath(path) paths.append(path) return paths
[docs] def include(self, profile_id = None): #?Include this file or folder. <I> must be a counter starting with 1;absolute path:: #?Specify if \fIprofile<N>.snapshots.include.<I>.value\fR is a folder (0) or a file (1).;0|1;0 return self.profileListValue('snapshots.include', ('str:value', 'int:type'), [], profile_id)
[docs] def setInclude(self, values, profile_id = None): self.setProfileListValue('snapshots.include', ('str:value', 'int:type'), values, profile_id)
[docs] def excludeV4(self, profile_id = None): """ Gets the exclude patterns: conf version 4 """ #?!ignore this in manpage value = self.profileStrValue('snapshots.exclude_patterns', '.gvfs:.cache*:[Cc]ache*:.thumbnails*:[Tt]rash*:*.backup*:*~', profile_id) if not value: return [] return value.split(':')
[docs] def exclude(self, profile_id = None): """ Gets the exclude patterns """ #?Exclude this file or folder. <I> must be a counter #?starting with 1;file, folder or pattern (relative or absolute) return self.profileListValue('snapshots.exclude', 'str:value', self.DEFAULT_EXCLUDE, profile_id)
[docs] def setExclude(self, values, profile_id = None): self.setProfileListValue('snapshots.exclude', 'str:value', values, profile_id)
[docs] def excludeBySizeEnabled(self, profile_id = None): #?Enable exclude files by size. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.exclude.bysize.enabled', False, profile_id)
[docs] def excludeBySize(self, profile_id = None): #?Exclude files bigger than value in MiB. #?With 'Full rsync mode' disabled this will only affect new files #?because for rsync this is a transfer option, not an exclude option. #?So big files that has been backed up before will remain in snapshots #?even if they had changed. return self.profileIntValue('snapshots.exclude.bysize.value', 500, profile_id)
[docs] def setExcludeBySize(self, enabled, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.exclude.bysize.enabled', enabled, profile_id) self.setProfileIntValue('snapshots.exclude.bysize.value', value, profile_id)
[docs] def tag(self, profile_id = None): #?!ignore this in manpage return self.profileStrValue('snapshots.tag', str(random.randint(100, 999)), profile_id)
[docs] def scheduleMode(self, profile_id = None): #?Which schedule used for crontab. The crontab entry will be #?generated with 'backintime check-config'.\n #? 0 = Disabled\n 1 = at every boot\n 2 = every 5 minute\n #? 4 = every 10 minute\n 7 = every 30 minute\n10 = every hour\n #?12 = every 2 hours\n14 = every 4 hours\n16 = every 6 hours\n #?18 = every 12 hours\n19 = custom defined hours\n20 = every day\n #?25 = daily anacron\n27 = when drive get connected\n30 = every week\n #?40 = every month\n80 = every year #?;0|1|2|4|7|10|12|14|16|18|19|20|25|27|30|40|80;0 return self.profileIntValue('schedule.mode', self.NONE, profile_id)
[docs] def setScheduleMode(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileIntValue('schedule.mode', value, profile_id)
[docs] def scheduleTime(self, profile_id = None): #?Position-coded number with the format "hhmm" to specify the hour #?and minute the cronjob should start (eg. 2015 means a quarter #?past 8pm). Leading zeros can be omitted (eg. 30 = 0030). #?Only valid for #?\fIprofile<N>.schedule.mode\fR = 20 (daily), 30 (weekly), #?40 (monthly) and 80 (yearly);0-2400 return self.profileIntValue('schedule.time', 0, profile_id)
[docs] def setScheduleTime(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileIntValue('schedule.time', value, profile_id)
[docs] def scheduleDay(self, profile_id = None): #?Which day of month the cronjob should run? Only valid for #?\fIprofile<N>.schedule.mode\fR >= 40;1-28 return self.profileIntValue('', 1, profile_id)
[docs] def setScheduleDay(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileIntValue('', value, profile_id)
[docs] def scheduleWeekday(self, profile_id = None): #?Which day of week the cronjob should run? Only valid for #?\fIprofile<N>.schedule.mode\fR = 30;1 = monday \- 7 = sunday return self.profileIntValue('schedule.weekday', 7, profile_id)
[docs] def setScheduleWeekday(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileIntValue('schedule.weekday', value, profile_id)
[docs] def customBackupTime(self, profile_id = None): #?Custom hours for cronjob. Only valid for #?\fIprofile<N>.schedule.mode\fR = 19 #?;comma separated int (8,12,18,23) or */3;8,12,18,23 return self.profileStrValue('schedule.custom_time', '8,12,18,23', profile_id)
[docs] def setCustomBackupTime(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileStrValue('schedule.custom_time', value, profile_id)
[docs] def scheduleRepeatedPeriod(self, profile_id = None): #?How many units to wait between new snapshots with anacron? Only valid #?for \fIprofile<N>.schedule.mode\fR = 25|27 return self.profileIntValue('schedule.repeatedly.period', 1, profile_id)
[docs] def setScheduleRepeatedPeriod(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileIntValue('schedule.repeatedly.period', value, profile_id)
[docs] def scheduleRepeatedUnit(self, profile_id = None): #?Units to wait between new snapshots with anacron.\n #?10 = hours\n20 = days\n30 = weeks\n40 = months\n #?Only valid for \fIprofile<N>.schedule.mode\fR = 25|27; #?10|20|30|40;20 return self.profileIntValue('schedule.repeatedly.unit', self.DAY, profile_id)
[docs] def setScheduleRepeatedUnit(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileIntValue('schedule.repeatedly.unit', value, profile_id)
[docs] def removeOldSnapshots(self, profile_id = None): #?Remove all snapshots older than value + unit return (self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.remove_old_snapshots.enabled', True, profile_id), #?Snapshots older than this times units will be removed self.profileIntValue('snapshots.remove_old_snapshots.value', 10, profile_id), #?20 = days\n30 = weeks\n80 = years;20|30|80;80 self.profileIntValue('snapshots.remove_old_snapshots.unit', self.YEAR, profile_id))
[docs] def keepOnlyOneSnapshot(self, profile_id = None): #?NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. Remove all snapshots but one. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.keep_only_one_snapshot.enabled', False, profile_id)
[docs] def setKeepOnlyOneSnapshot(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.keep_only_one_snapshot.enabled', value, profile_id)
[docs] def removeOldSnapshotsEnabled(self, profile_id = None): return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.remove_old_snapshots.enabled', True, profile_id)
[docs] def removeOldSnapshotsDate(self, profile_id = None): enabled, value, unit = self.removeOldSnapshots(profile_id) if not enabled: return, 1, 1) if unit == self.DAY: date = date = date - datetime.timedelta(days = value) return date if unit == self.WEEK: date = date = date - datetime.timedelta(days = date.weekday() + 7 * value) return date if unit == self.YEAR: date = return date.replace(day = 1, year = date.year - value) return, 1, 1)
[docs] def setRemoveOldSnapshots(self, enabled, value, unit, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.remove_old_snapshots.enabled', enabled, profile_id) self.setProfileIntValue('snapshots.remove_old_snapshots.value', value, profile_id) self.setProfileIntValue('snapshots.remove_old_snapshots.unit', unit, profile_id)
[docs] def minFreeSpace(self, profile_id = None): #?Remove snapshots until \fIprofile<N>.snapshots.min_free_space.value\fR #?free space is reached. return (self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.min_free_space.enabled', True, profile_id), #?Keep at least value + unit free space.;1-99999 self.profileIntValue('snapshots.min_free_space.value', 1, profile_id), #?10 = MB\n20 = GB;10|20;20 self.profileIntValue('snapshots.min_free_space.unit', self.DISK_UNIT_GB, profile_id))
[docs] def minFreeSpaceEnabled(self, profile_id = None): return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.min_free_space.enabled', True, profile_id)
[docs] def minFreeSpaceMib(self, profile_id = None): enabled, value, unit = self.minFreeSpace(profile_id) if not enabled: return 0 if self.DISK_UNIT_MB == unit: return value value *= 1024 #Gb if self.DISK_UNIT_GB == unit: return value return 0
[docs] def setMinFreeSpace(self, enabled, value, unit, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.min_free_space.enabled', enabled, profile_id) self.setProfileIntValue('snapshots.min_free_space.value', value, profile_id) self.setProfileIntValue('snapshots.min_free_space.unit', unit, profile_id)
[docs] def minFreeInodes(self, profile_id = None): #?Keep at least value % free inodes.;1-15 return self.profileIntValue('snapshots.min_free_inodes.value', 2, profile_id)
[docs] def minFreeInodesEnabled(self, profile_id = None): #?Remove snapshots until \fIprofile<N>.snapshots.min_free_inodes.value\fR #?free inodes in % is reached. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.min_free_inodes.enabled', True, profile_id)
[docs] def setMinFreeInodes(self, enabled, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.min_free_inodes.enabled', enabled, profile_id) self.setProfileIntValue('snapshots.min_free_inodes.value', value, profile_id)
[docs] def dontRemoveNamedSnapshots(self, profile_id = None): #?Keep snapshots with names during smart_remove. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.dont_remove_named_snapshots', True, profile_id)
[docs] def setDontRemoveNamedSnapshots(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.dont_remove_named_snapshots', value, profile_id)
[docs] def smartRemove(self, profile_id = None): #?Run smart_remove to clean up old snapshots after a new snapshot was created. return (self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.smart_remove', False, profile_id), #?Keep all snapshots for X days. self.profileIntValue('snapshots.smart_remove.keep_all', 2, profile_id), #?Keep one snapshot per day for X days. self.profileIntValue('snapshots.smart_remove.keep_one_per_day', 7, profile_id), #?Keep one snapshot per week for X weeks. self.profileIntValue('snapshots.smart_remove.keep_one_per_week', 4, profile_id), #?Keep one snapshot per month for X month. self.profileIntValue('snapshots.smart_remove.keep_one_per_month', 24, profile_id))
[docs] def setSmartRemove(self, value, keep_all, keep_one_per_day, keep_one_per_week, keep_one_per_month, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.smart_remove', value, profile_id) self.setProfileIntValue('snapshots.smart_remove.keep_all', keep_all, profile_id) self.setProfileIntValue('snapshots.smart_remove.keep_one_per_day', keep_one_per_day, profile_id) self.setProfileIntValue('snapshots.smart_remove.keep_one_per_week', keep_one_per_week, profile_id) self.setProfileIntValue('snapshots.smart_remove.keep_one_per_month', keep_one_per_month, profile_id)
[docs] def smartRemoveRunRemoteInBackground(self, profile_id = None): #?If using mode SSH or SSH-encrypted, run smart_remove in background on remote machine return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.smart_remove.run_remote_in_background', False, profile_id)
[docs] def setSmartRemoveRunRemoteInBackground(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.smart_remove.run_remote_in_background', value, profile_id)
[docs] def notify(self, profile_id = None): #?Display notifications (errors, warnings) through libnotify. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.notify.enabled', True, profile_id)
[docs] def setNotify(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.notify.enabled', value, profile_id)
[docs] def backupOnRestore(self, profile_id = None): #?Rename existing files before restore into FILE.backup.YYYYMMDD return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.backup_on_restore.enabled', True, profile_id)
[docs] def setBackupOnRestore(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.backup_on_restore.enabled', value, profile_id)
[docs] def niceOnCron(self, profile_id = None): #?Run cronjobs with 'nice \-n19'. This will give BackInTime the #?lowest CPU priority to not interrupt any other working process. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.cron.nice', self.DEFAULT_RUN_NICE_FROM_CRON, profile_id)
[docs] def setNiceOnCron(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.cron.nice', value, profile_id)
[docs] def ioniceOnCron(self, profile_id = None): #?Run cronjobs with 'ionice \-c2 \-n7'. This will give BackInTime the #?lowest IO bandwidth priority to not interrupt any other working process. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.cron.ionice', self.DEFAULT_RUN_IONICE_FROM_CRON, profile_id)
[docs] def setIoniceOnCron(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.cron.ionice', value, profile_id)
[docs] def ioniceOnUser(self, profile_id = None): #?Run BackInTime with 'ionice \-c2 \-n7' when taking a manual snapshot. #?This will give BackInTime the lowest IO bandwidth priority to not #?interrupt any other working process. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.user_backup.ionice', self.DEFAULT_RUN_IONICE_FROM_USER, profile_id)
[docs] def setIoniceOnUser(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.user_backup.ionice', value, profile_id)
[docs] def niceOnRemote(self, profile_id = None): #?Run rsync and other commands on remote host with 'nice \-n19' return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.ssh.nice', self.DEFAULT_RUN_NICE_ON_REMOTE, profile_id)
[docs] def setNiceOnRemote(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.ssh.nice', value, profile_id)
[docs] def ioniceOnRemote(self, profile_id = None): #?Run rsync and other commands on remote host with 'ionice \-c2 \-n7' return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.ssh.ionice', self.DEFAULT_RUN_IONICE_ON_REMOTE, profile_id)
[docs] def setIoniceOnRemote(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.ssh.ionice', value, profile_id)
[docs] def nocacheOnLocal(self, profile_id = None): #?Run rsync on local machine with 'nocache'. #?This will prevent files from being cached in memory. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.local.nocache', self.DEFAULT_RUN_NOCACHE_ON_LOCAL, profile_id)
[docs] def setNocacheOnLocal(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.local.nocache', value, profile_id)
[docs] def nocacheOnRemote(self, profile_id = None): #?Run rsync on remote host with 'nocache'. #?This will prevent files from being cached in memory. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.ssh.nocache', self.DEFAULT_RUN_NOCACHE_ON_REMOTE, profile_id)
[docs] def setNocacheOnRemote(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.ssh.nocache', value, profile_id)
[docs] def redirectStdoutInCron(self, profile_id = None): #?redirect stdout to /dev/null in cronjobs return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.cron.redirect_stdout', self.DEFAULT_REDIRECT_STDOUT_IN_CRON, profile_id)
[docs] def redirectStderrInCron(self, profile_id = None): #?redirect stderr to /dev/null in cronjobs;;self.DEFAULT_REDIRECT_STDERR_IN_CRON if self.isConfigured(profile_id): default = True else: default = self.DEFAULT_REDIRECT_STDERR_IN_CRON return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.cron.redirect_stderr', default, profile_id)
[docs] def setRedirectStdoutInCron(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.cron.redirect_stdout', value, profile_id)
[docs] def setRedirectStderrInCron(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.cron.redirect_stderr', value, profile_id)
[docs] def bwlimitEnabled(self, profile_id = None): #?Limit rsync bandwidth usage over network. Use this with mode SSH. #?For mode Local you should rather use ionice. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.bwlimit.enabled', False, profile_id)
[docs] def bwlimit(self, profile_id = None): #?Bandwidth limit in KB/sec. return self.profileIntValue('snapshots.bwlimit.value', 3000, profile_id)
[docs] def setBwlimit(self, enabled, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.bwlimit.enabled', enabled, profile_id) self.setProfileIntValue('snapshots.bwlimit.value', value, profile_id)
[docs] def noSnapshotOnBattery(self, profile_id = None): #?Don't take snapshots if the Computer runs on battery. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.no_on_battery', False, profile_id)
[docs] def setNoSnapshotOnBattery(self, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.no_on_battery', value, profile_id)
[docs] def preserveAcl(self, profile_id = None): #?Preserve ACL. The source and destination systems must have #?compatible ACL entries for this option to work properly. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.preserve_acl', False, profile_id)
[docs] def setPreserveAcl(self, value, profile_id = None): return self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.preserve_acl', value, profile_id)
[docs] def preserveXattr(self, profile_id = None): #?Preserve extended attributes (xattr). return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.preserve_xattr', False, profile_id)
[docs] def setPreserveXattr(self, value, profile_id = None): return self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.preserve_xattr', value, profile_id)
[docs] def oneFileSystem(self, profile_id = None): #?Use rsync's "--one-file-system" to avoid crossing filesystem #?boundaries when recursing. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.one_file_system', False, profile_id)
[docs] def setOneFileSystem(self, value, profile_id = None): return self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.one_file_system', value, profile_id)
[docs] def rsyncOptionsEnabled(self, profile_id = None): #?Past additional options to rsync return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.rsync_options.enabled', False, profile_id)
[docs] def rsyncOptions(self, profile_id = None): #?rsync options. Options must be quoted e.g. \-\-exclude-from="/path/to/my exclude file" val = self.profileStrValue('snapshots.rsync_options.value', '', profile_id) if '--old-args' in val: logger.warning( 'Found rsync flag "--old-args". That flag will be removed ' 'from the options because it conflicts with ' 'the flag "-s" (also known as "--secluded-args" or ' '"--protected-args") which is used by Back In Time to force ' 'the "new form of argument protection" in rsync.' ) val = val.replace('--old-args', '') return val
[docs] def setRsyncOptions(self, enabled, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.rsync_options.enabled', enabled, profile_id) self.setProfileStrValue('snapshots.rsync_options.value', value, profile_id)
[docs] def sshPrefixEnabled(self, profile_id = None): #?Add prefix to every command which run through SSH on remote host. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.ssh.prefix.enabled', False, profile_id)
[docs] def sshPrefix(self, profile_id = None): #?Prefix to run before every command on remote host. Variables need to be escaped with \\$FOO. #?This doesn't touch rsync. So to add a prefix for rsync use #?\fIprofile<N>.snapshots.rsync_options.value\fR with #?--rsync-path="FOO=bar:\\$FOO /usr/bin/rsync" return self.profileStrValue('snapshots.ssh.prefix.value', self.DEFAULT_SSH_PREFIX, profile_id)
[docs] def setSshPrefix(self, enabled, value, profile_id = None): self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.ssh.prefix.enabled', enabled, profile_id) self.setProfileStrValue('snapshots.ssh.prefix.value', value, profile_id)
[docs] def sshPrefixCmd(self, profile_id = None, cmd_type = str): if cmd_type == list: if self.sshPrefixEnabled(profile_id): return shlex.split(self.sshPrefix(profile_id)) else: return [] if cmd_type == str: if self.sshPrefixEnabled(profile_id): return self.sshPrefix(profile_id).strip() + ' ' else: return ''
[docs] def continueOnErrors(self, profile_id = None): #?Continue on errors. This will keep incomplete snapshots rather than #?deleting and start over again. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.continue_on_errors', True, profile_id)
[docs] def setContinueOnErrors(self, value, profile_id = None): return self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.continue_on_errors', value, profile_id)
[docs] def useChecksum(self, profile_id = None): #?Use checksum to detect changes rather than size + time. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.use_checksum', False, profile_id)
[docs] def setUseChecksum(self, value, profile_id = None): return self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.use_checksum', value, profile_id)
[docs] def logLevel(self, profile_id = None): #?Log level used during takeSnapshot.\n1 = Error\n2 = Changes\n3 = Info;1-3 return self.profileIntValue('snapshots.log_level', 3, profile_id)
[docs] def setLogLevel(self, value, profile_id = None): return self.setProfileIntValue('snapshots.log_level', value, profile_id)
[docs] def takeSnapshotRegardlessOfChanges(self, profile_id = None): #?Create a new snapshot regardless if there were changes or not. return self.profileBoolValue('snapshots.take_snapshot_regardless_of_changes', False, profile_id)
[docs] def setTakeSnapshotRegardlessOfChanges(self, value, profile_id = None): return self.setProfileBoolValue('snapshots.take_snapshot_regardless_of_changes', value, profile_id)
[docs] def userCallbackNoLogging(self, profile_id = None): #?Do not catch std{out|err} from user-callback script. #?The script will only write to current TTY. #?Default is to catch std{out|err} and write it to #?syslog and TTY again. return self.profileBoolValue('user_callback.no_logging', False, profile_id)
[docs] def globalFlock(self): #?Prevent multiple snapshots (from different profiles or users) to be run at the same time return self.boolValue('global.use_flock', False)
[docs] def setGlobalFlock(self, value): self.setBoolValue('global.use_flock', value)
[docs] def appInstanceFile(self): return os.path.join(self._LOCAL_DATA_FOLDER, 'app.lock')
[docs] def fileId(self, profile_id=None): if profile_id is None: profile_id = self.currentProfile() if profile_id == '1': return '' return profile_id
[docs] def takeSnapshotLogFile(self, profile_id = None): return os.path.join(self._LOCAL_DATA_FOLDER, "takesnapshot_%s.log" % self.fileId(profile_id))
[docs] def takeSnapshotMessageFile(self, profile_id = None): return os.path.join(self._LOCAL_DATA_FOLDER, "worker%s.message" % self.fileId(profile_id))
[docs] def takeSnapshotProgressFile(self, profile_id = None): return os.path.join(self._LOCAL_DATA_FOLDER, "worker%s.progress" % self.fileId(profile_id))
[docs] def takeSnapshotInstanceFile(self, profile_id=None): return os.path.join( self._LOCAL_DATA_FOLDER, "worker%s.lock" % self.fileId(profile_id))
[docs] def takeSnapshotUserCallback(self): return os.path.join(self._LOCAL_CONFIG_FOLDER, "user-callback")
[docs] def passwordCacheFolder(self): return os.path.join(self._LOCAL_DATA_FOLDER, "password_cache")
[docs] def passwordCachePid(self): return os.path.join(self.passwordCacheFolder(), "PID")
[docs] def passwordCacheFifo(self): return os.path.join(self.passwordCacheFolder(), "FIFO")
[docs] def passwordCacheInfo(self): return os.path.join(self.passwordCacheFolder(), "info")
[docs] def cronEnvFile(self): return os.path.join(self._LOCAL_DATA_FOLDER, "cron_env")
[docs] def anacrontab(self, suffix = ''): """ Deprecated since 1.1. Just keep this to delete old anacrontab files """ return os.path.join(self._LOCAL_CONFIG_FOLDER, 'anacrontab' + suffix)
[docs] def anacrontabFiles(self): """ list existing old anacrontab files """ dirname, basename = os.path.split(self.anacrontab()) for f in os.listdir(dirname): if f.startswith(basename): yield os.path.join(dirname, f)
[docs] def anacronSpool(self): return os.path.join(self._LOCAL_DATA_FOLDER, 'anacron')
[docs] def anacronSpoolFile(self, profile_id = None): return os.path.join(self.anacronSpool(), self.anacronJobIdentify(profile_id))
[docs] def anacronJobIdentify(self, profile_id = None): if not profile_id: profile_id = self.currentProfile() profile_name = self.profileName(profile_id) return profile_id + '_' + profile_name.replace(' ', '_')
[docs] def udevRulesPath(self): return os.path.join('/etc/udev/rules.d', '99-backintime-%s.rules' % self.user())
[docs] def restoreLogFile(self, profile_id = None): return os.path.join(self._LOCAL_DATA_FOLDER, "restore_%s.log" % self.fileId(profile_id))
[docs] def restoreInstanceFile(self, profile_id=None): return os.path.join( self._LOCAL_DATA_FOLDER, "restore%s.lock" % self.fileId(profile_id))
[docs] def encfsconfigBackupFolder(self, profile_id = None): return os.path.join(self._LOCAL_DATA_FOLDER, 'encfsconfig_backup_%s' % self.fileId(profile_id))
[docs] def preparePath(self, path): if len(path) > 1: if path[-1] == os.sep: path = path[: -1] return path
[docs] def isConfigured(self, profile_id = None): """ Checks if the program is configured """ return bool(self.snapshotsPath(profile_id) and self.include(profile_id))
[docs] def canBackup(self, profile_id = None): """ Checks if snapshots_path exists """ if not self.isConfigured(profile_id): return False path = self.snapshotsFullPath(profile_id) if not os.path.exists(path): return False if not os.path.isdir(path): # path exists, but is no dir: something's very wrong. logger.error("%s is not a directory"%path, self) return False return True
[docs] def backupScheduled(self, profile_id = None): """ check if profile is supposed to be run this time """ if self.scheduleMode(profile_id) not in (self.REPEATEDLY, self.UDEV): return True #if crontab wasn't updated since upgrading BIT to version without anacron #we are most likely started by anacron and should run this task without asking. if list(self.anacrontabFiles()): return True last_time = tools.readTimeStamp(self.anacronSpoolFile(profile_id)) if not last_time: return True value = self.scheduleRepeatedPeriod(profile_id) unit = self.scheduleRepeatedUnit(profile_id) return self.olderThan(last_time, value, unit)
[docs] def olderThan(self, time, value, unit): """ return True if time is older than months, weeks, days or hours """ assert isinstance(time, datetime.datetime), 'time is not datetime.datetime type: %s' % time now = if unit <= self.HOUR: return time < now - datetime.timedelta(hours = value) elif unit <= self.DAY: return <= - datetime.timedelta(days = value) elif unit <= self.WEEK: return < \ - datetime.timedelta(days = \ - datetime.timedelta(weeks = value - 1) elif unit <= self.MONTH: firstDay = - datetime.timedelta(days = + 1) for i in range(value - 1): if firstDay.month == 1: firstDay = firstDay.replace(month = 12, year = firstDay.year - 1) else: firstDay = firstDay.replace(month = firstDay.month - 1) return < firstDay else: return True
SYSTEM_ENTRY_MESSAGE \ = "#Back In Time system entry, this will be edited by the gui:" """The string is used in crontab file to mark entries as owned by Back In Time. **WARNING**: Don't modify that string in code because it is used as match target while parsing the crontab file. """
[docs] def setupCron(self): for f in self.anacrontabFiles(): logger.debug("Clearing anacrontab %s" %f, self) os.remove(f) self.setupUdev.clean() oldCrontab = tools.readCrontab() strippedCrontab = self.removeOldCrontab(oldCrontab) newCrontab = self.createNewCrontab(strippedCrontab) if not isinstance(newCrontab, (list, tuple)): return newCrontab #save Udev rules try: if self.setupUdev.isReady and logger.debug('Udev rules added successfully', self) except PermissionDeniedByPolicy as e: logger.error(str(e), self) self.notifyError(str(e)) return False if not newCrontab == oldCrontab: if not tools.checkCommand('crontab'): if self.scheduleMode() is self.NONE: return True else: logger.error('crontab not found.', self) self.notifyError(_( "Can't find crontab.\n" "Are you sure cron is installed?\n" "If not you should disable all automatic backups.")) return False if not tools.writeCrontab(newCrontab): self.notifyError(_('Failed to write new crontab.')) return False else: logger.debug("Crontab didn't change. Skip writing.") return True
[docs] def removeOldCrontab(self, crontab): #We have to check if the self.SYSTEM_ENTRY_MESSAGE is in use, #if not then the entries are most likely from Back In Time 0.9.26 #or earlier. if not self.SYSTEM_ENTRY_MESSAGE in crontab: #Then the system entry message has not yet been used in this crontab #therefore we assume all entries are system entries and clear them all. #This is the old behavior logger.debug("Clearing all Back In Time entries", self) return [x for x in crontab if not 'backintime' in x] else: #clear all line peers which have a SYSTEM_ENTRY_MESSAGE followed by #one backintime command line logger.debug("Clearing system Back In Time entries", self) delLines = [] for i, line in enumerate(crontab): if self.SYSTEM_ENTRY_MESSAGE in line and \ len(crontab) > i + 1 and \ 'backintime' in crontab[i + 1]: delLines.extend((i, i + 1)) return [line for i, line in enumerate(crontab) if i not in delLines]
[docs] def createNewCrontab(self, oldCrontab): newCrontab = oldCrontab[:] if not tools.checkCommand('backintime'): logger.error("Command 'backintime' not found", self) return newCrontab for profile_id in self.profiles(): cronLine = self.cronLine(profile_id) if not isinstance(cronLine, str): return cronLine if cronLine: newCrontab.append(self.SYSTEM_ENTRY_MESSAGE) newCrontab.append(cronLine.replace('{cmd}', self.cronCmd(profile_id))) if newCrontab == oldCrontab: # Leave one self.SYSTEM_ENTRY_MESSAGE in to prevent deleting of manual # entries if there is no automatic entry. newCrontab.append(self.SYSTEM_ENTRY_MESSAGE) newCrontab.append("#Please don't delete these two lines, or all custom backintime " "entries will be deleted next time you call the gui options!") return newCrontab
[docs] def cronLine(self, profile_id): cron_line = '' profile_name = self.profileName(profile_id) backup_mode = self.scheduleMode(profile_id) logger.debug( f"Profile: {profile_name} | Automatic backup: {backup_mode}", self) if self.NONE == backup_mode: return cron_line hour = self.scheduleTime(profile_id) // 100 minute = self.scheduleTime(profile_id) % 100 day = self.scheduleDay(profile_id) weekday = self.scheduleWeekday(profile_id) if self.AT_EVERY_BOOT == backup_mode: cron_line = '@reboot {cmd}' elif self._5_MIN == backup_mode: cron_line = '*/5 * * * * {cmd}' elif self._10_MIN == backup_mode: cron_line = '*/10 * * * * {cmd}' elif self._30_MIN == backup_mode: cron_line = '*/30 * * * * {cmd}' elif self._1_HOUR == backup_mode: cron_line = '0 * * * * {cmd}' elif self._2_HOURS == backup_mode: cron_line = '0 */2 * * * {cmd}' elif self._4_HOURS == backup_mode: cron_line = '0 */4 * * * {cmd}' elif self._6_HOURS == backup_mode: cron_line = '0 */6 * * * {cmd}' elif self._12_HOURS == backup_mode: cron_line = '0 */12 * * * {cmd}' elif self.CUSTOM_HOUR == backup_mode: cron_line = '0 ' + self.customBackupTime(profile_id) + ' * * * {cmd}' elif self.DAY == backup_mode: cron_line = '%s %s * * * {cmd}' % (minute, hour) elif self.REPEATEDLY == backup_mode: if self.scheduleRepeatedUnit(profile_id) <= self.DAY: cron_line = '*/15 * * * * {cmd}' else: cron_line = '0 * * * * {cmd}' elif self.UDEV == backup_mode: if not self.setupUdev.isReady: logger.error( "Failed to install Udev rule for profile %s. DBus " "Service 'net.launchpad.backintime.serviceHelper' not " "available" % profile_id, self) self.notifyError(_( "Could not install Udev rule for profile {profile_id}. " "DBus Service '{dbus_interface}' wasn't available") .format(profile_id=profile_id, dbus_interface='net.launchpad.backintime.' 'serviceHelper')) mode = self.snapshotsMode(profile_id) if mode == 'local': dest_path = self.snapshotsFullPath(profile_id) elif mode == 'local_encfs': dest_path = self.localEncfsPath(profile_id) else: logger.error( 'Schedule udev doesn\'t work with mode %s' % mode, self) self.notifyError(_( "Schedule udev doesn't work with mode {mode}") .format(mode=mode)) return False uuid = tools.uuidFromPath(dest_path) if uuid is None: #try using cached uuid #?Devices uuid used to automatically set up udev rule if the drive is not connected. uuid = self.profileStrValue('snapshots.path.uuid', '', profile_id) if not uuid: logger.error( "Couldn't find UUID for \"{dest_path}\"", self) self.notifyError(_("Couldn't find UUID for {path}") .format(path=f'"{dest_path}"')) return False else: #cache uuid in config self.setProfileStrValue('snapshots.path.uuid', uuid, profile_id) try: self.setupUdev.addRule(self.cronCmd(profile_id), uuid) except (InvalidChar, InvalidCmd, LimitExceeded) as e: logger.error(str(e), self) self.notifyError(str(e)) return False elif self.WEEK == backup_mode: cron_line = '%s %s * * %s {cmd}' %(minute, hour, weekday) elif self.MONTH == backup_mode: cron_line = '%s %s %s * * {cmd}' %(minute, hour, day) elif self.YEAR == backup_mode: cron_line = '%s %s 1 1 * {cmd}' %(minute, hour) return cron_line
[docs] def cronCmd(self, profile_id): if not tools.checkCommand('backintime'): logger.error("Command 'backintime' not found", self) return cmd = tools.which('backintime') + ' ' if profile_id != '1': cmd += '--profile-id %s ' % profile_id if not self._LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH is self._DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH: cmd += '--config %s ' % self._LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH if logger.DEBUG: cmd += '--debug ' cmd += 'backup-job' if self.redirectStdoutInCron(profile_id): cmd += ' >/dev/null' if self.redirectStderrInCron(profile_id): if self.redirectStdoutInCron(profile_id): cmd += ' 2>&1' else: cmd += ' 2>/dev/null' if self.ioniceOnCron(profile_id) and tools.checkCommand('ionice'): cmd = tools.which('ionice') + ' -c2 -n7 ' + cmd if self.niceOnCron(profile_id) and tools.checkCommand('nice'): cmd = tools.which('nice') + ' -n19 ' + cmd return cmd
if __name__ == '__main__': config = Config() print("snapshots path = %s" % config.snapshotsFullPath())