Source code for configfile

#    Back In Time
#    Copyright (C) 2008-2022 Oprea Dan, Bart de Koning, Richard Bailey, Germar
#    Reitze
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

import os
import collections
import re
import logger

[docs] class ConfigFile(object): """Store options in a plain text file in form of: key=value """ def __init__(self): self.dict = {} self.errorHandler = None self.questionHandler = None
[docs] def setErrorHandler(self, handler): """ Register a function that should be called for notifying errors. handler (method): callable function """ self.errorHandler = handler
[docs] def setQuestionHandler(self, handler): """ Register a function that should be called for asking questions. handler (method): callable function """ self.questionHandler = handler
[docs] def clearHandlers(self): """ Reset error and question handlers. """ self.errorHandler = None self.questionHandler = None
[docs] def notifyError(self, message): """ Call previously registered function to show an error. Args: message (str): error message that should be shown """ if self.errorHandler is None: return self.errorHandler(message)
[docs] def askQuestion(self, message): """ Call previously registered function to ask a question. Args: message (str): question that should be shown """ if self.questionHandler is None: return False return self.questionHandler(message)
[docs] def save(self, filename): """ Save all options to file. Args: filename (str): full path Returns: bool: ``True`` if successful """ def numsort(key): """ Sort int in keys in numeric order instead of alphabetical by adding leading zeros to int's """ return re.sub(r'\d+', lambda m:, key) try: with open(filename, 'wt') as f: keys = list(self.dict.keys()) keys.sort(key=numsort) for key in keys: f.write("%s=%s\n" % (key, self.dict[key])) except OSError as e: logger.error('Failed to save config: %s' % str(e), self) self.notifyError( '{}: {}'.format(_('Failed to save config'), str(e))) return False return True
[docs] def load(self, filename, **kwargs): """ Reset current options and load new options from file. Args: filename (str): full path """ self.dict = {} self.append(filename, **kwargs)
[docs] def append(self, filename, maxsplit=1): """ Load options from file and append them to current options. Args: filename (str): full path maxsplit (int): split lines only n times on '=' """ lines = [] if not os.path.isfile(filename): return try: with open(filename, 'rt') as f: lines = f.readlines() except OSError as e: logger.error('Failed to load config: %s' % str(e), self) self.notifyError( '{}: {}'.format(_('Failed to load config'), str(e))) for line in lines: items = line.strip('\n').split('=', maxsplit) if len(items) == 2: self.dict[items[0]] = items[1]
[docs] def remapKey(self, old_key, new_key): """ Remap keys to a new key name. Args: old_key (str): old key name new_key (str): new key name """ if old_key != new_key: if old_key in self.dict: if new_key not in self.dict: self.dict[new_key] = self.dict[old_key] del self.dict[old_key]
[docs] def remapKeyRegex(self, pattern, replace): """ Remap keys to a new key name using :py:func:`re.sub`. Args: pattern (str): part of key name that should be replaced replace (:py:class:`str`, method): string or a callable function which will be used to replace all matches of ``pattern``. """ c = re.compile(pattern) for key in list(self.dict): newKey = c.sub(replace, key) if key != newKey: self.remapKey(key, newKey)
[docs] def hasKey(self, key): """ ``True`` if key is set. Args: key (str): string used as key Returns: bool: ``True`` if the ``key`` is set """ return key in self.dict
[docs] def strValue(self, key, default=''): """ Return a 'str' instance of key's value. Args: key (str): Key identifying the value in the config file. default (str): Default value if ``key`` is not present. Returns: str: Value of ``key`` or ``default``. """ if key in self.dict: return self.dict[key] else: return default
[docs] def setStrValue(self, key, value): """ Set a string value for key. Args: key (str): string used as key value (str): store this value """ self.dict[key] = value
[docs] def intValue(self, key, default=0): """ Return a 'int' instance of key's value. Args: key (str): string used as key default (int): return this if ``key`` is not set Returns: int: value of ``key`` or ``default`` if ``key`` is not set. """ try: return int(self.dict[key]) except Exception: return default
[docs] def setIntValue(self, key, value): """ Set an integer value for key. Args: key (str): string used as key value (int): store this option """ self.setStrValue(key, str(value))
[docs] def boolValue(self, key, default=False): """ Return a 'bool' instance of key's value. Args: key (str): string used as key default (bool): return this if key is not set Returns: bool: value of 'key' or 'default' if 'key' is not set. """ try: val = self.dict[key] if "1" == val or "TRUE" == val.upper(): return True return False except Exception: return default
[docs] def setBoolValue(self, key, value): """ Set a bool value for key. Args: key (str): string used as key value (bool): store this option """ if value: self.setStrValue(key, 'true') else: self.setStrValue(key, 'false')
[docs] def listValue(self, key, type_key='str:value', default=[]): """ Return a list of values Size of the list must be stored in key.size Args: key (str): used base-key type_key (str): pattern of 'value-type:value-name'. See examples below. default (list): default value Returns: list: value of ``key`` or ``default`` if ``key`` is not set. ``type_key`` pattern examples:: 'str:value' => return str values from key.value 'int:type' => return int values from key.type 'bool:enabled' => return bool values from key.enabled ('str:value', 'int:type') => return tuple of values """ def typeKeySplit(tk): t, k = '', '' if isinstance(tk, str): t, k = tk.split(':', maxsplit=1) return (t, k) def value(key, tk): t, k = typeKeySplit(tk) if t in ('str', 'int', 'bool'): func = getattr(self, '%sValue' % t) return func('%s.%s' % (key, k)) raise TypeError('Invalid type_key: %s' % tk) size = self.intValue('%s.size' % key, -1) if size < 0: return default ret = [] for i in range(1, size + 1): if isinstance(type_key, str): if not self.hasKey('%s.%s.%s' % (key, i, typeKeySplit(type_key)[1])): continue ret.append(value('%s.%s' % (key, i), type_key)) elif isinstance(type_key, tuple): if not self.hasKey('%s.%s.%s' % (key, i, typeKeySplit(type_key[0])[1])): continue items = [] for tk in type_key: items.append(value('%s.%s' % (key, i), tk)) ret.append(tuple(items)) else: raise TypeError('Invalid type_key: %s' % type_key) return ret
[docs] def setListValue(self, key, type_key, value): """ Set a list of values. Size of the list will be stored in key.size Args: key (str): used base-key type_key (str): pattern of 'value-type:value-name'. See examples below. value (list): that should be stored ``type_key`` pattern examples:: 'str:value' => return str values from key.value 'int:type' => return int values from key.type 'bool:enabled' => return bool values from key.enabled ('str:value', 'int:type') => return tuple of values """ def setValue(key, tk, v): t = '' if isinstance(tk, str): t, k = tk.split(':', maxsplit=1) if t in ('str', 'int', 'bool'): func = getattr(self, 'set%sValue' % t.capitalize()) return func('%s.%s' % (key, k), v) raise TypeError('Invalid type_key: %s' % tk) if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError('value has wrong type: %s' % value) old_size = self.intValue('%s.size' % key, -1) self.setIntValue('%s.size' % key, len(value)) for i, v in enumerate(value, start=1): if isinstance(type_key, str): setValue('%s.%s' % (key, i), type_key, v) elif isinstance(type_key, tuple): for iv, tk in enumerate(type_key): if len(v) > iv: setValue('%s.%s' % (key, i), tk, v[iv]) else: self.removeKey('%s.%s.%s' % (key, i, tk.split(':')[1])) else: raise TypeError('Invalid type_key: %s' % type_key) if len(value) < old_size: for i in range(len(value) + 1, old_size + 1): if isinstance(type_key, str): self.removeKey( '%s.%s.%s' % (key, i, type_key.split(':')[1])) elif isinstance(type_key, tuple): for tk in type_key: self.removeKey( '%s.%s.%s' % (key, i, tk.split(':')[1]))
[docs] def removeKey(self, key): """ Remove key from options. Args: key (str): string used as key """ if key in self.dict: del self.dict[key]
[docs] def removeKeysStartsWith(self, prefix): """ Remove key from options which start with given prefix. Args: prefix (str): prefix for keys (key starts with this string) that should be removed """ removeKeys = [] for key in self.dict.keys(): if key.startswith(prefix): removeKeys.append(key) for key in removeKeys: del self.dict[key]
[docs] def keys(self): return list(self.dict.keys())
[docs] class ConfigFileWithProfiles(ConfigFile): """ Store options in profiles as 'profileX.key=value' Args: default_profile_name (str): default name of the first profile. """ def __init__(self, default_profile_name=''): ConfigFile.__init__(self) self.default_profile_name = default_profile_name self.current_profile_id = '1' self.setCurrentProfile(self.current_profile_id)
[docs] def load(self, filename): """ Reset current options and load new options from file. Args: filename (str): full path """ self.current_profile_id = '1' super(ConfigFileWithProfiles, self).load(filename)
[docs] def append(self, filename): """ Load options from file and append them to current options. Args: filename (str): full path """ super(ConfigFileWithProfiles, self).append(filename) found = False profiles = self.profiles() for profile_id in profiles: if profile_id == self.current_profile_id: found = True break if not found and profiles: self.current_profile_id = profiles[0] if self.intValue('profiles.version') <= 0: rename_keys = [] for key in self.dict.keys(): if key.startswith('profile.0.'): rename_keys.append(key) for old_key in rename_keys: new_key = 'profile1.' + old_key[10:] self.dict[new_key] = self.dict[old_key] del self.dict[old_key] if self.intValue('profiles.version') != 1: self.setIntValue('profiles.version', 1)
[docs] def profiles(self): """ List of all available profile IDs. Profile IDs are strings! Returns: list: all available profile IDs as strings """ return self.strValue('profiles', '1').split(':')
[docs] def profilesSortedByName(self): """ List of available profile IDs alphabetically sorted by their names. Profile IDs are strings! Returns: list: all available profile IDs as strings """ profiles_unsorted = self.profiles() if len(profiles_unsorted) <= 1: return profiles_unsorted profiles_dict = {} for profile_id in profiles_unsorted: profiles_dict[self.profileName(profile_id).upper()] = profile_id # sort the dictionary by key (the profile name) profiles_sorted = collections.OrderedDict( sorted(profiles_dict.items())) # return the names as a list return list(profiles_sorted.values())
[docs] def currentProfile(self): """ Currently selected profile ID. Profile IDs are strings! Returns: str: profile ID """ return self.current_profile_id
[docs] def setCurrentProfile(self, profile_id): """ Change the current profile. Args: profile_id (str, int): valid profile ID Returns: bool: ``True`` if successful """ if isinstance(profile_id, int): profile_id = str(profile_id) profiles = self.profiles() for i in profiles: if i == profile_id: profile_name = self.profileName(profile_id) self.current_profile_id = profile_id logger.changeProfile(profile_id, profile_name) logger.debug( f'Change current profile: {profile_id}={profile_name}', self) return True return False
[docs] def setCurrentProfileByName(self, name): """ Change the current profile by a givin name. Args: name (str): valid profile name Returns: bool: ``True`` if successful """ # Find the profile_id to this name... for profile_id in self.profiles(): if self.profileName(profile_id) == name: # ...and set current profile by this id. return self.setCurrentProfile(profile_id) return False
[docs] def profileExists(self, profile_id): """ ``True`` if the profile exists. Args: profile_id (str, int): profile ID Returns: bool: ``True`` if ``profile_id`` exists. """ if isinstance(profile_id, int): profile_id = str(profile_id) return profile_id in self.profiles()
[docs] def profileExistsByName(self, name): """ ``True`` if the profile exists. Args: name (str): profile name Returns: bool: ``True`` if ``name`` exists. """ profiles = self.profiles() for profile_id in profiles: if self.profileName(profile_id) == name: return True return False
[docs] def profileName(self, profile_id=None): """ Name of the profile. Args: profile_id (str, int): valid profile ID Returns: str: name of profile """ if isinstance(profile_id, int): profile_id = str(profile_id) if profile_id is None: profile_id = self.current_profile_id if profile_id == '1': default = self.default_profile_name else: default = 'Profile %s' % profile_id return self.profileStrValue('name', default, profile_id)
[docs] def addProfile(self, name): """ Add a new profile if the name is not already in use. Args: name (str): new profile name Returns: str: new profile ID """ profiles = self.profiles() for profile_id in profiles: if self.profileName(profile_id) == name: self.notifyError(_( 'Profile "{name}" already exists.').format(name=name)) return None new_id = 1 while True: ok = True if str(new_id) in profiles: ok = False if ok: break new_id = new_id + 1 new_id = str(new_id) profiles.append(new_id) self.setStrValue('profiles', ':'.join(profiles)) self.setProfileStrValue('name', name, new_id) return new_id
[docs] def removeProfile(self, profile_id=None): """ Remove profile and all its keys and values. Args: profile_id (str, int): valid profile ID Returns: bool: ``True`` if successful """ if isinstance(profile_id, int): profile_id = str(profile_id) if profile_id is None: profile_id = self.current_profile_id profiles = self.profiles() if len(profiles) <= 1: self.notifyError(_("The last profile cannot be removed.")) return False found = False index = 0 for profile in profiles: if profile == profile_id: self.removeKeysStartsWith(self.profileKey('', profile_id)) del profiles[index] self.setStrValue('profiles', ':'.join(profiles)) found = True break index = index + 1 if not found: return False if self.current_profile_id == profile_id: self.current_profile_id = '1' return True
[docs] def setProfileName(self, name, profile_id=None): """ Change the name of the profile. Args: name (str): new profile name profile_id (str, int): valid profile ID Returns: bool: ``True`` if successful. """ if isinstance(profile_id, int): profile_id = str(profile_id) if profile_id is None: profile_id = self.current_profile_id profiles = self.profiles() for profile in profiles: if self.profileName(profile) == name: if profile[0] != profile_id: self.notifyError(_( 'Profile "{name}" already exists.').format(name=name)) return False self.setProfileStrValue('name', name, profile_id) return True
[docs] def profileKey(self, key, profile_id=None): """ Prefix for keys with profile. e.g. 'profile1.key' Args: key (str): Key identifier. profile_id (str, int): Valid profile ID. Returns: str: Key with prefix 'profile1.key' """ if isinstance(profile_id, int): profile_id = str(profile_id) if profile_id is None: profile_id = self.current_profile_id return 'profile' + profile_id + '.' + key
[docs] def removeProfileKey(self, key, profile_id=None): """ Remove the key from profile. Args: key (str): key name profile_id (str, int): valid profile ID """ self.removeKey(self.profileKey(key, profile_id))
[docs] def removeProfileKeysStartsWith(self, prefix, profile_id=None): """ Remove the keys starting with prefix from profile. Args: prefix (str): prefix for keys (key starts with this string) that should be removed. profile_id (str, int): valid profile ID """ self.removeKeysStartsWith(self.profileKey(prefix, profile_id))
[docs] def remapProfileKey(self, oldKey, newKey, profileId=None): """ Remap profile keys to a new key name. Args: oldKey (str): old key name newKey (str): new key name profileId (str, int): valid profile ID """ self.remapKey(self.profileKey(oldKey, profileId), self.profileKey(newKey, profileId))
[docs] def hasProfileKey(self, key, profile_id=None): """ ``True`` if key is set in profile. Args: key (str): string used as key profile_id (str, int): valid profile ID Returns: bool: ``True`` if ``key`` is set. """ return self.profileKey(key, profile_id) in self.dict
[docs] def profileStrValue(self, key, default='', profile_id=None): """Return the value of ``key`` related to ``profile_id``. Returns: str: The value. """ return self.strValue(self.profileKey(key, profile_id), default)
[docs] def setProfileStrValue(self, key, value, profile_id=None): self.setStrValue(self.profileKey(key, profile_id), value)
[docs] def profileIntValue(self, key, default=0, profile_id=None): return self.intValue(self.profileKey(key, profile_id), default)
[docs] def setProfileIntValue(self, key, value, profile_id=None): self.setIntValue(self.profileKey(key, profile_id), value)
[docs] def profileBoolValue(self, key, default=False, profile_id=None): return self.boolValue(self.profileKey(key, profile_id), default)
[docs] def setProfileBoolValue(self, key, value, profile_id=None): self.setBoolValue(self.profileKey(key, profile_id), value)
[docs] def profileListValue(self, key, type_key='str:value', default=[], profile_id=None): return self.listValue( self.profileKey(key, profile_id), type_key, default)
[docs] def setProfileListValue(self, key, type_key, value, profile_id=None): self.setListValue(self.profileKey(key, profile_id), type_key, value)