Source code for snapshots

# Back In Time
# Copyright (C) 2008-2022 Oprea Dan, Bart de Koning, Richard Bailey,
# Germar Reitze, Taylor Raack
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
import stat
import datetime
import gettext
import bz2
import pwd
import getpass
import grp
import subprocess
import shutil
import time
import re
import fcntl
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import config
import configfile
import logger
import tools
import encfstools
import mount
import progress
import snapshotlog
from applicationinstance import ApplicationInstance
from exceptions import MountException, LastSnapshotSymlink

[docs] class Snapshots: """ Collection of take-snapshot and restore commands. BUHTZ 2022-10-09: In my understanding this is the representation of a snapshot in the "application layer". This seems to be the difference to the class `SID` which represents a snapshot in the "data layer". BUHTZ 2024-02-23: Not sure but it seems to be one concret snapshot and not a collection of snapshots. In this case the class name is missleading because it is in plural form. Args: cfg (config.Config): current config """ SNAPSHOT_VERSION = 3 GLOBAL_FLOCK = '/tmp/backintime.lock' def __init__(self, cfg = None): self.config = cfg if self.config is None: self.config = config.Config() self.snapshotLog = snapshotlog.SnapshotLog(self.config) self.clearIdCache() self.clearNameCache() #rsync --info=progress2 output #search for: 517.38K 26% 14.46MB/s 0:02:36 #or: 497.84M 4% -449.39kB/s ??:??:?? #but filter out: 517.38K 26% 14.46MB/s 0:00:53 (xfr#53, to-chk=169/452) # because this shows current run time self.reRsyncProgress = re.compile(r'.*?' #trash at start r'(\d*[,\.]?\d+[KkMGT]?)\s+' #bytes sent r'(\d*)%\s+' #percent done r'(-?\d*[,\.]?\d*[KkMGT]?B/s)\s+' #speed r'([\d\?]+:[\d\?]{2}:[\d\?]{2})' #estimated time of arrival r'(.*$)') #trash at the end self.lastBusyCheck = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) self.flock = None self.restorePermissionFailed = False # TODO: make own class for takeSnapshotMessage
[docs] def clearTakeSnapshotMessage(self): """Delete message and progress file""" Path(self.config.takeSnapshotMessageFile()).unlink(missing_ok=True) Path(self.config.takeSnapshotProgressFile()).unlink(missing_ok=True)
# TODO: make own class for takeSnapshotMessage
[docs] def takeSnapshotMessage(self): """Get the current message from the message file. Returns: (tuple(int, str)): The message type and its string or `None`. See `setTakeSnapshotMessage()` for further details. Dev note (buhtz): Too many try..excepts in here. """ # Dev note (buhtz): Not sure what happens here or why this is usefull. wait = - datetime.timedelta(seconds=5) if self.lastBusyCheck < wait: self.lastBusyCheck = if not self.busy(): self.clearTakeSnapshotMessage() return None # Filename of the message file message_fn = self.config.takeSnapshotMessageFile() if not os.path.exists(message_fn): return None try: with open(message_fn, 'rt') as handle: items ='\n') # TODO (buhtz): Too broad exception except Exception as exc: logger.debug('Failed to get takeSnapshot message from ' f'{message_fn}: {str(exc)}', self) return None if len(items) < 2: return None # "Message id": Type of the message. mid = 0 try: mid = int(items[0]) # TODO (buhtz): Too broad exception except Exception as exc: logger.debug('Failed to extract message ID from ' f'{items}: {str(exc)}', self) return (mid, '\n'.join(items[1:]))
# TODO: make own class for takeSnapshotMessage
[docs] def setTakeSnapshotMessage(self, type_id, message, timeout=-1): """Update the status message of the active snapshot creation job Write the status message into a message file to allow async processing for the GUI, plug-ins (like user-callback) and desktop notifications. Args: type_id: Simplified severity level of the status message: 0: INFO 1: ERROR other values: defaults to INFO (may change in the future) message: status message string timeout: Requested maximum processing duration in plug-ins. Default: -1 (no limit) Called plug-ins must try to keep the timeout itself (it is not enforced by the ``PluginManager``. In fact currently all known plug-ins do ignore the timeout value! """ message_fn = self.config.takeSnapshotMessageFile() try: # Write message to file (and overwrites the previos one) with open(message_fn, 'wt') as f: f.write(str(type_id) + '\n' + message) except Exception as exc: logger.debug('Failed to set takeSnapshot message ' f'to {message_fn}: {str(exc)}', self) # Error message? if type_id == 1: self.snapshotLog.append('[E] ' + message, 1) else: self.snapshotLog.append('[I] ' + message, 3) try: profile_id = self.config.currentProfile() profile_name = self.config.profileName(profile_id) self.config.PLUGIN_MANAGER.message( profile_id, profile_name, type_id, message, timeout) except Exception as exc: logger.debug(f'Failed to send message to plugins: {str(exc)}', self)
[docs] def busy(self): instance = ApplicationInstance(self.config.takeSnapshotInstanceFile(), False) return instance.busy()
[docs] def pid(self): instance = ApplicationInstance(self.config.takeSnapshotInstanceFile(), False) return instance.readPidFile()[0]
[docs] def clearNameCache(self): """ Reset the cache for user and group names. """ self.userCache = {} self.groupCache = {}
[docs] def clearIdCache(self): """ Reset the cache for UIDs and GIDs. """ self.uidCache = {} self.gidCache = {}
[docs] def uid(self, name, callback = None, backup = None): """ Get the User identifier (UID) for the user in ``name``. name->uid will be cached to speed up subsequent requests. Args: name (:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`bytes`): username to search for callback (method): callable which will handle a given message backup (int): UID which will be used if the username is unknown on this machine Returns: int: UID of the user in name or -1 if not found """ if isinstance(name, bytes): name = name.decode() if name in self.uidCache: return self.uidCache[name] else: uid = -1 try: uid = pwd.getpwnam(name).pw_uid except Exception as e: if backup: uid = backup msg = "UID for '%s' is not available on this system. Using UID %s from snapshot." %(name, backup), self) if callback is not None: callback(msg) else: self.restorePermissionFailed = True msg = 'Failed to get UID for %s: %s' % (name, str(e)) logger.error(msg, self) if callback: callback(msg) self.uidCache[name] = uid return uid
[docs] def gid(self, name, callback = None, backup = None): """ Get the Group identifier (GID) for the group in ``name``. name->gid will be cached to speed up subsequent requests. Args: name (:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`bytes`): groupname to search for callback (method): callable which will handle a given message backup (int): GID which will be used if the groupname is unknown on this machine Returns: int: GID of the group in name or -1 if not found """ if isinstance(name, bytes): name = name.decode() if name in self.gidCache: return self.gidCache[name] else: gid = -1 try: gid = grp.getgrnam(name).gr_gid except Exception as e: if backup is not None: gid = backup msg = "GID for '%s' is not available on this system. Using GID %s from snapshot." %(name, backup), self) if callback: callback(msg) else: self.restorePermissionFailed = True msg = 'Failed to get GID for %s: %s' %(name, str(e)) logger.error(msg, self) if callback: callback(msg) self.gidCache[name] = gid return gid
[docs] def userName(self, uid): """ Get the username for the given uid. uid->name will be cached to speed up subsequent requests. Args: uid (int): User identifier (UID) to search for Returns: str: name of the user with UID uid or '-' if not found """ if uid in self.userCache: return self.userCache[uid] else: name = '-' try: name = pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name except Exception as e: logger.debug('Failed to get user name for UID %s: %s' %(uid, str(e)), self) self.userCache[uid] = name return name
[docs] def groupName(self, gid): """ Get the groupname for the given gid. gid->name will be cached to speed up subsequent requests. Args: gid (int): Group identifier (GID) to search for Returns: str: name of the Group with GID gid or '.' if not found """ if gid in self.groupCache: return self.groupCache[gid] else: name = '-' try: name = grp.getgrgid(gid).gr_name except Exception as e: logger.debug('Failed to get group name for GID %s: %s' %(gid, str(e)), self) self.groupCache[gid] = name return name
[docs] def restoreCallback(self, callback, ok, msg): """ Format messages thrown by restore depending on whether they where successful or failed. Args: callback (method): callable instance which will handle the message ok (bool): ``True`` if the logged action was successful or ``False`` if it failed msg (str): message that should be send to callback """ if not callback is None: if not ok: msg = msg + ' : ' + _('FAILED') self.restorePermissionFailed = True callback(msg)
[docs] def restorePermission(self, key_path, path, fileInfoDict, callback = None): """ Restore permissions (owner, group and mode). If permissions are already identical with the new ones just skip. Otherwise try to 'chown' to new owner and new group. If that fails (most probably because we are not running as root and normal user has no rights to change ownership of files) try to at least 'chgrp' to the new group. Finally 'chmod' the new mode. Args: key_path (bytes): original path during backup. Same as in fileInfoDict. path (bytes): current path of file that should be changed. fileInfoDict (FileInfoDict): FileInfoDict """ assert isinstance(key_path, bytes), 'key_path is not bytes type: %s' % key_path assert isinstance(path, bytes), 'path is not bytes type: %s' % path assert isinstance(fileInfoDict, FileInfoDict), 'fileInfoDict is not FileInfoDict type: %s' % fileInfoDict if key_path not in fileInfoDict or not os.path.exists(path): return info = fileInfoDict[key_path] #restore uid/gid uid = self.uid(info[1], callback) gid = self.gid(info[2], callback) #current file stats st = os.stat(path) # logger.debug('%(path)s: uid %(target_uid)s/%(cur_uid)s, gid %(target_gid)s/%(cur_gid)s, mod %(target_mod)s/%(cur_mod)s' # %{'path': path.decode(), # 'target_uid': uid, # 'cur_uid': st.st_uid, # 'target_gid': gid, # 'cur_gid': st.st_gid, # 'target_mod': info[0], # 'cur_mod': st.st_mode # }) if uid != -1 or gid != -1: ok = False if uid != st.st_uid: try: os.chown(path, uid, gid) ok = True except: pass self.restoreCallback(callback, ok, "chown %s %s : %s" % (path.decode(errors = 'ignore'), uid, gid)) st = os.stat(path) #if restore uid/gid failed try to restore at least gid if not ok and gid != st.st_gid: try: os.chown(path, -1, gid) ok = True except: pass self.restoreCallback(callback, ok, "chgrp %s %s" % (path.decode(errors = 'ignore'), gid)) st = os.stat(path) #restore perms ok = False if info[0] != st.st_mode: try: os.chmod(path, info[0]) ok = True except: pass self.restoreCallback(callback, ok, "chmod %s %04o" % (path.decode(errors = 'ignore'), info[0]))
[docs] def restore(self, sid, paths, callback = None, restore_to = '', delete = False, backup = True, only_new = False): """ Restore one or more files from snapshot ``sid`` to either original or a different destination. Restore is done with rsync. If available permissions will be restored from ``fileinfo.bz2``. Args: sid (SID): snapshot from whom to restore paths (:py:class:`list`, :py:class:`tuple` or :py:class:`str`): single path (str) or multiple paths (list, tuple) that should be restored. For every path this will run a new rsync process. Permissions will be restored for all paths in one run callback (method): callable instance which will handle messages restore_to (str): full path to restore to. If empty restore to original destination delete (bool): delete newer files which are not in the snapshot backup (bool): create backup files (``*.backup.YYYYMMDD``) before changing or deleting local files. only_new (bool): Only restore files which do not exist or are newer than those in destination. Using ``rsync --update`` option. """ instance = ApplicationInstance( pidFile=self.config.restoreInstanceFile(), autoExit=False, flock=True) if instance.check(): instance.startApplication() else: logger.warning('Restore is already running', self) return if restore_to.endswith('/'): restore_to = restore_to[: -1] if not isinstance(paths, (list, tuple)): paths = (paths,)"Restore: %s to: %s" %(', '.join(paths), restore_to), self) info = cmd_prefix = tools.rsyncPrefix(self.config, no_perms=False, use_mode=['ssh']) cmd_prefix.extend(('-R', '-v')) if backup: cmd_prefix.extend(('--backup', '--suffix=%s' % self.backupSuffix())) if delete: cmd_prefix.append('--delete') cmd_prefix.append('--filter=protect %s' % self.config.snapshotsPath()) cmd_prefix.append('--filter=protect %s' % self.config._LOCAL_DATA_FOLDER) cmd_prefix.append('--filter=protect %s' % self.config._MOUNT_ROOT) if only_new: cmd_prefix.append('--update') restored_paths = [] for path in paths: tools.makeDirs(os.path.dirname(path)) src_path = path src_delta = 0 src_base = sid.pathBackup(use_mode = ['ssh']) if not src_base.endswith(os.sep): src_base += os.sep cmd = cmd_prefix[:] if restore_to: items = os.path.split(src_path) aux = items[0].lstrip(os.sep) # bugfix: restore system root ended in <src_base>//.<src_path> if aux: src_base = os.path.join(src_base, aux) + '/' src_path = '/' + items[1] if items[0] == '/': src_delta = 0 else: src_delta = len(items[0]) cmd.append(self.rsyncRemotePath('%s.%s' % (src_base, src_path), use_mode=['ssh'], quote='')) cmd.append('%s/' % restore_to) proc = tools.Execute(cmd, callback=callback, filters=(self.filterRsyncProgress,), parent=self) self.restoreCallback(callback, True, proc.printable_cmd) self.restoreCallback(callback, True, ' ') restored_paths.append((path, src_delta)) try: os.remove(self.config.takeSnapshotProgressFile()) except Exception as e: logger.debug('Failed to remove snapshot progress file %s: %s' %(self.config.takeSnapshotProgressFile(), str(e)), self) #restore permissions'Restore permissions', self) self.restoreCallback(callback, True, ' ') self.restoreCallback( callback, True, '{}:'.format(_('Restore permissions'))) self.restorePermissionFailed = False fileInfoDict = sid.fileInfo #cache uids/gids for uid, name in info.listValue('user', ('int:uid', 'str:name')): self.uid(name.encode(), callback = callback, backup = uid) for gid, name in info.listValue('group', ('int:gid', 'str:name')): self.gid(name.encode(), callback = callback, backup = gid) if fileInfoDict: all_dirs = [] #restore dir permissions after all files are done for path, src_delta in restored_paths: #explore items snapshot_path_to = sid.pathBackup(path).rstrip('/') root_snapshot_path_to = sid.pathBackup().rstrip('/') #use bytes instead of string from here if isinstance(path, str): path = path.encode() if isinstance(restore_to, str): restore_to = restore_to.encode() if not restore_to: path_items = path.strip(b'/').split(b'/') curr_path = b'/' for path_item in path_items: curr_path = os.path.join(curr_path, path_item) if curr_path not in all_dirs: all_dirs.append(curr_path) else: if path not in all_dirs: all_dirs.append(path) if os.path.isdir(snapshot_path_to) and not os.path.islink(snapshot_path_to): head = len(root_snapshot_path_to.encode()) for explore_path, dirs, files in os.walk(snapshot_path_to.encode()): for item in dirs: item_path = os.path.join(explore_path, item)[head:] if item_path not in all_dirs: all_dirs.append(item_path) for item in files: item_path = os.path.join(explore_path, item)[head:] real_path = restore_to + item_path[src_delta:] self.restorePermission(item_path, real_path, fileInfoDict, callback) all_dirs.reverse() for item_path in all_dirs: real_path = restore_to + item_path[src_delta:] self.restorePermission(item_path, real_path, fileInfoDict, callback) self.restoreCallback(callback, True, '') if self.restorePermissionFailed: status = _('FAILED') else: status = _('Done') self.restoreCallback( callback, True, '{}: {}'.format(_('Restore permissions'), status) ) instance.exitApplication()
[docs] def backupSuffix(self): """ Get suffix for backup files. Returns: str: backup suffix in form of '.backup.YYYYMMDD' """ return '.backup.' +'%Y%m%d')
[docs] def remove(self, sid): """ Remove snapshot ``sid``. BUHTZ 2022-10-11: From my understanding rsync is used here to sync the directory of a concrete snapshot (``sid``) against an empty temporary directory. In the consequence the sid directory is empty but not deleted. To delete that directory simple `rm` call (via `shutil` package) is used to delete the directory. No need to do this via SSH because the directory is temporary mounted. It is not clear for me why it is done that way. Why not simply "rm" the directory when it is mounted instead of using rsync in a previous step?! But I won't change it yet. Args: sid (SID): snapshot to remove Returns: (bool): ``True`` if succeeded otherwise ``False``. """ if isinstance(sid, RootSnapshot): return # build the rsync command and it's arguments rsync = tools.rsyncRemove(self.config) # an empty temporary directory # e.g. /tmp/tmp8g59onuz with TemporaryDirectory() as d: # the temp dir rsync.append(d + os.sep) # the real remote path of a concrete snapshot (a "sid") # e.g. user@myserver:"/MyBackup/.backintime/backintime/HOST/user/ \ # MyProfile/20221005-000003-880" rsync.append( self.rsyncRemotePath( sid.path(use_mode=['ssh', 'ssh_encfs']), # No quoting because of new argument protection of rsync. quote='' ) ) # Syncing the empty tmp directory against the sid directory # will clear the sid directory. rc = tools.Execute(rsync).run() # if rc != 0: logger.error( f'Last rsync command failed with return code "{rc}". ' 'See previous WARNING message in the logs for details.') return False # Delete the sid dir. BUT here isn't the remote path used but the # temporary mounted variant of it. # e.g. /home/user/.local/share/backintime/mnt/4_8030/backintime/ \ # HOST/user/MyProfile/20221005-000003-880 shutil.rmtree(sid.path()) return True
# TODO Refactor: This functions is extremely difficult to understand: # - Nested "if"s # - Fuzzy names of classes, attributes and methods # - unclear variable names (at least for the return values)
[docs] def backup(self, force = False): """Wrapper for :py:func:`takeSnapshot` which will prepare and clean up things for the main :py:func:`takeSnapshot` method. This will check that no other snapshots are running at the same time, there is nothing prohibiting a new snapshot (e.g. on battery) and the profile is configured correctly. This will also mount and unmount remote destinations. Args: force (bool): Force taking a new snapshot even if the profile is not scheduled or the machine is running on battery. Returns: bool: ``True`` if there was an error. """ ret_val, ret_error = False, True sleep = True self.config.PLUGIN_MANAGER.load(self) if not self.config.isConfigured(): logger.warning('Not configured', self) # not configured self.config.PLUGIN_MANAGER.error(1) elif (not force and self.config.noSnapshotOnBattery() and tools.onBattery()): self.setTakeSnapshotMessage( 0, _('Deferring backup while on battery'))'Deferring backup while on battery', self) logger.warning('Backup not performed', self) ret_error = False elif not force and not self.config.backupScheduled():'Profile "{self.config.profileName()}" is not ' 'scheduled to run now.', self) ret_error = False else: instance = ApplicationInstance( self.config.takeSnapshotInstanceFile(), False, flock=True ) restore_instance = ApplicationInstance( self.config.restoreInstanceFile(), False ) if not instance.check(): logger.warning( 'A backup is already running. The pid of the already ' f'running backup is in file {instance.pidFile}. Maybe ' 'delete it.', self) # a backup is already running self.config.PLUGIN_MANAGER.error(2) elif not restore_instance.check(): logger.warning( 'Restore is still running. Stop backup until restore is ' 'done. The pid of the already running restore is in ' f'{restore_instance.pidFile}. Maybe delete it.', self) else: if (self.config.noSnapshotOnBattery() and not tools.powerStatusAvailable()): logger.warning('Backups disabled on battery but power ' 'status is not available', self) instance.startApplication() # global flock to block backups from other profiles or users # (and run them serialized) self.flockExclusive()'Lock', self) now = # inhibit suspend/hibernate during snapshot is running self.config.inhibitCookie \ = tools.inhibitSuspend(toplevel_xid=self.config.xWindowId) # mount try: hash_id = mount.Mount(cfg=self.config).mount() except MountException as ex: logger.error(str(ex), self) instance.exitApplication()'Unlock', self) time.sleep(2) return True else: self.config.setCurrentHashId(hash_id) include_folders = self.config.include() if not include_folders:'Nothing to do', self) elif not self.config.PLUGIN_MANAGER.processBegin():'A plugin prevented the backup', self) else: # take snapshot process begin self.setTakeSnapshotMessage(0, '...') profile_id = self.config.currentProfile() profile_name = self.config.profileName()"Take a new snapshot. Profile: {profile_id} " f"{profile_name}", self) if not self.config.canBackup(profile_id): if (self.config.PLUGIN_MANAGER.hasGuiPlugins and self.config.notify()): message = ( _('Can\'t find snapshots folder.\nIf it is ' 'on a removable drive please plug it in.') + '\n' + gettext.ngettext('Waiting %s second.', 'Waiting %s seconds.', 30) % 30 ) self.setTakeSnapshotMessage( type_id=1, message=message, timeout=30) counter = 0 for counter in range(0, 30): logger.debug( "Cannot start snapshot yet: target directory " "not accessible. Waiting 1s.") time.sleep(1) if self.config.canBackup(): break if counter != 0: f"Waited {counter} seconds for target " "directory to be available", self) if not self.config.canBackup(profile_id): logger.warning("Can't find snapshots folder!", self) # Can't find snapshots directory (is it on a removable # drive ?) self.config.PLUGIN_MANAGER.error(3) else: ret_error = False sid = SID(now, self.config) if sid.exists(): logger.warning(f'Snapshot path "{sid.path()}" ' 'already exists', self) # This snapshot already exists self.config.PLUGIN_MANAGER.error(4, sid) else: try: # TODO # rename ret_val to new_snapshot_created and # ret_error to has_error for clearer code ret_val, ret_error = self.takeSnapshot( sid, now, include_folders) except: new = NewSnapshot(self.config) if new.exists(): new.saveToContinue = False new.failed = True raise if not ret_val: self.remove(sid) if ret_error: logger.error('Failed to take snapshot.', self) msg = _('Failed to take snapshot ' '{snapshot_id}.').format( snapshot_id=sid.displayID) self.setTakeSnapshotMessage(1, msg) # Fixes #1491 self.config.PLUGIN_MANAGER.error(5, msg) time.sleep(2) else: logger.warning("No new snapshot", self) else: # new snapshot taken... if ret_error: logger.error( 'New snapshot taken but errors detected', self) # Fixes #1491 self.config.PLUGIN_MANAGER.error( 6, sid.displayID) # Why ignore errors now? ret_error = False # Probably because a new snapshot has been created # (= changes transferred) and "continue on errors" # is enabled if not ret_error: self.freeSpace(now) self.setTakeSnapshotMessage(0, _('Finalizing')) time.sleep(2) sleep = False if ret_val: # new snapshot self.config.PLUGIN_MANAGER.newSnapshot( sid, sid.path()) # Take snapshot process end self.config.PLUGIN_MANAGER.processEnd() if sleep: time.sleep(2) sleep = False if not ret_error: self.clearTakeSnapshotMessage() # unmount try: mount.Mount(cfg = self.config).umount(self.config.current_hash_id) except MountException as ex: logger.error(str(ex), self) instance.exitApplication() self.flockRelease()'Unlock', self) if sleep: # max 1 backup / second time.sleep(2) # release inhibit suspend if self.config.inhibitCookie: self.config.inhibitCookie = tools.unInhibitSuspend( *self.config.inhibitCookie) return ret_error
[docs] def filterRsyncProgress(self, line): """ Filter rsync's stdout for progress information and store them in '~/.local/share/backintime/worker<N>.progress' file. Args: line (str): stdout line from rsync Returns: str: ``line`` if it had no progress infos. ``None`` if ``line`` was a progress """ ret = [] for l in line.split('\n'): m = self.reRsyncProgress.match(l) if m: # if # return pg = progress.ProgressFile(self.config) pg.setIntValue('status', pg.RSYNC) pg.setStrValue('sent', pg.setIntValue('percent', int( pg.setStrValue('speed', #pg.setStrValue('eta', del(pg) else: ret.append(l) return '\n'.join(ret)
[docs] def rsyncCallback(self, line, params): """ Parse rsync's stdout, send it to takeSnapshotMessage and takeSnapshotLog. Also check if there has been changes or errors in current rsync. Args: line (str): stdout line from rsync params (list): list of two bool '[error, changes]'. Uses a side effect by changing list items here to change the original list of the caller, too (lists are passed as reference in Python). If rsync reported an error ``params[0]`` will be set to ``True``. If rsync reported a changed file ``params[1]`` will be set to ``True`` """ if not line: return # Warning (2023-11): Do not modify the source string. # See #1559 for details. self.setTakeSnapshotMessage( 0, _('Take snapshot') + " (rsync: %s)" % line) # Did rsync report an error? if line.endswith(')'): if line.startswith('rsync:'): if not line.startswith('rsync: chgrp ') and not line.startswith('rsync: chown '): # matches rsync error lines like: # rsync: [generator] link [...] failed: Invalid cross-device link (18) params[0] = True self.setTakeSnapshotMessage(1, 'Error: ' + line) if len(line) >= 13: # The prefix is created by rsync via the argument "--out-format=BACKINTIME: %i %n%L" if line.startswith('BACKINTIME: '): if line[12] != '.' and line[12:14] != 'cd': params[1] = True self.snapshotLog.append('[C] ' + line[12:], 2)
[docs] def makeDirs(self, path): """ Wrapper for :py:func:`tools.makeDirs()`. Create directories ``path`` recursive and return success. If not successful send error-message to log. Args: path (str): fullpath to directories that should be created Returns: bool: ``True`` if successful """ if not tools.makeDirs(path): logger.error(f"Can't create folder: {path}", self) self.setTakeSnapshotMessage( 1, '{}: {}'.format( _("Can't create folder"), path) ) time.sleep(2) # max 1 backup / second return False return True
[docs] def backupConfig(self, sid): """ Backup the config file to the snapshot and to the backup root if backup is encrypted. Args: sid (SID): snapshot in which the config should be stored """'Save config file', self) self.setTakeSnapshotMessage(0, _('Saving config file…')) with open(self.config._LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH, 'rb') as src: with open(sid.path('config'), 'wb') as dst1: dst1.write( if self.config.snapshotsMode() == 'local_encfs': dst2_path = os.path.join( self.config.localEncfsPath(), 'config' ) with open(dst2_path, 'wb') as dst2: dst2.write( elif self.config.snapshotsMode() == 'ssh_encfs': cmd = tools.rsyncPrefix(self.config, no_perms=False) cmd.append(self.config._LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH) remote_path = self.rsyncRemotePath( self.config.sshSnapshotsPath(), # no quoting because of rsync modern argument # protection (argument -s) quote='' ) cmd.append(remote_path) proc = tools.Execute(cmd, parent=self) rc = # WORKAROUND # tools.Execute only create warnings if 'cmd' fails. # But we need a real ERROR here. if rc != 0: logger.error( f'Backing up the config in "{self.config.snapshotsMode()}"' f' mode failed! The return code was {rc} and the' f' command was {cmd}. Also see the previous ' 'WARNING message for a more details.', parent=self)
[docs] def backupInfo(self, sid): """ Save infos about the snapshot into the 'info' file. Args: sid (SID): snapshot that should get an info file """"Create info file", self) machine = user = getpass.getuser() profile_id = self.config.currentProfile() i = configfile.ConfigFile() i.setIntValue('snapshot_version', self.SNAPSHOT_VERSION) i.setStrValue('snapshot_date', sid.withoutTag) i.setStrValue('snapshot_machine', machine) i.setStrValue('snapshot_user', user) i.setIntValue('snapshot_profile_id', profile_id) i.setIntValue('snapshot_tag', sid.tag) i.setListValue('user', ('int:uid', 'str:name'), list(self.userCache.items())) i.setListValue('group', ('int:gid', 'str:name'), list(self.groupCache.items())) i.setStrValue('filesystem_mounts', json.dumps(tools.filesystemMountInfo())) = i
[docs] def backupPermissions(self, sid): """ Save permissions (owner, group, read-, write- and executable) for all files in Snapshot ``sid`` into snapshots fileInfoDict. Args: sid (SID): snapshot that should be scanned Returns: int: Return code of rsync. """'Save permissions', self) self.setTakeSnapshotMessage(0, _('Saving permissions…')) fileInfoDict = FileInfoDict() if self.config.snapshotsMode() == 'ssh_encfs': decode = encfstools.Decode(self.config, False) else: decode = encfstools.Bounce() # backup permissions of / # bugfix for self.backupPermissionsCallback(b'/', (fileInfoDict, decode)) rsync = ['rsync', '--dry-run', '-s', '-r', '--out-format=%n'] rsync.extend(tools.rsyncSshArgs(self.config)) rsync.append( self.rsyncRemotePath( path=sid.pathBackup( use_mode=['ssh', 'ssh_encfs'] ), quote='' ) + os.sep ) with TemporaryDirectory() as d: rsync.append(d + os.sep) proc = tools.Execute(rsync, callback=self.backupPermissionsCallback, user_data=(fileInfoDict, decode), parent=self, conv_str=False, join_stderr=False) rc = sid.fileInfo = fileInfoDict return rc
[docs] def backupPermissionsCallback(self, line, user_data): """ Rsync callback for :py:func:`Snapshots.backupPermissions`. Args: line(bytes): output from rsync command user_data (tuple): two item tuple of (:py:class:`FileInfoDict`, :py:class:`encfstools.Decode`) """ fileInfoDict, decode = user_data self.collectPermission(fileInfoDict, b'/' + decode.path(line).rstrip(b'/'))
[docs] def collectPermission(self, fileinfo, path): """ Collect permission infos about ``path`` and store them into ``fileinfo``. Args: fileinfo (FileInfoDict): dict of: {path: (permission, user, group)} Using sideefect on changing dict item will change original dict, too. path (bytes): full path to file or folder """ assert isinstance(path, bytes), 'path is not bytes type: %s' % path if path and os.path.exists(path): info = os.stat(path) mode = info.st_mode user = self.userName(info.st_uid).encode('utf-8', 'replace') group = self.groupName(info.st_gid).encode('utf-8', 'replace') fileinfo[path] = (mode, user, group)
[docs] def takeSnapshot(self, sid, now, include_folders): """This is the main backup routine. It will take a new snapshot and store permissions of included files and folders into ``fileinfo.bz2``. Args: sid (SID): snapshot ID which the new snapshot should get now (datetime.datetime): date and time when this snapshot was started include_folders (list): folders to include. list of tuples (item, int) where ``int`` is 0 if ``item`` is a folder or 1 if ``item`` is a file Returns: list: list of two bool (``ret_val``, ``ret_error``) where ``ret_val`` is ``True`` if a new snapshot has been created and ``ret_error`` is ``True`` if there was an error during taking the snapshot """ self.setTakeSnapshotMessage(0, '...') new_snapshot = NewSnapshot(self.config) encode = self.config.ENCODE # "return" values set during async rsync execution (as user data "by ref") params = [False, False] # [error, changes] # TODO # docstring of return value for this function swaps the meaning of the # elements, this is confusing (``ret_val``, ``ret_error``) and # error-prone. Use a mutable data structure with named elements # instead, e.g. a DataClass if new_snapshot.exists() and new_snapshot.saveToContinue:"Found leftover '{new_snapshot.displayID}' which " "can be continued.", self) self.setTakeSnapshotMessage( 0, _('Found leftover {snapshot_id} which can be continued.') .format(snapshot_id=new_snapshot.displayID) ) # fix permissions for file in os.listdir(new_snapshot.path()): file = os.path.join(new_snapshot.path(), file) mode = os.stat(file).st_mode try: os.chmod(file, mode | stat.S_IWUSR) except PermissionError: pass # search previous log for changes and set params params[1] = new_snapshot.hasChanges elif new_snapshot.exists() and not new_snapshot.saveToContinue:'Remove leftover {new_snapshot.displayID} folder ' 'from last run') self.setTakeSnapshotMessage( 0, _('Removing leftover {snapshot_id} folder from last run') .format(snapshot_id=new_snapshot.displayID) ) self.remove(new_snapshot) if os.path.exists(new_snapshot.path()): logger.error( f"Can't remove folder: {new_snapshot.path()}", self) self.setTakeSnapshotMessage( 1, '{}: {}'.format(_("Can't remove folder"), new_snapshot.path()) ) time.sleep(2) # max 1 backup / second return [False, True] if not new_snapshot.saveToContinue and not new_snapshot.makeDirs(): return [False, True] prev_sid = None snapshots = listSnapshots(self.config) if snapshots: prev_sid = snapshots[0] # rsync prefix & suffix rsync_prefix = tools.rsyncPrefix(self.config, no_perms=False) if self.config.excludeBySizeEnabled(): rsync_prefix.append('--max-size=%sM' % self.config.excludeBySize()) rsync_suffix = self.rsyncSuffix(include_folders) # When there is no snapshots it takes the last snapshot from the other folders # It should delete the excluded folders then rsync_prefix.extend(('--delete', '--delete-excluded')) rsync_prefix.append('-v') # Use a fixed logging format for the rsync "changed files" list to # make it parsable e.g. in rsyncCallback() # %i = itemized list (11 characters) of what is being updated # (see "--itemize-changes" in "man rsync") # %n = the filename (short form; trailing "/" on dir) # %L = the string " -> SYMLINK", " => HARDLINK", or "" # (where SYMLINK or HARDLINK is a filename) # (see log format section in "man rsyncd.conf") rsync_prefix.extend(('-i', '--out-format=BACKINTIME: %i %n%L')) if prev_sid: link_dest = encode.path(os.path.join(prev_sid.sid, 'backup')) link_dest = os.path.join(os.pardir, os.pardir, link_dest) rsync_prefix.append('--link-dest=%s' % link_dest) # sync changed folders"Call rsync to take the snapshot", self) new_snapshot.saveToContinue = True cmd = rsync_prefix + rsync_suffix # No quoting (quote='') because of new argument protection of rsync. cmd.append(self.rsyncRemotePath( new_snapshot.pathBackup(use_mode=['ssh', 'ssh_encfs']), quote='')) self.setTakeSnapshotMessage(0, _('Taking snapshot')) # run rsync proc = tools.Execute(cmd, # TODO # interprets the user_data in params as: list of # two bool [error, changes] but params is reused # as return value of this function with [changes, # error]. Use a separate variable to avoid # confusion! callback=self.rsyncCallback, user_data=params, filters=(self.filterRsyncProgress,), parent=self) # TODO # introduce centralized log msg builder to avoid spread severity level # indicators like "[I]" here? self.snapshotLog.append('[I] ' + proc.printable_cmd, 3) # TODO # Process return value with rsync exit code to recognize errors that # cannot be recognized by parsing the rsync output currently rsync_exit_code = # Fix for #1491 and #489 # Note that the return value (containing the exit code) of the # rsync child process is not the only way to detect errors (and # sometimes not reliably delivers <> 0 in case of an error): # Errors are also indicated via the pass-by-ref argument # user_data="params" list (updated by the callback function that # parses the rsync output for error message patterns). # cleanup try: os.remove(self.config.takeSnapshotProgressFile()) except Exception as e: logger.debug('Failed to remove snapshot progress file %s: %s' % (self.config.takeSnapshotProgressFile(), str(e)), self) # handle errors # TODO # Fix inconsistent usage: Collects return value, but errors are also # checked via params[0] has_errors = False # dict of exit codes (as keys) that are treated as INFO only by BiT # (not as ERROR). The values are message strings for the snapshot log. rsync_non_error_exit_codes = { 0: _("Success"), # ignored as fix for #1587 (until we introduce a new snapshot # result category "(with warnings)") 23: _("Partial transfer due to error"), 24: _("Partial transfer due to vanished source files " "(see 'man rsync')") } rsync_exit_code_msg = _("'rsync' ended with exit code {exit_code}") \ .format(exit_code=rsync_exit_code) if rsync_exit_code in rsync_non_error_exit_codes: self.setTakeSnapshotMessage( 0, rsync_exit_code_msg + ": " + rsync_non_error_exit_codes[rsync_exit_code]) elif rsync_exit_code > 0: # an rsync error # HACK to fix #489 (params[0] and has_errors should be merged) params[0] = True self.setTakeSnapshotMessage( 1, rsync_exit_code_msg + ": " + _("See 'man rsync' for more details")) elif rsync_exit_code < 0: # an rsync error caused by a signal # HACK to fix #489 (params[0] and has_errors should be merged) params[0] = True self.setTakeSnapshotMessage( 1, rsync_exit_code_msg + ": " + _("Negative rsync exit codes are signal numbers, see " "'kill -l' and 'man kill'")) # params[0] -> error? if params[0]: if not self.config.continueOnErrors(): self.remove(new_snapshot) return [False, True] has_errors = True new_snapshot.failed = True # params[1] -> changes? if not params[1] and not self.config.takeSnapshotRegardlessOfChanges(): self.remove(new_snapshot)"Nothing changed, no new snapshot necessary", self) self.snapshotLog.append( '[I] ' + _('Nothing changed, no new snapshot necessary'), 3) if prev_sid: prev_sid.setLastChecked() if not has_errors and not list(self.config.anacrontabFiles()): tools.writeTimeStamp(self.config.anacronSpoolFile()) # Part of fix for #1491: # Returns "has_errors" instead of False now to signal rsync errors # (which may have prevented processing any changes) return [False, has_errors] self.backupConfig(new_snapshot) self.backupPermissions(new_snapshot) # copy snapshot log try: self.snapshotLog.flush() with open(self.snapshotLog.logFileName, 'rb') as logfile: new_snapshot.setLog( except Exception as e: logger.debug('Failed to write takeSnapshot log %s into ' 'compressed file %s: %s' % ( self.config.takeSnapshotLogFile(), new_snapshot.path(SID.LOG), str(e)), self) # TODO How is this error handled? Currently it looks like it is # ignored (just logged)! new_snapshot.saveToContinue = False # rename snapshot os.rename(new_snapshot.path(), sid.path()) if not sid.exists(): logger.error( f"Can't rename {new_snapshot.path()} to {sid.path()}", self) self.setTakeSnapshotMessage( 1, _("Can't rename {new_path} to {path}") .format(new_path=new_snapshot.path(), path=sid.path()) ) time.sleep(2) # max 1 backup / second return [False, True] self.backupInfo(sid) if not has_errors and not list(self.config.anacrontabFiles()): tools.writeTimeStamp(self.config.anacronSpoolFile()) # create last_snapshot symlink self.createLastSnapshotSymlink(sid) return [True, has_errors]
[docs] def smartRemoveKeepAll(self, snapshots, min_date, max_date): """ Return all snapshots between ``min_date`` and ``max_date``. Args: snapshots (list): full list of :py:class:`SID` objects min_date ( minimum date for snapshots to keep max_date ( maximum date for snapshots to keep Returns: set: set of snapshots that should be kept """ min_id = SID(min_date, self.config) max_id = SID(max_date, self.config) logger.debug("Keep all >= %s and < %s" %(min_id, max_id), self) return set([sid for sid in snapshots if sid >= min_id and sid < max_id])
[docs] def smartRemoveKeepFirst(self, snapshots, min_date, max_date, keep_healthy = False): """ Return only the first snapshot between ``min_date`` and ``max_date``. Args: snapshots (list): full list of :py:class:`SID` objects min_date ( minimum date for snapshots to keep max_date ( maximum date for snapshots to keep keep_healthy (bool): return the first healthy snapshot (not marked as failed) instead of the first at all. If all snapshots failed this will again return the very first snapshot Returns: set: set of snapshots that should be kept """ min_id = SID(min_date, self.config) max_id = SID(max_date, self.config) logger.debug("Keep first >= %s and < %s" %(min_id, max_id), self) for sid in snapshots: # try to keep the first healty snapshot if keep_healthy and sid.failed: logger.debug("Do not keep failed snapshot %s" %sid, self) continue if sid >= min_id and sid < max_id: return set([sid]) # if all snapshots failed return the first snapshot # no matter if it has errors if keep_healthy: return self.smartRemoveKeepFirst(snapshots, min_date, max_date, keep_healthy = False) return set()
[docs] def incMonth(self, date): """ First day of next month of ``date`` with respect on new years. So if ``date`` is December this will return 1st of January next year. Args: date ( old date that should be increased Returns: 1st day of next month """ y = date.year m = date.month + 1 if m > 12: m = 1 y = y + 1 return, m, 1)
[docs] def decMonth(self, date): """ First day of previous month of ``date`` with respect on previous years. So if ``date`` is January this will return 1st of December previous year. Args: date ( old date that should be decreased Returns: 1st day of previous month """ y = date.year m = date.month - 1 if m < 1: m = 12 y = y - 1 return, m, 1)
[docs] def smartRemoveList(self, now_full, keep_all, keep_one_per_day, keep_one_per_week, keep_one_per_month): """ Get a list of old snapshots that should be removed based on configurable intervals. Args: now_full (datetime.datetime): date and time when takeSnapshot was started keep_all (int): keep all snapshots for the last ``keep_all`` days keep_one_per_day (int): keep one snapshot per day for the last ``keep_one_per_day`` days keep_one_per_week (int): keep one snapshot per week for the last ``keep_one_per_week`` weeks keep_one_per_month (int): keep one snapshot per month for the last ``keep_one_per_month`` months Returns: list: snapshots that should be removed """ snapshots = listSnapshots(self.config) logger.debug(f'Considered: {snapshots}', self) if len(snapshots) <= 1: logger.debug('There is only one snapshot, so keep it', self) return [] if now_full is None: now_full = now = # keep the last snapshot keep = set([snapshots[0]]) # keep all for the last keep_all days if keep_all > 0: keep |= self.smartRemoveKeepAll( snapshots, now - datetime.timedelta(days=keep_all-1), now + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) # keep one per day for the last keep_one_per_day days if keep_one_per_day > 0: d = now for i in range(0, keep_one_per_day): keep |= self.smartRemoveKeepFirst( snapshots, d, d + datetime.timedelta(days=1), keep_healthy=True) d -= datetime.timedelta(days=1) # keep one per week for the last keep_one_per_week weeks if keep_one_per_week > 0: d = now - datetime.timedelta(days=now.weekday() + 1) for i in range(0, keep_one_per_week): keep |= self.smartRemoveKeepFirst( snapshots, d, d + datetime.timedelta(days=8), keep_healthy=True) d -= datetime.timedelta(days=7) # keep one per month for the last keep_one_per_month months if keep_one_per_month > 0: d1 =, now.month, 1) d2 = self.incMonth(d1) for i in range(0, keep_one_per_month): keep |= self.smartRemoveKeepFirst( snapshots, d1, d2, keep_healthy=True) d2 = d1 d1 = self.decMonth(d1) # keep one per year for all years first_year = int(snapshots[-1].sid[:4]) for i in range(first_year, now.year+1): keep |= self.smartRemoveKeepFirst(snapshots,, 1, 1),, 1, 1), keep_healthy=True) logger.debug(f'Keep snapshots: {keep}', self) del_snapshots = [] for sid in snapshots: if sid in keep: continue if self.config.dontRemoveNamedSnapshots(): if logger.debug( f'Keep snapshot: {sid}, because it has a name', self) continue del_snapshots.append(sid) return del_snapshots
[docs] def smartRemove(self, del_snapshots, log = None): """ Remove multiple snapshots either with :py:func:`Snapshots.remove` or in background on the remote host if mode is `ssh` or `ssh_encfs` and smart-remove in background is activated. Args: del_snapshots (list): list of :py:class:`SID` that should be removed log (method): callable method that will handle progress log """ if not del_snapshots: return if not log: log = lambda x: self.setTakeSnapshotMessage(0, x) if self.config.snapshotsMode() in ['ssh', 'ssh_encfs'] and self.config.smartRemoveRunRemoteInBackground():'[smart remove] remove snapshots in background: %s' % del_snapshots, self) lckFile = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( del_snapshots[0].path(use_mode=['ssh', 'ssh_encfs']), os.pardir, 'smartremove.lck' ) ) maxLength = self.config.sshMaxArgLength() if not maxLength: import sshMaxArg user_host = '%s@%s' % (self.config.sshUser(), self.config.sshHost()) maxLength = sshMaxArg.probe_max_ssh_command_size(self.config) self.config.setSshMaxArgLength(maxLength) sshMaxArg.report_result(user_host, maxLength) additionalChars = len(self.config.sshPrefixCmd(cmd_type = str)) head = 'screen -d -m bash -c "(' # create temp dir used for delete files with rsync head += 'TMP=\\$(mktemp -d); ' # make sure $TMP dir was created head += 'test -z \\\"\\$TMP\\\" && exit 1; ' # make sure $TMP is empty head += 'test -n \\\"\\$(ls \\$TMP)\\\" && exit 1; ' if logger.DEBUG: head += 'logger -t \\\"backintime smart-remove [$BASHPID]\\\" \\\"start\\\"; ' head += 'flock -x 9; ' if logger.DEBUG: head += 'logger -t \\\"backintime smart-remove [$BASHPID]\\\" \\\"got exclusive flock\\\"; ' tail = 'rmdir \\$TMP) 9>\\\"%s\\\""' %lckFile cmds = [] for sid in del_snapshots: remote = self.rsyncRemotePath(sid.path(use_mode = ['ssh', 'ssh_encfs']), use_mode = [], quote = '\\\"') rsync = ' '.join(tools.rsyncRemove(self.config, run_local = False)) rsync += ' \\\"\\$TMP/\\\" {}; '.format(remote) s = 'test -e \\\"%s\\\" && (' %sid.path(use_mode = ['ssh', 'ssh_encfs']) if logger.DEBUG: s += 'logger -t \\\"backintime smart-remove [$BASHPID]\\\" ' s += '\\\"snapshot %s still exist\\\"; ' %sid s += 'sleep 1; ' #add one second delay because otherwise you might not see serialized process with small snapshots s += rsync s += 'rmdir \\\"%s\\\"; ' %sid.path(use_mode = ['ssh', 'ssh_encfs']) if logger.DEBUG: s += 'logger -t \\\"backintime smart-remove [$BASHPID]\\\" ' s += '\\\"snapshot %s remove done\\\"' %sid s += '); ' cmds.append(s) for cmd in tools.splitCommands(cmds, head = head, tail = tail, maxLength = maxLength - additionalChars): tools.Execute(self.config.sshCommand([cmd,], quote = False, nice = False, ionice = False)).run() else:"[smart remove] remove snapshots: %s" %del_snapshots, self) for i, sid in enumerate(del_snapshots, 1): log(_('Smart remove') + ' %s/%s' %(i, len(del_snapshots))) self.remove(sid)
[docs] def freeSpace(self, now): """ Remove old snapshots on based on different rules (only if enabled). First rule is to remove snapshots older than X years. Next will call :py:func:`smartRemove` to remove snapshots based on configurable intervals. Third rule is to remove the oldest snapshot until there is enough free space. Last rule will remove the oldest snapshot until there are enough free inodes. 'last_snapshot' symlink will be fixed when done. Args: now (datetime.datetime): date and time when takeSnapshot was started """ snapshots = listSnapshots(self.config, reverse = False) if not snapshots: logger.debug('No snapshots. Skip freeSpace', self) return last_snapshot = snapshots[-1] #remove old backups if self.config.removeOldSnapshotsEnabled(): self.setTakeSnapshotMessage(0, _('Removing old snapshots')) oldBackupId = SID(self.config.removeOldSnapshotsDate(), self.config) logger.debug("Remove snapshots older than: {}".format(oldBackupId.withoutTag), self) while True: if len(snapshots) <= 1: break if snapshots[0] >= oldBackupId: break if self.config.dontRemoveNamedSnapshots(): if snapshots[0].name: del snapshots[0] continue msg = 'Remove snapshot {} because it is older than {}' logger.debug(msg.format(snapshots[0].withoutTag, oldBackupId.withoutTag), self) self.remove(snapshots[0]) del snapshots[0] # smart remove enabled, keep_all, keep_one_per_day, keep_one_per_week, keep_one_per_month = self.config.smartRemove() if enabled: self.setTakeSnapshotMessage(0, _('Smart remove')) del_snapshots = self.smartRemoveList(now, keep_all, keep_one_per_day, keep_one_per_week, keep_one_per_month) self.smartRemove(del_snapshots) # try to keep min free space if self.config.minFreeSpaceEnabled(): self.setTakeSnapshotMessage(0, _('Trying to keep min free space')) minFreeSpace = self.config.minFreeSpaceMib() logger.debug("Keep min free disk space: {} MiB".format(minFreeSpace), self) snapshots = listSnapshots(self.config, reverse = False) while True: if len(snapshots) <= 1: break free_space = self.statFreeSpaceLocal(self.config.snapshotsFullPath()) if free_space is None: free_space = self.statFreeSpaceSsh() if free_space is None: logger.warning('Failed to get free space. Skipping', self) break if free_space >= minFreeSpace: break if self.config.dontRemoveNamedSnapshots(): if snapshots[0].name: del snapshots[0] continue msg = "free disk space: {} MiB. Remove snapshot {}" logger.debug(msg.format(free_space, snapshots[0].withoutTag), self) self.remove(snapshots[0]) del snapshots[0] #try to keep free inodes if self.config.minFreeInodesEnabled(): minFreeInodes = self.config.minFreeInodes() self.setTakeSnapshotMessage( 0, _('Trying to keep min {perc} free inodes') .format(perc=f'{minFreeInodes}%') ) logger.debug( "Keep min {perc}% free inodes".format(perc=minFreeInodes), self) snapshots = listSnapshots(self.config, reverse = False) while True: if len(snapshots) <= 1: break try: info = os.statvfs(self.config.snapshotsPath()) free_inodes = info.f_favail max_inodes = info.f_files except Exception as e: logger.debug('Failed to get free inodes for snapshot path %s: %s' % (self.config.snapshotsPath(), str(e)), self) break if free_inodes >= max_inodes * (minFreeInodes / 100.0): break if self.config.dontRemoveNamedSnapshots(): if snapshots[0].name: del snapshots[0] continue logger.debug("free inodes: %.2f%%. Remove snapshot %s" %((100.0 / max_inodes * free_inodes), snapshots[0].withoutTag), self) self.remove(snapshots[0]) del snapshots[0] #set correct last snapshot again if last_snapshot is not snapshots[-1]: self.createLastSnapshotSymlink(snapshots[-1])
[docs] def statFreeSpaceLocal(self, path): """ Get free space on filesystem containing ``path`` in MiB using :py:func:`os.statvfs()`. Depending on remote SFTP server this might fail on sshfs mounted shares. Args: path (str): full path Returns: int free space in MiB """ try: info = os.statvfs(path) if info.f_blocks != info.f_bavail: return info.f_frsize * info.f_bavail // (1024 * 1024) except Exception as e: logger.debug('Failed to get free space for %s: %s' %(path, str(e)), self) logger.warning('Failed to stat snapshot path', self)
[docs] def statFreeSpaceSsh(self): """ Get free space on remote filesystem in MiB. This will call ``df`` on remote host and parse its output. Returns: int free space in MiB """ if self.config.snapshotsMode() not in ('ssh', 'ssh_encfs'): return None snapshots_path_ssh = self.config.sshSnapshotsFullPath() if not len(snapshots_path_ssh): snapshots_path_ssh = './' cmd = self.config.sshCommand(['df', snapshots_path_ssh], nice=False, ionice=False) df = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output = df.communicate()[0] # Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on # /tmp 127266564 115596412 5182296 96% / # ^^^^^^^ for line in output.split(b'\n'): m = re.match(r'^.*?\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\s+\d+%', line.decode(), re.M) if m: return int(int( / 1024) logger.warning('Failed to get free space on remote', self)
[docs] def filter(self, base_sid, base_path, snapshotsList, list_diff_only = False, flag_deep_check = False, list_equal_to = ''): """ Filter snapshots from ``snapshotsList`` based on whether ``base_path`` file is included and optional if the snapshot is unique or equal to ``list_equal_to``. Args: base_sid (SID): snapshot ID that contained the original file ``base_path`` base_path (str): path to file on root filesystem. snapshotsList (list): List of :py:class:`SID` objects that should be filtered list_diff_only (bool): if ``True`` only return unique snapshots. Which means if a file is exactly the same in different snapshots only the first snapshot will be listed flag_deep_check (bool): use md5sum to check uniqueness of files. More accurate but slow list_equal_to (str): full path to file. If not empty only return snapshots which have exactly the same file as this file Returns: list: filtered list of :py:class:`SID` objects """ snapshotsFiltered = [] base_full_path = base_sid.pathBackup(base_path) if not os.path.lexists(base_full_path): return [] allSnapshotsList = [RootSnapshot(self.config)] allSnapshotsList.extend(snapshotsList) #links if os.path.islink(base_full_path): targets = [] for sid in allSnapshotsList: path = sid.pathBackup(base_path) if os.path.lexists(path) and os.path.islink(path): if list_diff_only: target = os.readlink(path) if target in targets: continue targets.append(target) snapshotsFiltered.append(sid) return snapshotsFiltered #directories if os.path.isdir(base_full_path): for sid in allSnapshotsList: path = sid.pathBackup(base_path) if os.path.exists(path) and not os.path.islink(path) and os.path.isdir(path): snapshotsFiltered.append(sid) return snapshotsFiltered #files if not list_diff_only and not list_equal_to: for sid in allSnapshotsList: path = sid.pathBackup(base_path) if os.path.exists(path) and not os.path.islink(path) and os.path.isfile(path): snapshotsFiltered.append(sid) return snapshotsFiltered # check for duplicates uniqueness = tools.UniquenessSet(flag_deep_check, follow_symlink = False, list_equal_to = list_equal_to) for sid in allSnapshotsList: path = sid.pathBackup(base_path) if os.path.exists(path) and not os.path.islink(path) and os.path.isfile(path) and uniqueness.check(path): snapshotsFiltered.append(sid) return snapshotsFiltered
#TODO: move this to config.Config -> Don't!
[docs] def rsyncRemotePath(self, path, use_mode = ['ssh', 'ssh_encfs'], quote = '"'): """ Format the destination string for rsync depending on which profile is used. Args: path (str): destination path use_mode (list): list of modes in which the result should change to ``user@host:path`` instead of just ``path`` quote (str): use this to quote the path Returns: str: quoted ``path`` like '"/foo"' or if the current mode is using ssh and current mode is in ``use_mode`` a combination of user, host and ``path`` like ''user@host:"/foo"'' """ mode = self.config.snapshotsMode() if mode in ['ssh', 'ssh_encfs'] and mode in use_mode: user = self.config.sshUser() host = tools.escapeIPv6Address(self.config.sshHost()) return '%(u)s@%(h)s:%(q)s%(p)s%(q)s' % {'u': user, 'h': host, 'q': quote, 'p': path} else: return path
[docs] def deletePath(self, sid, path): """ Delete ``path`` and all files and folder inside in snapshot ``sid``. Args: sid (SID): snapshot ID in which ``path`` should be deleted path (str): path to delete """ def errorHandler(fn, path, excinfo): """ Error handler for :py:func:`deletePath`. This will fix permissions and try again to remove the file. Args: fn (method): callable which failed before path (str): file to delete excinfo: NotImplemented """ dirname = os.path.dirname(path) st = os.stat(dirname) os.chmod(dirname, st.st_mode | stat.S_IWUSR) st = os.stat(path) os.chmod(path, st.st_mode | stat.S_IWUSR) fn(path) full_path = sid.pathBackup(path) dirname = os.path.dirname(full_path) dir_st = os.stat(dirname) os.chmod(dirname, dir_st.st_mode | stat.S_IWUSR) if os.path.isdir(full_path) and not os.path.islink(full_path): shutil.rmtree(full_path, onerror = errorHandler) else: st = os.stat(full_path) os.chmod(full_path, st.st_mode | stat.S_IWUSR) os.remove(full_path) os.chmod(dirname, dir_st.st_mode)
# TODO Rename to make the purpose obvious, eg: Serialize_[backup|execution]_via_exclusive_global_flock()
[docs] def flockExclusive(self): """ Block :py:func:`backup` from other profiles or users and run them serialized """ if self.config.globalFlock(): logger.debug('Set flock %s' %self.GLOBAL_FLOCK, self) self.flock = open(self.GLOBAL_FLOCK, 'w') fcntl.flock(self.flock, fcntl.LOCK_EX) # blocks (waits) until an existing flock is released # make it rw by all if that's not already done. perms = stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | \ stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IWOTH s = os.fstat(self.flock.fileno()) if not s.st_mode & perms == perms: logger.debug('Set flock permissions %s' %self.GLOBAL_FLOCK, self) os.fchmod(self.flock.fileno(), perms)
[docs] def flockRelease(self): """ Release lock so other snapshots can continue """ if self.flock: logger.debug('Release flock %s' %self.GLOBAL_FLOCK, self) fcntl.fcntl(self.flock, fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.flock.close() self.flock = None
[docs] def rsyncSuffix(self, includeFolders = None, excludeFolders = None): """ Create suffixes for rsync. Args: includeFolders (list): folders to include. list of tuples (item, int) Where ``int`` is ``0`` if ``item`` is a folder or ``1`` if ``item`` is a file excludeFolders (list): list of folders to exclude Returns: list: rsync include and exclude options """ #create exclude patterns string rsync_exclude = self.rsyncExclude(excludeFolders) #create include patterns list rsync_include, rsync_include2 = self.rsyncInclude(includeFolders) encode = self.config.ENCODE ret = ['--chmod=Du+wx'] ret.extend(['--exclude=' + i for i in (encode.exclude(self.config.snapshotsPath()), encode.exclude(self.config._LOCAL_DATA_FOLDER), encode.exclude(self.config._MOUNT_ROOT) )]) # TODO: fix bug #561: # after rsync_exclude we need to explicitly include files inside excluded # folders, recursive exclude folder-content again and finally add the # rest from rsync_include2 ret.extend(rsync_include) ret.extend(rsync_exclude) ret.extend(rsync_include2) ret.append('--exclude=*') ret.append(encode.chroot) return ret
[docs] def rsyncExclude(self, excludeFolders = None): """ Format exclude list for rsync Args: excludeFolders (list): list of folders to exclude Returns: OrderedSet: rsync exclude options """ items = tools.OrderedSet() encode = self.config.ENCODE if excludeFolders is None: excludeFolders = self.config.exclude() for exclude in excludeFolders: exclude = encode.exclude(exclude) if exclude is None: continue items.add('--exclude=' + exclude) return items
[docs] def rsyncInclude(self, includeFolders = None): """ Format include list for rsync. Returns a tuple of two include strings. First string need to come before exclude, second after exclude. Args: includeFolders (list): folders to include. list of tuples (item, int) where ``int`` is ``0`` if ``item`` is a folder or ``1`` if ``item`` is a file Returns: tuple: two item tuple of ``(OrderedSet('include1 opions'), OrderedSet('include2 options'))`` """ items1 = tools.OrderedSet() items2 = tools.OrderedSet() encode = self.config.ENCODE if includeFolders is None: includeFolders = self.config.include() for include_folder in includeFolders: folder = include_folder[0] if folder == "/": # If / is selected as included folder it should be changed to "" #folder = "" # because an extra / is added below. Patch thanks to Martin Hoefling items2.add('--include=/') items2.add('--include=/**') continue folder = encode.include(folder) if include_folder[1] == 0: items2.add('--include={}/**'.format(folder)) else: items2.add('--include={}'.format(folder)) folder = os.path.split(folder)[0] while True: if len(folder) <= 1: break items1.add('--include={}/'.format(folder)) folder = os.path.split(folder)[0] return (items1, items2)
[docs] class FileInfoDict(dict): """ A :py:class:`dict` that maps a path (as :py:class:`bytes`) to a tuple (:py:class:`int`, :py:class:`bytes`, :py:class:`bytes`). """ def __init__(self): # default permissions for / # only used if fileinfo.bz2 does not contain a value for / # when it was created with version <= 1.1.12 # bugfix for self[b'/'] = (16877, b'root', b'root') def __setitem__(self, key, value): assert isinstance(key, bytes), "key '{}' is not bytes instance".format(key) assert isinstance(value, tuple), "value '{}' is not tuple instance".format(value) assert len(value) == 3, "value '{}' does not have 3 items".format(value) assert isinstance(value[0], int), "first value '{}' is not int instance".format(value[0]) assert isinstance(value[1], bytes), "second value '{}' is not bytes instance".format(value[1]) assert isinstance(value[2], bytes), "third value '{}' is not bytes instance".format(value[2]) super(FileInfoDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] class SID(object): """ Snapshot ID object used to gather all information for a snapshot See :py:class:`Snapshots` to understand the difference. Args: date (:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`` or :py:class:`datetime.datetime`): used for creating this snapshot. str must be in snapshot ID format (e.g 20151218-173512-123) cfg (config.Config): current config Raises: ValueError: if ``date`` is :py:class:`str` instance and doesn't match the snapshot ID format (20151218-173512-123 or 20151218-173512) TypeError: if ``date`` is not :py:class:`str`, :py:class:`` or :py:class:`datetime.datetime` type """ __cValidSID = re.compile(r'^\d{8}-\d{6}(?:-\d{3})?$') INFO = 'info' NAME = 'name' FAILED = 'failed' FILEINFO = 'fileinfo.bz2' LOG = 'takesnapshot.log.bz2' def __init__(self, date, cfg): self.config = cfg self.profileID = cfg.currentProfile() self.isRoot = False if isinstance(date, datetime.datetime): self.sid = '-'.join((date.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'), self.config.tag(self.profileID))) = date elif isinstance(date, self.sid = '-'.join((date.strftime('%Y%m%d-000000'), self.config.tag(self.profileID))) = datetime.datetime.combine(date, datetime.datetime.min.time()) elif isinstance(date, str): if self.__cValidSID.match(date): self.sid = date = datetime.datetime(*self.split()) elif date == 'last_snapshot': raise LastSnapshotSymlink() else: raise ValueError("'date' must be in snapshot ID format (e.g 20151218-173512-123)") else: raise TypeError("'date' must be an instance of str, or datetime.datetime") def __repr__(self): return self.sid def __eq__(self, other): """ Compare snapshots based on self.sid Args: other (:py:class:`SID`, :py:class:`str`): an other :py:class:`SID` or str instance Returns: bool: ``True`` if other is equal """ if isinstance(other, SID): return self.sid == other.sid and self.profileID == other.profileID elif isinstance(other, str): return self.sid == other else: return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __lt__(self, other): """ Sort snapshots (alphabetical order) based on self.sid Args: other (:py:class:`SID`, :py:class:`str`): an other :py:class:`SID` or str instance Returns: bool: ``True`` if other is lower """ if isinstance(other, SID): return self.sid < other.sid elif isinstance(other, str) and self.__cValidSID.match(other): return self.sid < other else: return NotImplemented def __le__(self, other): if isinstance(other, SID): return self.sid <= other.sid elif isinstance(other, str) and self.__cValidSID.match(other): return self.sid <= other else: return NotImplemented def __gt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, SID): return self.sid > other.sid elif isinstance(other, str) and self.__cValidSID.match(other): return self.sid > other else: return NotImplemented def __ge__(self, other): if isinstance(other, SID): return self.sid >= other.sid elif isinstance(other, str) and self.__cValidSID.match(other): return self.sid >= other else: return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(self.sid + self.profileID)
[docs] def split(self): """ Split self.sid into a tuple of int's with Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second Returns: tuple: tuple of 6 int """ def split(s, e): return int(self.sid[s:e]) return (split(0, 4), split(4, 6), split(6, 8), split(9, 11), split(11, 13), split(13, 15))
@property def displayID(self): """ Snapshot ID in a user-readable format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Returns: str: formatted sID """ return "{:04}-{:02}-{:02} {:02}:{:02}:{:02}".format(*self.split()) @property def displayName(self): """ Combination of displayID, name and error indicator (if any) Returns: str: name """ ret = self.displayID name = if name: ret += ' - {}'.format(name) if self.failed: ret += ' ({})'.format('WITH ERRORS !') return ret @property def tag(self): """ Snapshot ID's tag Returns: str: tag (last three digits) """ return self.sid[16:] @property def withoutTag(self): """ Snapshot ID without tag Returns: str: YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS """ return self.sid[0:15]
[docs] def path(self, *path, use_mode = []): """ Current path of this snapshot automatically altered for remote/encrypted version of this path Args: *path (str): one or more folder/files to join at the end of the path. use_mode (list): list of modes that should alter this path. If the current mode is in this list, the path will automatically be altered for the remote/encrypted version of this path. Returns: str: full snapshot path """ path = [i.strip(os.sep) for i in path] current_mode = self.config.snapshotsMode(self.profileID) if 'ssh' in use_mode and current_mode == 'ssh': return os.path.join(self.config.sshSnapshotsFullPath(self.profileID), self.sid, *path) if 'ssh_encfs' in use_mode and current_mode == 'ssh_encfs': ret = os.path.join(self.config.sshSnapshotsFullPath(self.profileID), self.sid, *path) return self.config.ENCODE.remote(ret) return os.path.join(self.config.snapshotsFullPath(self.profileID), self.sid, *path)
[docs] def pathBackup(self, *path, **kwargs): """ 'backup' folder inside snapshots path Args: *path (str): one or more folder/files to join at the end of the path. use_mode (list): list of modes that should alter this path. If the current mode is in this list, the path will automatically be altered for the remote/encrypted version of this path. Returns: str: full snapshot path """ return self.path('backup', *path, **kwargs)
[docs] def makeDirs(self, *path): """ Create snapshot directory Args: *path (str): one or more folder/files to join at the end of the path Returns: bool: ``True`` if successful """ if not os.path.isdir(self.config.snapshotsFullPath(self.profileID)): logger.error('Snapshots path {} doesn\'t exist. Unable to make dirs for snapshot ID {}'.format( self.config.snapshotsFullPath(self.profileID), self.sid), self) return False return tools.makeDirs(self.pathBackup(*path))
[docs] def exists(self): """ ``True`` if the snapshot folder and the "backup" folder inside exist Returns: bool: ``True`` if exists """ return os.path.isdir(self.path()) and os.path.isdir(self.pathBackup())
[docs] def isExistingPathInsideSnapshotFolder(self, path): """ ``True`` if path is a file inside this snapshot Args: path (str): path from local filesystem (no snapshot path) Returns: bool: ``True`` if file exists """ fullPath = self.pathBackup(path) if not os.path.exists(fullPath): return False if not os.path.islink(fullPath): return True basePath = self.pathBackup() target = os.readlink(fullPath) target = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(fullPath)), target) return target.startswith(basePath)
@property def name(self): """ Name of this snapshot Args: name (str): new name of the snapshot Returns: str: name of this snapshot """ nameFile = self.path(self.NAME) if not os.path.isfile(nameFile): return '' try: with open(nameFile, 'rt') as f: return except Exception as e: logger.debug('Failed to get snapshot {} name: {}'.format( self.sid, str(e)), self) @name.setter def name(self, name): nameFile = self.path(self.NAME) self.makeWritable() try: with open(nameFile, 'wt') as f: f.write(name) except Exception as e: logger.debug('Failed to set snapshot {} name: {}'.format( self.sid, str(e)), self) @property def lastChecked(self): """ Date when snapshot has finished last time. This can be the end of creation of this snapshot or the last time when this snapshot was checked against source without changes. Returns: str: date and time of last check (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) """ info = self.path(self.INFO) if os.path.exists(info): return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(os.path.getatime(info))) return self.displayID #using @property.setter would be confusing here as there is no value to give
[docs] def setLastChecked(self): """ Set info files atime to current time to indicate this snapshot was checked against source without changes right now. """ info = self.path(self.INFO) if os.path.exists(info): os.utime(info, None)
@property def failed(self): """ This snapshot has failed Args: enable (bool): set or remove flag Returns: bool: ``True`` if flag is set """ failedFile = self.path(self.FAILED) return os.path.isfile(failedFile) @failed.setter def failed(self, enable): failedFile = self.path(self.FAILED) if enable: self.makeWritable() try: with open(failedFile, 'wt') as f: f.write('') except Exception as e: logger.debug('Failed to mark snapshot {} failed: {}'.format( self.sid, str(e)), self) elif os.path.exists(failedFile): os.remove(failedFile) @property def info(self): """ Load/save "info" file which contains additional information about this snapshot (using configfile.ConfigFile) Args: i (configfile.ConfigFile): info that should be saved. Returns: configfile.ConfigFile: snapshots information """ i = configfile.ConfigFile() i.load(self.path(self.INFO)) return i @info.setter def info(self, i): assert isinstance(i, configfile.ConfigFile), 'i is not configfile.ConfigFile type: {}'.format(i) @property def fileInfo(self): """ Load/save "fileinfo.bz2" Args: d (FileInfoDict): dict of: {path: (permission, user, group)} Returns: FileInfoDict: dict of: {path: (permission, user, group)} """ d = FileInfoDict() infoFile = self.path(self.FILEINFO) if not os.path.isfile(infoFile): return d try: with bz2.BZ2File(infoFile, 'rb') as fileinfo: for line in fileinfo: line = line.strip(b'\n') if not line: continue index = line.find(b'/') if index < 0: continue f = line[index:] if not f: continue info = line[:index].strip().split(b' ') if len(info) == 3: d[f] = (int(info[0]), info[1], info[2]) #perms, user, group except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError) as e: logger.error('Failed to load {} from snapshot {}: {}'.format( self.FILEINFO, self.sid, str(e)), self) return d @fileInfo.setter def fileInfo(self, d): assert isinstance(d, FileInfoDict), 'd is not FileInfoDict type: {}'.format(d) try: with bz2.BZ2File(self.path(self.FILEINFO), 'wb') as f: for path, info in d.items(): f.write(b' '.join((str(info[0]).encode('utf-8', 'replace'), info[1], info[2], path)) + b'\n') except PermissionError as e: logger.error('Failed to write {}: {}'.format(self.FILEINFO, str(e))) # TODO use @property decorator? IMHO not because it is not a "getter" but processes data # TODO Should have an action name like "loadLogFile"
[docs] def log(self, mode = None, decode = None): """ Load log from "takesnapshot.log.bz2" Args: mode (int): Mode used for filtering. Take a look at :py:class:`snapshotlog.LogFilter` decode (encfstools.Decode): instance used for decoding lines or ``None`` Yields: str: filtered and decoded log lines """ logFile = self.path(self.LOG) logFilter = snapshotlog.LogFilter(mode, decode) try: with bz2.BZ2File(logFile, 'rb') as f: if logFilter.header: yield logFilter.header for line in f.readlines(): line = logFilter.filter(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip('\n')) if not line is None: yield line except Exception as e: msg = ('Failed to get snapshot log from {}:'.format(logFile), str(e)) logger.debug(' '.join(msg), self) for line in msg: yield line
[docs] def setLog(self, log): """ Write log to "takesnapshot.log.bz2" Args: log: full snapshot log """ if isinstance(log, str): log = log.encode('utf-8', 'replace') logFile = self.path(self.LOG) try: with bz2.BZ2File(logFile, 'wb') as f: f.write(log) except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to write log into compressed file {}: {}'.format( logFile, str(e)), self)
[docs] def makeWritable(self): """ Make the snapshot path writable so we can change files inside Returns: bool: ``True`` if successful """ path = self.path() rw = os.stat(path).st_mode | stat.S_IWUSR return os.chmod(path, rw)
[docs] class GenericNonSnapshot(SID): @property def displayID(self): return @property def displayName(self): return @property def tag(self): return @property def withoutTag(self): return
[docs] class NewSnapshot(GenericNonSnapshot): """ Snapshot ID object for 'new_snapshot' folder Args: cfg (config.Config): current config """ NEWSNAPSHOT = 'new_snapshot' SAVETOCONTINUE = 'save_to_continue' def __init__(self, cfg): self.config = cfg self.profileID = cfg.currentProfile() self.isRoot = False self.sid = self.NEWSNAPSHOT = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) self.__le__ = self.__lt__ self.__ge__ = self.__gt__ def __lt__(self, other): return False def __gt__(self, other): return True @property def name(self): """ Name of this snapshot Returns: str: name of this snapshot """ return self.sid @property def saveToContinue(self): """ Check if 'save_to_continue' flag is set Args: enable (bool): set or remove flag Returns: bool: ``True`` if flag is set """ return os.path.exists(self.path(self.SAVETOCONTINUE)) @saveToContinue.setter def saveToContinue(self, enable): flag = self.path(self.SAVETOCONTINUE) if enable: try: with open(flag, 'wt') as f: pass except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to set 'save_to_continue' flag: %s" %str(e)) # should be "safe", throughout elif os.path.exists(flag): try: os.remove(flag) except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to remove 'save_to_continue' flag: %s" %str(e)) # should be "safe", throughout @property def hasChanges(self): """ Check if there where changes in previous sessions. Returns: bool: ``True`` if there where changes """ log = snapshotlog.SnapshotLog(self.config, self.profileID) c = re.compile(r'^\[C\] ') for line in log.get(mode = snapshotlog.LogFilter.CHANGES): if c.match(line): return True return False
[docs] class RootSnapshot(GenericNonSnapshot): """ Snapshot ID for the filesystem root folder ('/') Args: cfg (config.Config): current config """ def __init__(self, cfg): self.config = cfg self.profileID = cfg.currentProfile() self.isRoot = True self.sid = '/' = datetime.datetime(datetime.MAXYEAR, 12, 31) self.__le__ = self.__lt__ self.__ge__ = self.__gt__ def __lt__(self, other): return False def __gt__(self, other): return True @property def name(self): """ Name of this snapshot Returns: str: name of this snapshot """ return _('Now')
[docs] def path(self, *path, use_mode = []): """ Current path of this snapshot automatically altered for remote/encrypted version of this path Args: *path (str): one or more folder/files to join at the end of the path. use_mode (list): list of modes that should alter this path. If the current mode is in this list, the path will automatically altered for the remote/encrypted version of this path. Returns: str: full snapshot path """ current_mode = self.config.snapshotsMode(self.profileID) if 'ssh_encfs' in use_mode and current_mode == 'ssh_encfs': if path: path = self.config.ENCODE.remote(os.path.join(*path)) return os.path.join(self.config.ENCODE.chroot, path) else: return os.path.join(os.sep, *path)
[docs] def iterSnapshots(cfg, includeNewSnapshot = False): """ A generator to iterate over snapshots in current snapshot path. Args: cfg (config.Config): current config includeNewSnapshot (bool): include a NewSnapshot instance if 'new_snapshot' folder is available. Yields: SID: snapshot IDs """ path = cfg.snapshotsFullPath() if not os.path.exists(path): return None for item in os.listdir(path): if item == NewSnapshot.NEWSNAPSHOT: newSid = NewSnapshot(cfg) if newSid.exists() and includeNewSnapshot: yield newSid continue try: sid = SID(item, cfg) if sid.exists(): yield sid # REFACTOR! # LastSnapshotSymlink is an exception instance and could be catched # explicit. But not sure about its purpose. except Exception as e: if not isinstance(e, LastSnapshotSymlink): logger.debug( "'{}' is not a snapshot ID: {}".format(item, str(e)))
[docs] def listSnapshots(cfg, includeNewSnapshot = False, reverse = True): """ List of snapshots in current snapshot path. Args: cfg (config.Config): current config (config.Config instance) includeNewSnapshot (bool): include a NewSnapshot instance if 'new_snapshot' folder is available reverse (bool): sort reverse Returns: list: list of :py:class:`SID` objects """ ret = list(iterSnapshots(cfg, includeNewSnapshot)) ret.sort(reverse = reverse) return ret
[docs] def lastSnapshot(cfg): """ Most recent snapshot. Args: cfg (config.Config): current config (config.Config instance) Returns: SID: most recent snapshot ID """ sids = listSnapshots(cfg) if sids: return sids[0]
if __name__ == '__main__': config = config.Config() snapshots = Snapshots(config) snapshots.backup()