Source code for sshtools

#    Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Germar Reitze, Taylor Raack
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

import os
import subprocess
import string
import random
import tempfile
import socket
import re
import atexit
import signal
from pathlib import Path
from time import sleep
import logger
import tools
import password_ipc
from mount import MountControl
from exceptions import MountException, NoPubKeyLogin, KnownHost
import bcolors
import version

[docs] class SSH(MountControl): """ This is a backend for the mount API :py:class:`mount.MountControl`. This will mount the remote path with ``sshfs``, prepare the remote path and check that everything is set up correctly for `Back In Time` to run snapshots through SSH. This class will only mount the remote path. The real takeSnapshot process will use rsync over ssh. Other commands run remote over ssh. Args: cfg (config.Config): current config (handled by inherited :py:class:`mount.MountControl`) user (str): User name on remote host host (str): Name or IP Address of remote host port (int): Port used by SSHd on remote host path (str): remote path where snapshots are stored. Can be either relative from remote users homedir or an absolute path cipher (str): Cipher used to encrypt the network transfer private_key_file (str): Private key which is able to log on with Public/Private Key-Method on remote host nice (bool): use ``nice -n 19`` to run commands with low CPU priority on remote host ionice (bool): use ``ionice -c2 -n7`` to run commands with low IO priority on remote host nocache (bool): use ``nocache`` to deactivate RAM caching of files on remote host password (str): password to unlock the private key profile_id (str): profile ID that should be used (handled by inherited :py:class:`mount.MountControl`) hash_id (str): crc32 hash used to identify identical mountpoints (handled by inherited :py:class:`mount.MountControl`) tmp_mount (bool): if ``True`` mount to a temporary destination (handled by inherited :py:class:`mount.MountControl`) parent (QWidget): parent widget for QDialogs or ``None`` if there is no parent (handled by inherited :py:class:`mount.MountControl`) symlink (bool): if ``True`` set symlink to mountpoint (handled by inherited :py:class:`mount.MountControl`) mode (str): one of ``local``, ``local_encfs``, ``ssh`` or ``ssh_encfs`` (handled by inherited :py:class:`mount.MountControl`) hash_collision (int): global value used to prevent hash collisions on mountpoints (handled by inherited :py:class:`mount.MountControl`) Note: All Arguments are optional. Default values will be fetched from :py:class:`config.Config`. But after changing Settings we need to test the new values **before** storing them into :py:class:`config.Config`. This is why all values will be added as arguments. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # init MountControl super(SSH, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Workaround for linters self.user = None = None self.port = None self.cipher = None self.proxy_user = None self.proxy_host = None self.proxy_port = None self.nice = None self.ionice = None self.nocache = None self.private_key_file = None self.password = None self.setattrKwargs( 'user', self.config.sshUser(self.profile_id), **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs( 'host', self.config.sshHost(self.profile_id), **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs( 'port', self.config.sshPort(self.profile_id), **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs( 'path', self.config.sshSnapshotsPath(self.profile_id), **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs( 'cipher', self.config.sshCipher(self.profile_id), **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs( 'private_key_file', self.config.sshPrivateKeyFile(self.profile_id), **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs( 'proxy_user', self.config.sshProxyUser(self.profile_id), **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs( 'proxy_host', self.config.sshProxyHost(self.profile_id), **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs( 'proxy_port', self.config.sshProxyPort(self.profile_id), **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs( 'nice', self.config.niceOnRemote(self.profile_id), store=False, **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs( 'ionice', self.config.ioniceOnRemote(self.profile_id), store=False, **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs( 'nocache', self.config.nocacheOnRemote(self.profile_id), store=False, **kwargs) self.setattrKwargs('password', None, store=False, **kwargs) if not self.path: self.path = './' self.setDefaultArgs() # config strings used in ssh-calls self.user_host_path \ = '%s@%s:%s' % (self.user, tools.escapeIPv6Address(, self.path) self.user_host = '%s@%s' % (self.user, self.mountproc = 'sshfs' self.symlink_subfolder = None self.log_command = '%s: %s' % (self.mode, self.user_host_path) self.private_key_fingerprint = sshKeyFingerprint(self.private_key_file) if not self.private_key_fingerprint: logger.warning('Couldn\'t get fingerprint for private ' 'key %(path)s. ' 'Most likely because the public key %(path) ' 'wasn\'t found. Using fallback to private keys ' 'path instead. But this can make troubles with ' 'passphrase-less keys.' % {'path': self.private_key_file}, self) self.private_key_fingerprint = self.private_key_file self.unlockSshAgent()
[docs] def _mount(self): """ Backend mount method. This will call ``sshfs`` to mount the remote path. Raises: exceptions.MountException: if mount wasn't successful """ sshfs = [self.mountproc] sshfs += self.config.sshDefaultArgs(self.profile_id) sshfs += ['-p', str(self.port)] if not self.cipher == 'default': sshfs.extend(['-o', 'Ciphers=%s' % self.cipher]) sshfs.extend(['-o', 'idmap=user', '-o', 'cache_dir_timeout=2', '-o', 'cache_stat_timeout=2']) sshfs.extend([self.user_host_path, self.currentMountpoint]) # bugfix: sshfs doesn't mount if locale in LC_ALL is not available on # remote host # LANG or other environment variable are no problem. env = os.environ.copy() if 'LC_ALL' in list(env.keys()): env['LC_ALL'] = 'C' logger.debug('Call mount command: %s' % ' '.join(sshfs), self) # SSH Proxy (aka Jump host) if self.proxy_host: sshfs.extend([ '-o', 'ssh_command=ssh -J ' f'{self.proxy_user}@{self.proxy_host}:{self.proxy_port}' ]) logger.debug(f'Execute SSHFS command {sshfs}.') proc = subprocess.Popen(sshfs, env=env, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) err = proc.communicate()[1] if proc.returncode == 0: return raise MountException( "{}\n\n{}".format( _("Can't mount {sshfs}").format(sshfs=" ".join(sshfs)), err ) )
[docs] def preMountCheck(self, first_run=False): """ Check that everything is prepared and ready for successfully mount the remote path. Default is to run a light version of checks which will only make sure the remote host is online, ``sshfs`` is installed and the remote folder is available. After changing settings this should be run with ``first_run = True`` to run a full check with all tests. Args: first_run (bool): run a full test with all checks Raises: exceptions.MountException: if one test failed an we can not mount the remote path """ self.checkPingHost() self.checkFuse() if first_run: self.unlockSshAgent(force=True) self.checkKnownHosts() self.checkLogin() if first_run: self.checkCipher() self.checkRemoteFolder() if first_run: self.checkRemoteCommands() return True
[docs] def startSshAgent(self): """ Start a new ``ssh-agent`` if it is not already running. Raises: exceptions.MountException: if starting ``ssh-agent`` failed """ SOCK = 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK' PID = 'SSH_AGENT_PID' if os.getenv(SOCK, '') and os.getenv(PID, ''): logger.debug( 'ssh-agent already running. Skip starting a new one.', self) return sshAgent = tools.which('ssh-agent') if not sshAgent: raise MountException( _('ssh-agent not found. Please make sure it is installed.')) if isinstance(sshAgent, str): sshAgent = [sshAgent, ] sa = subprocess.Popen(sshAgent, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) out, err = sa.communicate() if sa.returncode: raise MountException( 'Failed to start ssh-agent: [{}] {}' .format(sa.returncode, err)) m = re.match(r'.*{}(?:=|\s)([^;]+);.*{}(?:=|\s)(\d+);' .format(SOCK, PID), out, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) if m: logger.debug('ssh-agent started successful: {}={} | {}={}' .format(SOCK,, PID,, self) os.environ[SOCK] = os.environ[PID] = atexit.register(os.kill, int(, signal.SIGKILL) else: raise MountException( 'No matching output from ssh-agent: {} | {}'.format(out, err))
[docs] def unlockSshAgent(self, force=False): """ Unlock the private key in ``ssh-agent`` which will provide it for all other commands. The password to unlock the key will be provided by ``backintime-askpass``. Args: force (bool): force to unlock the key by removing it first and add it again to make sure, the given values are correct Raises: exceptions.MountException: if unlock failed """ self.startSshAgent() env = os.environ.copy() env['SSH_ASKPASS'] = 'backintime-askpass' env['ASKPASS_PROFILE_ID'] = self.profile_id env['ASKPASS_MODE'] = self.mode if force: # remove private key first so we can check if the given # password is valid logger.debug( 'Remove private key %s from ssh agent' % self.private_key_file, self) proc = subprocess.Popen(['ssh-add', '-d', self.private_key_file], stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, universal_newlines=True) proc.communicate() proc = subprocess.Popen(['ssh-add', '-l'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = proc.communicate()[0] if force or not output.find(self.private_key_fingerprint) >= 0: logger.debug( 'Add private key %s to ssh agent' % self.private_key_file, self) password_available = any([ self.config.passwordSave(self.profile_id), self.config.passwordUseCache(self.profile_id), not self.password is None ]) logger.debug('Password available: %s' % password_available, self) if not password_available and not tools.checkXServer(): # we need to unlink stdin from ssh-add in order to make it # use our own backintime-askpass. # But because of this we can NOT use getpass inside # backintime-askpass if password is not saved and there is no # x-server. # So, let's just keep ssh-add asking for the password in # that case. alarm = tools.Alarm() alarm.start(10) try: proc =['ssh-add', self.private_key_file]) alarm.stop() except tools.Timeout: pass else: if self.password: logger.debug('Provide password through temp FIFO', self) thread = password_ipc.TempPasswordThread(self.password) env['ASKPASS_TEMP'] = thread.temp_file thread.start() proc = subprocess.Popen(['ssh-add', self.private_key_file], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env, preexec_fn=os.setsid, universal_newlines=True) output, error = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode: logger.error('Failed to unlock SSH private key %s: %s' % (self.private_key_file, error), self) if self.password: thread.stop() proc = subprocess.Popen(['ssh-add', '-l'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = proc.communicate()[0] if not output.find(self.private_key_fingerprint) >= 0: logger.debug( 'Was not able to unlock private key %s' % self.private_key_file, self) raise MountException( _('Could not unlock ssh private key. Wrong password ' 'or password not available for cron.')) else: logger.debug('Private key %s is already unlocked in ssh agent' % self.private_key_file, self)
[docs] def checkLogin(self): """ Try to login to remote host with public/private-key-method (passwordless). Raises: exceptions.NoPubKeyLogin: if login failed """ logger.debug('Check login', self) # Custom SSH arguments custom_ssh_args = [ '-o', 'PreferredAuthentications=publickey', '-p', str(self.port), self.user_host ] # Create SSH command ssh = self.config.sshCommand(cmd=['exit'], custom_args=custom_ssh_args, port=False, user_host=False, nice=False, ionice=False, profile_id=self.profile_id) proc = subprocess.Popen(ssh, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) err = proc.communicate()[1] if proc.returncode: raise NoPubKeyLogin( 'Password-less authentication for %(user)s@%(host)s ' 'failed. Look at \'man backintime\' for further ' 'instructions.' % { 'user': self.user, 'host':} + '\n\n' + err)
[docs] def checkCipher(self): """ Try to login to remote host with the chosen cipher. This should make sure both `localhost` and the remote host support the chosen cipher. Raises: exceptions.MountException: if login with the cipher failed """ if not self.cipher == 'default': logger.debug('Check cipher', self) ssh = self.config.sshCommand(cmd=['exit'], custom_args=[ '-o', 'Ciphers=%s' % self.cipher, '-p', str(self.port), self.user_host ], port=False, cipher=False, user_host=False, nice=False, ionice=False, profile_id=self.profile_id) proc = subprocess.Popen(ssh, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) err = proc.communicate()[1] if proc.returncode: logger.debug( 'Ciper %s is not supported' % self.config.SSH_CIPHERS[self.cipher], self) msg = _('Cipher {cipher} failed for {host}.').format( cipher=self.config.SSH_CIPHERS[self.cipher], raise MountException(f'{msg}:\n{err}')
[docs] def benchmarkCipher(self, size=40): """ Rudimental benchmark to compare transfer speed of all available ciphers. Args: size (int): size of the testfile in MiB """ temp = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] print('create random data file')[ 'dd', 'if=/dev/urandom', 'of=%s' % temp, 'bs=1M', 'count=%s' % size ]) keys = list(self.config.SSH_CIPHERS.keys()) keys.sort() for cipher in keys: if cipher == 'default': continue print('%s%s:%s' % (bcolors.BOLD, cipher, bcolors.ENDC)) for i in range(2): # scp uses -P instead of -p for port[ 'scp', '-P', str(self.port), '-c', cipher, temp, self.user_host_path ]) ssh = self.config.sshCommand( cmd=['rm', os.path.join(self.path, os.path.basename(temp))], custom_args=['-p', str(self.port), self.user_host], port=False, cipher=False, user_host=False, nice=False, ionice=False, profile_id=self.profile_id) os.remove(temp)
[docs] def checkKnownHosts(self): """ Check if the remote host is in current users ``known_hosts`` file. Raises: exceptions.KnownHost: if the remote host wasn't found in ``known_hosts`` file """ logger.debug('Check known hosts file', self) for host in (, '[%s]:%s' % (, self.port)): proc = subprocess.Popen(['ssh-keygen', '-F', host], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) # subprocess.check_output doesn't exist # in Python 2.6 (Debian squeeze default) output = proc.communicate()[0] if output.find('Host %s found' % host) >= 0: logger.debug( 'Host %s was found in known hosts file' % host, self) return True logger.debug('Host %s is not in known hosts file' %, self) raise KnownHost('%s not found in ssh_known_hosts.' %
[docs] def checkRemoteFolder(self): """ Check the remote path. If the remote path doesn't exist this will create it. If it already exist this will check, that it is a folder and has correct permissions. Raises: exceptions.MountException: if remote path couldn't be created or doesn't have correct permissions. """ logger.debug('Check remote folder', self) cmd = 'd=0;' # path doesn't exist. set d=1 to indicate cmd += 'test -e "%s" || d=1;' % self.path # create path, get errorcode from mkdir cmd += 'test $d -eq 1 && mkdir "%s"; err=$?;' % self.path # return errorcode from mkdir cmd += 'test $d -eq 1 && exit $err;' # path is no directory cmd += 'test -d "%s" || exit 11;' % self.path # path is not writable cmd += 'test -w "%s" || exit 12;' % self.path # path is not executable cmd += 'test -x "%s" || exit 13;' % self.path # everything is fine cmd += 'exit 20' ssh = self.config.sshCommand( cmd=[cmd], custom_args=['-p', str(self.port), self.user_host], port=False, user_host=False, nice=False, ionice=False, profile_id=self.profile_id) logger.debug('Call command: %s' % ' '.join(ssh), self) proc = subprocess.Popen(ssh, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) proc.communicate() if proc.returncode: logger.debug('Command returncode: %s' % proc.returncode, self) if proc.returncode == 20: # clean exit pass elif proc.returncode == 11: raise MountException('{}:\n{}'.format( _('Remote path exists but is not a directory.'), self.path)) elif proc.returncode == 12: raise MountException('{}:\n{}'.format( _('Remote path is not writable.'), self.path)) elif proc.returncode == 13: raise MountException('{}:\n{}'.format( _('Remote path is not executable.'), self.path)) else: raise MountException('{}:\n{}'.format( _("Couldn't create remote path."), self.path)) else: # returncode is 0'Create remote folder %s' % self.path, self)
[docs] def checkPingHost(self): """ Check if the remote host is online. Other than methods name may let suppose this does not use Ping (``ICMP``) but try to open a connection to the configured port on the remote host. In this way it will even work on remote hosts which have ``ICMP`` disabled. If connection failed it will retry five times before failing. Raises: exceptions.MountException: if connection failed most probably because remote host is offline """ if not self.config.sshCheckPingHost(self.profile_id): return ping_host = self.proxy_host or ping_port = self.proxy_port or self.port logger.debug(f'Check ping host "{ping_host}:{ping_port}"', self) versionString = 'SSH-2.0-backintime_{}\r\n'.format( version.__version__).encode() count = 0 while count < 5: try: with socket.create_connection( (ping_host, ping_port), 2.0) as s: result = s.connect_ex(s.getpeername()) s.sendall(versionString) except: # Refactor: too broad exception result = -1 if result == 0: logger.debug( f'Host "{ping_host}:{ping_port}" is available', self) return count += 1 sleep(0.2) if result != 0: proxy_msg = f' via proxy "{ping_host}:{ping_port}"' \ if self.proxy_host else '' msg = f'Ping {}{proxy_msg} failed. ' \ 'Host is down or wrong address.' logger.debug(msg, self) raise MountException(msg)
[docs] def checkRemoteCommands(self, retry=False): """ Try out all relevant commands used by `Back In Time` on the remote host to make sure snapshots will be successful with the remote host. This will also check that hard-links are supported on the remote host. This check can be disabled with :py:func:`config.Config.sshCheckCommands` Args: retry (bool): retry to run the commands if it failed because the command string was to long Raises: exceptions.MountException: if a command is not supported on remote host or if hard-links are not supported """ if not self.config.sshCheckCommands(): return logger.debug('Check remote commands', self) def maxArg(): if retry: raise MountException( "Checking commands on remote host didn't return any " "output. We already checked the maximum argument length " "but it seems like there is another problem") logger.warning( 'Looks like the command was to long for remote SSHd. ' 'We will test max arg length now and retry.', self) import sshMaxArg max_arg_size = sshMaxArg.probe_max_ssh_command_size(self.config) sshMaxArg.report_result(, max_arg_size) self.config.setSshMaxArgLength(max_arg_size, self.profile_id) return self.checkRemoteCommands(retry=True) remote_tmp_dir_1 = os.path.join(self.path, 'tmp_%s' % self.randomId()) remote_tmp_dir_2 = os.path.join(self.path, 'tmp_%s' % self.randomId()) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp, 'a') with open(tmp_file, 'wt') as f: f.write('foo') # check rsync rsync1 = tools.rsyncPrefix( self.config, no_perms=False, progress=False) rsync1.append(tmp_file) rsync1.append('%s@%s:%s/' % ( self.user, tools.escapeIPv6Address(, remote_tmp_dir_1)) # check remote rsync hard-link support rsync2 = tools.rsyncPrefix( self.config, no_perms=False, progress=False) rsync2.append( '--link-dest=../%s' % os.path.basename(remote_tmp_dir_1)) rsync2.append(tmp_file) rsync2.append('%s@%s:%s/' % ( self.user, tools.escapeIPv6Address(, remote_tmp_dir_2)) for cmd in (rsync1, rsync2): logger.debug('Check rsync command: %s' % cmd, self) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) out, err = proc.communicate() if err or proc.returncode: logger.debug(f'rsync command returned error: {err}', self) raise MountException( "Remote host {host} doesn't support '{command}:\n" "{err}\n" "Look at 'man backintime' for further instructions." .format(, command=cmd, err=err) ) # check cp chmod find and rm head = 'tmp1="%s"; tmp2="%s"; ' % (remote_tmp_dir_1, remote_tmp_dir_2) # first define a function to clean up and exit head += 'cleanup(){ ' head += 'test -e "$tmp1/a" && rm "$tmp1/a" >/dev/null 2>&1; ' head += 'test -e "$tmp2/a" && rm "$tmp2/a" >/dev/null 2>&1; ' head += 'test -e smr.lock && rm smr.lock >/dev/null 2>&1; ' head += 'test -e "$tmp1" && rmdir "$tmp1" >/dev/null 2>&1; ' head += 'test -e "$tmp2" && rmdir "$tmp2" >/dev/null 2>&1; ' head += 'test -n "$tmp3" && test -e "$tmp3" && rmdir "$tmp3" >/dev/null 2>&1; ' head += 'exit $1; }; ' tail = [] # list inodes cmd = 'ls -i "$tmp1/a"; ls -i "$tmp2/a"; ' tail.append(cmd) # try nice -n 19 if self.nice: cmd = 'echo \"nice -n 19\"; nice -n 19 true >/dev/null; err_nice=$?; ' cmd += 'test $err_nice -ne 0 && cleanup $err_nice; ' tail.append(cmd) # try ionice -c2 -n7 if self.ionice: cmd = 'echo \"ionice -c2 -n7\"; ionice -c2 -n7 true >/dev/null; err_nice=$?; ' cmd += 'test $err_nice -ne 0 && cleanup $err_nice; ' tail.append(cmd) # try nocache if self.nocache: cmd = 'echo \"nocache\"; nocache true >/dev/null; err_nocache=$?; ' cmd += 'test $err_nocache -ne 0 && cleanup $err_nocache; ' tail.append(cmd) # try screen, bash and flock used by smart-remove running in background if self.config.smartRemoveRunRemoteInBackground(self.profile_id): cmd = 'echo \"screen -d -m bash -c ...\"; screen -d -m bash -c \"true\" >/dev/null; err_screen=$?; ' cmd += 'test $err_screen -ne 0 && cleanup $err_screen; ' tail.append(cmd) cmd = 'echo \"(flock -x 9) 9>smr.lock\"; bash -c \"(flock -x 9) 9>smr.lock\" >/dev/null; err_flock=$?; ' cmd += 'test $err_flock -ne 0 && cleanup $err_flock; ' tail.append(cmd) cmd = 'echo \"rmdir \\$(mktemp -d)\"; tmp3=$(mktemp -d); test -z "$tmp3" && cleanup 1; rmdir $tmp3 >/dev/null; err_rmdir=$?; ' cmd += 'test $err_rmdir -ne 0 && cleanup $err_rmdir; ' tail.append(cmd) # if we end up here, everything should be fine cmd = 'echo \"done\"; cleanup 0' tail.append(cmd) maxLength = self.config.sshMaxArgLength(self.profile_id) additionalChars = len('echo ""') \ + len(self.config.sshPrefixCmd(self.profile_id, cmd_type=str)) output = '' err = '' returncode = 0 for cmd in tools.splitCommands(tail, head=head, maxLength=maxLength-additionalChars): if cmd.endswith('; '): cmd += 'echo ""' c = self.config.sshCommand( cmd=[cmd], custom_args=['-p', str(self.port), self.user_host], port=False, user_host=False, nice=False, ionice=False, profile_id=self.profile_id) try: logger.debug('Call command: %s' % ' '.join(c), self) proc = subprocess.Popen(c, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) ret = proc.communicate() except OSError as e: # Argument list too long if e.errno == 7: logger.debug( 'Argument list too long (Python exception)', self) return maxArg() else: raise logger.debug('Command stdout: %s' % ret[0], self) logger.debug('Command stderr: %s' % ret[1], self) logger.debug('Command returncode: %s' % proc.returncode, self) output += ret[0].strip('\n') + '\n' err += ret[1].strip('\n') + '\n' returncode += proc.returncode if proc.returncode: break output_split = output.strip('\n').split('\n') while True: if output_split and not output_split[-1]: output_split = output_split[:-1] else: break if not output_split: return maxArg() if returncode or not output_split[-1].startswith('done'): for command in ('rm', 'nice', 'ionice', 'nocache', 'screen', '(flock'): if output_split[-1].startswith(command): command = f"'{output_split[-1]}':\n{err}" msg = _("Remote host {host} doesn't support {command}") \ .format(, command=command) raise MountException('{}\n{}'.format( msg, _("Look at 'man backintime' for further instructions") ) ) msg = _('Check commands on host {host} returned unknown error') \ .format( raise MountException('{}:\n{}n{}'.format( msg, err, _("Look at 'man backintime' for further instructions"))) inodes = [] for tmp in (remote_tmp_dir_1, remote_tmp_dir_2): for line in output_split: m = re.match(r'^(\d+).*?%s' % tmp, line) if m: inodes.append( logger.debug('remote inodes: ' + ' | '.join(inodes), self) if len(inodes) == 2 and inodes[0] != inodes[1]: raise MountException( _("Remote host {host} doesn't support hardlinks") .format(
[docs] def randomId(self, size=6, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits): """ Create a random string. Args: size (int): length of the string chars (str): characters used as basis for the random string Returns: str: random string with length ``size`` """ return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for x in range(size))
[docs] def sshKeyGen(keyfile): """ Generate a new ssh-key pair (private and public key) in ``keyfile`` and ``keyfile``.pub Args: keyfile (str): path for private key file Returns: bool: True if successful; False if ``keyfile`` already exist or if there was an error """ if os.path.exists(keyfile): logger.warning( 'SSH keyfile "{}" already exist. Skip creating a new one' .format(keyfile)) return False cmd = ['ssh-keygen', '-t', 'rsa', '-N', '', '-f', keyfile] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) out, err = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode: logger.error('Failed to create a new ssh-key: {}'.format(err)) else:'Successfully created new ssh-key "{}"'.format(keyfile)) return not proc.returncode
[docs] def sshCopyIdCommand( pubkey, user, host, port='22', proxy_user=None, proxy_host=None, proxy_port='22', cipher=None ): """ Generate a ssh-copy-id command to copy the given public ssh-key to a remote host. Args: pubkey (str): path to the public key file user (str): remote user host (str): remote host port (str): ssh port on remote host proxy_user (str): proxy host user proxy_host (str): proxy host proxy_port (str): proxy host port cipher (str): cipher used for ssh Returns: list: The ssh-copy-id command as a list. Raises: FileNotFoundError: If public key file not exist. """ if not Path(pubkey).exists(): msg = f'SSH public key "{pubkey}" does not exist.' logger.error(msg) raise FileNotFoundError(msg) cmd = [ 'ssh-copy-id', # key file '-i', pubkey, # port '-p', str(port), ] # cipher if cipher and cipher != 'default': cmd.extend(['-o', 'Ciphers={}'.format(cipher)]) # proxy if proxy_host: proxy_jump = f'{proxy_user}@{proxy_host}:{proxy_port}' cmd.extend(['-o', f'ProxyJump={proxy_jump}']) cmd.append(f'{user}@{host}') logger.debug(f'ssh-copy-id command {cmd}') return cmd
[docs] def sshCopyId( pubkey, user, host, port='22', proxy_user=None, proxy_host=None, proxy_port=None, askPass='backintime-askpass', cipher=None ): """ Copy SSH public key ``pubkey`` to remote ``host``. Args: pubkey (str): path to the public key file user (str): remote user host (str): remote host port (str): ssh port on remote host askPass (str): program used to pipe password into ssh cipher (str): cipher used for ssh Returns: bool: True if successful """ cmd = sshCopyIdCommand( pubkey, user, host, port, proxy_user, proxy_host, proxy_port, cipher ) env = os.environ.copy() env['SSH_ASKPASS'] = askPass env['ASKPASS_MODE'] = 'USER' env['ASKPASS_PROMPT'] = '{}\n{}:'.format( _('Copy public ssh-key "{pubkey}" to remote host "{host}"').format( pubkey=pubkey, host=host), _('Please enter password for "{user}"').format(user=user) ) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=env, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn=os.setsid, # cut of ssh from current # terminal to make it use # backintime-askpass universal_newlines=True) out, err = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode: logger.error('Failed to copy ssh-key "{}" to "{}@{}": [{}] {}' .format(pubkey, user, host, proc.returncode, err)) else:'Successfully copied ssh-key "{}" to "{}@{}"' .format(pubkey, user, host)) return not proc.returncode
[docs] def sshKeyFingerprint(path): """ Get the hex fingerprint from a given ssh key. Args: path (str): full path to key file Returns: str: hex fingerprint from key """ if not os.path.exists(path): return cmd = ['ssh-keygen', '-l', '-f', path] proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) output = proc.communicate()[0] m = re.match(r'\d+\s+(SHA256:\S+|[a-fA-F0-9:]+)\s.*', output.decode()) if m: return
[docs] def sshHostKey(host, port='22'): """ Get the remote host key from ``host``. Args: host (str): host name or IP address port (str): port number of remote ssh-server Returns: tuple: three item tuple with (fingerprint, hashed host key, key type) """ for t in ('ecdsa', 'rsa'): cmd = ['ssh-keyscan', '-t', t, '-p', port, host] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) hostKey = proc.communicate()[0].strip() if hostKey: break if hostKey: logger.debug('Found {} key for host "{}"'.format(t.upper(), host)) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: keyFile = os.path.join(tmp, 'key') with open(keyFile, 'wb') as f: f.write(hostKey + b'\n') hostKeyFingerprint = sshKeyFingerprint(keyFile) cmd = ['ssh-keygen', '-H', '-f', keyFile] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) proc.communicate() with open(keyFile, 'rt') as f: hostKeyHash = return (hostKeyFingerprint, hostKeyHash, t.upper()) return (None, None, None)
[docs] def writeKnownHostsFile(key): """ Write host key ``key`` into `~/.ssh/known_hosts`. Args: key (str): host key """ sshDir = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh') knownHostFile = os.path.join(sshDir, 'known_hosts') if not os.path.isdir(sshDir): tools.mkdir(sshDir, 0o700) with open(knownHostFile, 'at') as f:'Write host key to {}'.format(knownHostFile)) f.write(key + '\n')